Test Discussion Stats Revamp: Powerset Bug Bash

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, Sep 1, 2017.

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  1. KartelVybz x New Player

    You might want to stop worrying about fixing powers and actually fix the game.

    Why is it that we've gotten the worse nerf possible, yet these adds and bosses are ridiculously strong?
    We work hard to get our cr up just to hit like babies now in lower content, whats the point?
    It's hard enough to get in certain raids but when i do as a 200+ cr i have to suffer playing the raid for 4 hours with 7 players who can barely get past the first pair of adds without dying continuously when before you were able to breeze right through content. I can careles if it doesn't allow other players to enjoy the content, we play for hours and waste money on your "replay badges" for a better cr why can't we benefit from it?
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  2. Surtur Well-Known Player

    You do benefit from it. Most of your stats are in your gear.

    The only problem that I see right now is you and people like you.
    You are no one special and you are not the only one that plays this game.
    The others that you could care less about pay for this game as well.You and other people with your mentality are cancerous to society as a whole and not just this game.
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