Stat Clamp Is Dogwater And An Failure

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DrakeBall, Nov 17, 2021.

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  1. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    Seems like there was a huuuuuuuge drop off in the late fall/early winter in 2021 that changed the overall population....

    Did anything major happen around that time?

    The graph after that point looks like Monument Valley.
    (With much shorter spikes than before that drop off)

    • Like x 3
  2. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    He didn't.... I did.

    Blame Proxy...
    He brought up the clamp in another thread where an old player said he was returning... so I looked the guy up to see what he posted years ago... one of his last posts was in this very thread...

    Where I noticed the "I returned to the game because of the clamp" guy.... and I'm interested to see if the clamp was enough to keep this guy around.. or did he get tired of it, too.... and left....

    So I asked.

    And then the usual pearl-clutchers showed up to remind us what hats they wear.
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I most certainly did not. Better check again.

    And by nonsense I mean you are trying to start some kind of unwarranted argument over nothing.
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  4. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Fair enough. I should have guessed it was the invisible sock of a previously banned user still desperately trying to stir the same sh*t... It's reassuring to know he's still wallowing in his misery.
  5. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    See.... Here's a difference between you and I...

    I don't get "reassured" thinking that other people are in any misery.
    That and I'm not the kind of guy to make anyone "invisible" because I don't like reading what they have to say.

    And the only thing I was suspended for was insulting a poster who very much earned being insulted....

    And and: I'm sure my suspension would be over by this point.... so can we drop the "banned" whining?
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  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Nvm not worth it
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    it’s funny seeing you try to use your brain lol. But just an fyi there is an actual chart that actually shows the numbers. I’ll give you a hint and will even make it super easy. It was shared by EG7 through their presentation.

    here I even added it to make it even easier for you. So will also try to explain it in case it’s to hard for you.

    if you look closely the highest population dcuo has had was during 2020. You know what else happened in 2020? Covid. When most of the world was on lockdown and players had more time to play.
    the drop in population started happen from January 2021 to June 2021. You know what was happening? Covid regulations were starting to loosen up. And June was the first summer since Covid happen that people could go out. So people were going out again.

    correct me if I’m wrong. But stats clamp happened in August 2021 correct? I don’t see a 30% drop after stats clamp. Do you? The next drop in population happened between January 2022 and March 2022. Followed. July 2022 to September 2022. Then the chart shows steady numbers followed by slight increase in numbers.

    Wasn’t January 2022 when players exploited a glitch with arts and were banned? So that seems to be due to that more than the clamp. And the July one was due to lack of things to do. Neither once seemed to be around the times of stats clamp.
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  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player




    If you are going to try to insult people's intelligence.... You should try to at least be remotely smart.

    EDIT: And if you don't see that blue line is in decline...... then you need to take off those rose-tinted glasses.
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  9. Grip Committed Player

    I like this ngl. Since individual posts are used as anecdotal proof (one way or another), checking back in *shrug* ...
    Makes sense.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Please go and check the timeline (bottom) to see when that happen. I already explained that. But you’re not one to listen to facts. Also… you are the one who posted a chart showing population. So I did the same with a more accurate chart. But because I’m the one who showed an explained a chart now you want to change it from population to Gross Revenue?
  11. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    • Like x 2
  12. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I'm not getting into another slugfest with you... where you work yourself into too deep of a hole... and the thread gets locked...

    ...or.... I just call you exactly what you are.... and I get reprimanded for it.

    Have fun being you.

    Edit: Just to be clear...
    You had two replies to me... neither of which were very pointful other than having a "Me no like you" vibe.... and a third where YOU START WITH THE INSULTS. You... not me.
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  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So in other words you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about so you just want to excuse yourself.

    You posted about populations with all caps “DCUO POPULATION” and show a link to a very bad graph showing dcuo population. Then tried to use it as proof to show dcuo population dropped due to the clamp.

    So I showed you an actual chart from EG7 themselves which also included the actual timeline. Graph showed the drop off in population before the clamp (not after or during. Before. The timeline also lines up with Covid mandates being loosened and people being allowed out again. The graph shows the timeline which you can also use the dcuo live server update section of the forums to see what was happening during those times.

    So you gladly reply to post you claim have no point but when presented with actual facts and data you want to scurry away lol.

    Here’s the thing. Facts are facts. These can be checked confirmed very easily. If the population did drop “30%” because of the clamp than the chart would clearly show it. Kinda hard to see a drop that size. The only major drops have happened during obvious points in time. During Covid more people had time to play. You can’t expect none lockdown time frames to have as much population as lockdown time frames. So obviously the numbers would drop after people were able to start going out again. Second drop being during players getting banned due to using exploits. Obviously is a lot of players were banned than there would be less people. These are actual facts.
  14. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    Not Responding.

    Universally the hardest thing for DCUO players to do.
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  15. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Due to the obnoxious amount of end game players not understanding some of the mechanics in EEG (NGN is a prime example)..I blame the CR skip.
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  16. Wzlinnkk54 Active Player

  17. Grim931 Committed Player

    He's got you on this one...

    The chart you pulled has absolutely nothing to do with population. It just shows people were spending money, not how many people were spending money. There is no mention of population at all on that chart.

    For someone so adamant on having facts, you tend to ignore a lot of them when it's in your favor.
    • Like x 8
  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ok than let’s use the information the link he himself provided shall we?

    Population before and after the clamp:
    Jan 01 - 3005
    Feb 01 - 3035
    Mar 01- 3057
    Apr 01 - 6159
    May 01 - 9358
    June 01 - 6308
    July 01 - 3187
    Aug 01 - 3218
    Sep 01 - 6503
    Oct 01 - 0
    Nov 01 - 0
    Dec 01 - 3323

    Subscribers before and after the clamp according to his link:
    Jan 01 - 316,367
    Feb 01 - 319,502
    Mar 01 - 321,773
    Apr 01 - 324,152
    May 01 - 328,368
    June 01 - 331,991
    July 01 - 335,450
    Aug 01 - 338,694
    Sep 01 - 342,262
    Oct 01 - 345,182
    Nov 01 - 347,668
    Dec 01 - 349,831

    So the population according to his chart shows an increase after the clamp. It also shows more people subscribing in general. So where is this 30% drop in population? Where are the people quitting? Cause the charts do not show this.
  20. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Well let's just count. I quit back in September. So that's 1.
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