Summer event begins June 23

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sbel, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. mightybugthe1st New Player

    Logged in to do my vault runs, figured I'd give it a look-see while I was on. I've tried running it with balanced groups, and unbalanced. t's a ****ing mess. Period! When will the dev's get it through their thick skulls that people do not appreciate getting bungholed in seasonal? I've even seen videos Spytle posted talking with league mates who complain about how ****ed it is to be making content like this that should be fun, but it's just aggravating because of clamping, and now it seems even worse. It would be easier to teach monkeys to juggle than it would be to teach dev's how to make enjoyable seasonal content.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Harden up sunshine, even when clamped the events aren't hard people just need to get more skill instead of crying for nerfs or things to be made easier.

    If you can't complete this seasonal even while clamped then you probably need to question yourself rather than the devs.
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  3. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    Have you tried running this event this year, Proxy? I have no problem with stat clamping, but there is not way you can convince me that Ocean Master being able to kill a player with 4 moves is intended. Things are hitting WAY too hard in my opinion. Asking for a healer to heal through that is a nightmare. Especially if the healer is level 10 and has few healing moves at their disposal.

    Barring all that. I am siding with Sbel on this. If you aren't having us pick a role, you are going under the assumption that we are going in as DPS. So the content should reflect that. If it can't be done with 4 DPS, then the event needs to be looked at.
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  4. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    "Harden up sunshine"?


  5. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    there are currently many players in game who should be questioning themselves at this very moment.
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  6. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    many, many, many.

    of all the content to buff up and make more difficult...
  7. Bobburt Committed Player

    So I noticed the "Pufferfish Ceiling Lamp" says "Cannot trade."
  8. mightybugthe1st New Player

    I've been playing since 2011 toots, so I don't need to harden up. The clamping was and is a horrible idea since it's inception because the dev's have created a community of s****y players and made seasonals a wreck. OM is hitting way too hard right now with the amount of ads we need to juggle. If you assume people are incompetent because they are thrown into groups with players of varying levels and experience, then you're probably dumber than a box of hair. Capisce?
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  9. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Summer Season: The Survival Edition apparently.

    Four people and only 3 turrets to worry about... and you one players speeding or zipping across to get two of them, another getting one. The other two knuckling each pthers cracks and smelling their hands, crying about stat clamped, and patiently being told how to do it and still cant get the concept.

    DFUO and the F is an Fbomb.
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  10. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    what does the d, u and o stand for?
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  11. C3alix Committed Player

    Pugged it without a healer, one tank, 2 dps, and one troller that put out a total of 489 power and crap for damage. Beat it in around 3 minutes because we blocked and took advantage of the healing barrels. Pugged it again maybe 20 minutes later and watched a group fail because they constantly stood in the same spot. I like to call those kinds players "stop and burn." I also noticed this has been a trend lately in raids because people fail to move across the maps a lot during a boss battle.
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  12. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Stat Clamping is not fun. The reason why it is here is because the whingers, not the few, the whingers who will find anything to whinge about, stat clamping is here for them. Just like the whingers who complained about lower content being easy because a high CR player came in and stomped the level for them.

    What do we have now?

    A "game" of nothing but pure frustration. Everyone has commented about if you are high CR, all the lower content is harder than the newer content! I ran Strike Team the other day, everyone agreed, I was the problem. As I am a high CR, I am ruining that alert for everyone else, however, I can now no longer run it myself. The only way I can run that raid is with people of a similar CR, and who wants to do that?

    So the whingers have got what they wanted. Stat Clamping, higher CR players being excluded from content they have/are paying for, and in return, we have the worst of DCUO that we have ever seen.

    Good luck with that Daybreak.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    So you lack friends to queue with that you're instead taking chances with level 6 players?

    Who might I add don't suck because of ocean master hitting too hard but rather because they're too new to even know what to do.

    Theres nothing the devs can do to currently change that.

    It's funny you say there are tonnes of sh#@y players around when you're the one crying for a nerf to a level 30 event instance.

    I do love irony. It's fun
  14. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Dumb, Universe, Online.

    Delicious, Fbomb with i.n.g, Unicorns, Oh-maaaaan.
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    My worst nightmare about stat clamping was the Summer Event.


    Also, it seems like he hits harder and has a huge amount of health.

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  16. UltimaMagus New Player

    New Member
    I agree fully tried it 15 times zero clears. 4 shotted by the boss on everyone even with heals and barrels. I've played many other mmos and I've never seen a seasonal event that is equivalent or close to endgame content. They are supposed to be fun added content. For instance FFXIV has summer and other holiday events. The events scale to a point but don't block your level aka CR and skill. They are fun and doable with ease. SWTOR has bounty week this week as well if your level 60 so are the bounties but they aren't scaled to god boss power. This seems to be a DCUO only issue and their staff needs to get with the times and see that their lack of attention and intelligence is killing a multi-billion dollar franchise.
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  17. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Devs, please pull this seasonal instance from the game asap.
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    No what's killing it is the people that fail to learn the game they're actually playing. Fail to learn alt roles fail to lean rotations fail to learn strategies fail to learn anything.

    The one thing they don't fail at is find something new and totally pathetic to complain about each day.

    Nerf this. Buff this . I can't beat this it must be broken...
  19. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    The First one we got clamped was the halloween one right? (Or was it the winter one), I really can't remember at this point. That being said all the ones we've done up to this point (even swamp thing) have had their annoying quirks and things you could argue that should be toned down slightly but they were doable (with any makeup).

    That being said this one is just like the first year we had (and if folks remember we actually had more stats back than) and it was difficult out the gate but we got through it. Now due to stat clamping we have less stats than when we first got this seasonal and get hit far more than we hit the boss. Without having a healer your group is going to have a hard time surviving (I haven't seen it done with all four dps') and the game itself doesn't even require you to queue up in a role (or designate a role at all).

    Even if we weren't stat clamped (and trust me I'm not arguing about undoing that, that would be like yelling at the wind at this point.. I do however think the instance needs to be adjusted) we still have to hit the three switches at the end, and that was even silly last year where some groups could not do it (I have learned to try prepare myself to get two switches... which i manageable with the right timing.. to offset this silliness) beause they refused to follow the mechanic you must do in order to win.
  20. C3alix Committed Player

    Simplest concept to learn, mechanics hasn't changed from last year, yet people have been creating new issues to bring up to the devs because they can't burn through it in 30 seconds. There are 2 healing barrels and the abilities to move and block.
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