Styles You Want!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Place pictures of styles you want to see in DCUO.

    China Doll Mask

    Gun Leg Belt
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  2. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Rifle Back Piece, like the sword back
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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I'd like to see such things for other weapons, too. A bow, a two-handed axe/sword/hammer, and so on. In the times of weapon mastery I'd like to have my combo weapons shown as well :)
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  4. The Batgirl New Player

    I would like to see this: (not sure if DCUO has this available already.

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  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    uhm, get a trenchcoat, Voodoo and Biker gloves are both fingerless, the Amazonian (I wanna say Hoplite) back style and mix One Hand with a Dual Wield WM - not sure what would be the best / most comparable 'one hand longsword / two one hand longsword' style but they have a crapload of dual wield weapon styles that are the SAME as one hand...
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  6. The Batgirl New Player

    Oh ok, thanks for letting me know.. lol I'm not planning to use it or wear it. It just looks cool hah.
  7. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Sheaths like this
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  8. CHUD Loyal Player

    Arm Bracers
    Sword Frog for the waist (single and even duo)
    Female armor style tops similar to this (we don't need skimpy outfits every time)
    full female armor

    Also....considering that it is a 3 slot selection for is possible to do camouflage patterns for armor styles
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  9. thedemonocus Loyal Player

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  10. GregDawe New Player

    Superman Earth 2 belt (both of the below)
    Preferably ones that dont sit 3 inches away from the body on Brute toons like the Vestaments and Sector Incen styles do, make them sit as streamline as possible like the ones below.
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  11. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player


  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Wow.. There's so much to list here, heh.

    Well, some of the most important styles for me have already been listed above:
    Legstyle with gun holsters attached to it, a rifle attached to your back, arm bracers. We definately need more types of armbracers to chose from, along with more sleeveless shirtstyles.

    I also want to see more stylepieces that only covers one part of the body, like shoulderpieces that only covers one of your shoulders, head/facepieces that only covers one side of your head/face, armbracers that covers one arm. What i'd like to see the most is a bionic arm. Make it a handstyle, the bionic arm covers one arm, and a type of armbracer or gauntlet covers the other arm/hand. More variety like that is something i'd love to see.

    The fact is, when im not busy running content, i spend an awful lot of time playing around with all of the various styles i have.
    If i manage to go a week without changing the look of my char, that's a personal record for me xD
  13. quirkers Well-Known Player

    So many awesome pics, I almost feel bad for saying, I want a bigger afro. I do. Might be cool to see one of my smaller toons with a bigger afro :p
  14. Octantis New Player

    This jacket

    Plain ol' motorcycle helmet
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  15. Juxes Committed Player

    Headband like Solid Snake with the strings out
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  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Oh yeah, more casual styles all together is needed. More jacket styles that are opened and shows a shirt.
    I would die for the Red Hood jacket-style with the armor showing, for example.
    There's just so many suggestions to put in here.
  17. Craven Green Loyal Player


    This bottom a million times please
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  18. Anima Committed Player

    More slutty stuff would be pretty cool, IMO.
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  19. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Wasn't there a thread like this already? I remember I posted before that I'm dearly missing a TEC-9 style for dual pistols. The SMG styles we have by now are out of scale.


    Also, I'm missing a good scaled two-handed sword (instead of all that oversized stuff we have)

    And for dual wield, I'm missing an unsymmetrical pair of weapons, like rapier&dagger etc.
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  20. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    Blue Beetle (Reyes) inspired, lantern entities inspired by, and some decent full body cloaks with hoods.