Steel Nerfed

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Agnetta, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. Horrorshow New Player

    You are completely wrong, Circe. All of the characters that got updated needed it. A in-game character and marketplace character need to be balanced. What I am going to assume you are saying is that because players are willing to buy these characters in the marketplace with real money, these characters should be better in the game? Uh no. Until recently people were buying characters in the marketplace because they liked the character. So many people started buying Steel because they knew he was not balanced. The same can be said about Wonder Woman.
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  2. Evil Grave New Player

    Responses in orange.
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  3. Evil Grave New Player

  4. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    TripleA and wonderp are both great legends players, I also did the same damage as slob who's considered the best American legends player as Two-Face.

    It does make sense, the reason why it makes sense is because people didn't play Wonder Woman until they saw me and slob using that combination in the PC FNL Tour. People were still using sinestro. People won't use a legend if they don't THINK the legend is good, but more and more people ARE using Two-Face. Just wait until the next tournament and you will see evidence of this.

    He has a dodge ability (which makes ranged damage miss & prevents block breakers) he has minions which split damage AND an SC that increases his health up to 9.8K. ever other legend in the game bar one has 1400 less health MINIMUM. Saint walker & Circe have 3000 less. This is a MASSIVE difference and when combined with the fact Two-Face has a dodge ability it increases his survivability dramatically.

    That was your own fault, you wait until you break out of CC or use the trinket and you won't get knocked out of it hence uninterruptible in normal play.

    You realise a dodge ability isn't about increasing distance? It's a buff to the player that makes certain abilities miss completely (for example Hal's dots will do 0 damage on a player with dodge applied).

    It isn't cancelled by another ability, it is cancelled through tapping with your weapon.

    Two-Face's minions do a lot more damage than Joker's do so yes they are better however Joker has 1400 less health on top of this. Joker's are still useful for splitting however.

    No he doesn't take damage while in the animation, it's the same as bane's he gets invulnerability. He does NOT need a benefit for it because the SC itself is already overpowered when coupled with the buffs he's received.

    John cannot use the same strategy because he has too little health, if you try to tap damage people down you will get nuked. And you're complaining about someone spamming grenades? Just lunge someone in the air and you will interrupt them, you don't have to actually hit them.

    You also haven't addressed the fact he acquires on of the most powerful dots in legends in his TF dom SC.

    John Stewart is very good and is top tier however he is not close to being as powerful as Two-Face. He has 2600 less health, he's much more power hungry and a shield that is easily stripped and only available once every 40 seconds. That backflip is up almost whenever you need it.
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  5. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Two-Face players are some of my favorite opponents when I play as Robin. Banes... not so much :(
  6. Black Prime New Player

    Again clutch, you are wrong. Why would you think the pc has better pvpers? Cause of macros, yeah that makes you better. Cause you can hack the pc, yeah that makes you better. Sorry to anyone that posts anything about legends on these foruks cause clutch, the self proclaimed be all end all of legends will correct you. Anyway, come try some real pvpers on the ps. And yes i am one side cause i BOUGHT a toon that has been triple nerfed. Would be a different story if he did not cost money. Kinda like superman, you know the face of dc universe, i feel bad for those that bought him, i am over the steel nerf, and yes i have skill, just hate the devs listening to small groups again and not the mass. I think the way to solve, at least my issue with the paying money for one thing and them changing it a year and a half later would be for when a new legends toon comes out maybe for kegendary people give us a few days to play with the toon to see if we like it. I think this would actually help sell the toons better kinda like the powers they put on test servers.
  7. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Just because something is paid for doesn't justify it being overpowered, Pay-2-Win is not needed. So sorry but you buying something doesn't justify it being an instant win button, if you used it for that reason then that's a shame.

    As far as the PC scene, it's better because of what's possible with a keyboard as well as the top players on this side are just more skilled currently. First it's easier to clip faster using a keyboard, this is minor but it means that DPS is slightly higher and allows people to squeeze in more counter punishment. As far as people being more skilled, it just is. You don't get people on PS that can blockbreak consistently on reaction, it's still incredibly rare on PC but there are a rare few that can do this. Until you play someone on PC who can play like this you really will never understand the difference.

    I'm not saying their aren't great PvPers on the PS, I'm just saying the PC is at a slightly higher level.

    And as far as your macro comment? Well me and slob both played at SOE Live, it isn't possible to macro there I'm afraid ;)
  8. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I wouldn't say it's a higher level. I would say the pc is easier to use. If our best legend arena players went to pc I bet dollars to donuts they will shine, but vice versa the pc player prolly would fail in the ps servers, because lets face it a lot of y'all use macros, no one will admit but it's being done more than we can imagine
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  9. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I'm only speaking from what I've experienced, and what I've experienced is top players from PS do not match to the top PC players. There's no reason that won't change in the future but as far as I've seen and experienced it's still the case.

    As far as macros, it really isn't difficult to clip that quickly. It may seem difficult to someone who's used to using a controller but it really isn't difficult once you've gotten used to a keyboard. It's like at SOE Live when people told me how they hadn't seen anyone clip that fast before, it just comes down to practice. Though there's no doubt that some people do use them on the PC.

    This is getting off topic however.
  10. Yallander Loyal Player

    LOL at macros in PVP. I'm sure a lot of players use them in PVE, hence the hate for PVP mechanics in PVE, however in PVP you're just painting a target on yourself and creating a very easy to predict combo.

    This whole PC vs PS conversation is old as the game, it has been stated by players and the devs that there are differences in play style, but also that the average PC player is a little better than the average PS player. There are multiple reasons for this that I won't go into because it is way off point.

    Bottom line, Steel is now balanced. Hate on it if you want to, but it is now time for those who prefer Steel to learn the counter weapon mechanics and use them over multiple DOTs and a few taps here and there.

  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The pc mouse and keyboard is easier to use, that don't place the pc at a higher skill set, it just shows the kb and mouse is easier to use. And as far as being the top legend character on the pc side, don't mean that player is the top legend in the game. The ps server have a lot more players than both pc severs combined imo.
  12. Yallander Loyal Player

    More =/= better, just more. Like I said, I'm not going to get into the PC vs PS argument as it is fruitless. I'll let you have your opinion. All I know is "hardcore PVPers" who have left PS and come to PC have an eye opening experience and it isn't because of some lame excuse like macros.

    Back on topic, Steel nerf = good, can't wait for more necessary balancing.
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  13. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    Thanks for the notes Mepps. Wonder Woman's Bracer Deflection cooldown was not changed though. It's still 24 seconds.
  14. Evil Grave New Player

    The little health difference has little effect in the hands of a skilled player with John Stewart they literally can melt anyone on the roster in seconds . As for his barrel the only time I was able to put out a barrel was if I place it one frame earlier before a person threw a stun out or if I manage to get and immunity and then place it while being it attacked.
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  15. Evil Grave New Player

    So many OP character threads today and people wonder why legends is unbalance.
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  16. vortexb New Player

    I enjoy reading this thread, especially the ******** posts of those that just realised they can't go easymode with Steel anymore. SO ENTERTAINING! And now they have to "relearn" a new toon. Boohooo, newsflash for you, if Steel was the only legend you were good with, you never knew how to play any toon anyway, you were just facerolling.

    As for me... Hm, I might actually try Steel now...
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  17. warpax New Player

    ww reflect is easly delt with. no need for dmg changes there.

    it's better to make small changes, small nerfs on stronger toons, and small buffs on weaker ones. little tweeks please. and make updates with notes posted more freaquently.
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  18. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    you guys wanna nerf two face and catwomen??? C'mon!!! Can us premium players get any good characters?

    BTW, two face is one of the least used characters and everyone using him kinda sucks. He may be amazing in the hands of a pro but he is not a problem online like Rage DPS already is in pvp
  19. RageQQ New Player

    This is a bunch of BS, macros will earn you a ban. Don't believe everything you read.

    Also, we have had this discussion before, if the PS players were great as you claim they would have fared better at SOE live. I remember only 1 team of exceptional psn pvpers making......3rd. The only team to make the last stages. They were above anything Ive seen come from the PSN pvp crowd though. What was their excuse ? they used a controller. Hell even Brice used a controller and came back and threw it away for a keyboard and mouse.

    I am sorry, but watch the FNL tournaments and whenever I watch PSN version I am reminded of tactics the PC players used ...6 months ago.
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  20. Hero of Justice New Player

    In my opinion, this is a big step in the right direction. The sooner the strongest/weakest characters are back in line, the more we will see people using their favorite Legends instead of merely the most powerful. With Steel still being capable but not OP people who like him can focus on and master his play style, and still do well. It seems to me alot of matches are won or lost by how well you know your character.
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