Spring Event Exploit Fix Please

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fusion, May 1, 2017.

  1. Cold Fusion Well-Known Player

    I was letting you know this case was not a lag or loading issue... Not defensive..

    As said he walked into instance to where we are in combat so you can't kick... So no.. not fixed..
  2. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    just going to add this as well . While I don't necessarily agree with Fatal that the Alert is a total joke. Frankly I like the new set up better because it is easier to grasp the limited mechanics and succeed.

    Now to hop on my soap baox for a second. Honestly I have said this in the past I think level ten is a little too low. At that point the player does not even have their power tray completely full and has yet to even gain access to powers that don't become available until level 12 or higher (ones that deal better damage). They may have actually completed a total of 3 or perhaps even 4 story arcs so they have very little game experience and have only been able to even join a team and do Area 51 beginning at level 9.. In short they don't have a huge amount of game experience, have very limited powers and know practically nothing about working on a team. hey face the facts .. a player can go from level 1 to level 30 without ever actually doing one of the alerts.

    I think possibly level 15 would be better. They still have half the early game to complete and at that point they MAY have completed a couple alerts and have a full power tray with at least one higher damage power available.

    Now to hop off the soap box and just add one more comment.... I have over 20 alts. Don't just automatically assume because some player is only level 11 they have no in game experience. A while back after getting the free Flash cowl I created a new "super speed" character and began the leveling process. now if anyone ran into the alt way back then all they would have seen was a let's say 12 level Speedster named Jess Quick. They would have had no clue Jess had a CR 189 brother named Doc Quint along with a whole pile of other brothers and sisters above Cr 150. My powers may have been limited but my game experience was certainly not.
  3. Korvyne Committed Player

    For those saying kick the player, as far as I'm aware you can't kick a player in the first 5 mins nor while in combat. If I'm wrong or this isn't the case in the seasonal then sorry. In my defense I don't kick often, mostly long disconnects.
  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    You're correct.

    5 min at the start and 5 min any time a new player enters and no kicking during combat period no matter what the instance is.

    Funny thought pops up no one has mentioned,

    what if they are Gold sellers?:eek:

    Sorry, could have resisted throwing it out there but I didn't!:p
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  5. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Would be hilarious if 4 of these guys queued in at the same time....4 people standing there DC'd.
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  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay I am a lot like Korvyne I rarely kick anyone so I am not entirely familiar with all the "rules" that apply but I know enough to know you start a kick vote by hitting F4. Now I keep seeing you can't kick during combat and yet I have lost track of how many times DURING combat I have had the annoyance of a Pop Up because some one is asking to be excused or some one has decided , in their infinite wisdom that the mission is going horribly "let's disband and try again later" Now since accomplishing those requires the player to hit F4 as well why are they possible and a kick vote is not?

    Now unfortunately IF there is a limit that makes it impossible to start a kick vote until your 5 minutes into a mission you are screwed since the absolute longest run time I have has so far on the event alert was 3 minutes and 55 seconds.

    Here is the thing... While I don't like players sponging off me any more than anyone else .. Did you complete the mission and get your seed pods? Then what difference did it make? Best time I have had so far on the alert was 2 minutes and 26 seconds. Now the almost 4 minute one had some players that could not grasp the concept of "click the hazmat guy to make Swamp Thing Vulnerable which meant I was the only one doing it... But gee it took a whole 2 minutes and 29 seconds longer to finish up. FRANKLY.. if a delay of less than 3 minutes time is that critical and ruins your entire day Maybe you need to just log off and go watch a movie... Hey Guardians of the Galaxy 2 starts in three more days.. Go see that.
  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    PS4 / xb1 both have built in DVR' so I'd imagine anyone with a PC would have the same by now? To keep their system updated with these 2 systems.
  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    Proxy here is my question, why did they add into pvp where u had to participate to get rewards but in pve ya dont have to? Im with the OP, its not an exploit but if i see someone standing there doing nothing then i refuse to be a part of it. I will even log out if there is no other choice. Players should have to participate if they want the rewards from an instance. Because u cant kick people for 5 mins its being abused. Ive had multiple people in the starro alert do this too.

    I get some people are like its easy content and goes so fast so just finish it and forget about those people. Its carrying someone regardless of how easy the content is. And i wont be a part of it. People should stop making excuses for these people. U can do that starro alert or the inside seasonal in 2-3 mins and tbh imo its embarrassing that people are that lazy that they cant participate for that small amount of time.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    To me it's all about perspective, If I can get the content done without them I've found it makes you far happier in the long run to just ignore them get it done, move on than dwelling on it, getting angry and re queuing, by the time you've done you could have just sometimes finished the content.

    My point was merely that it's not an "exploit" it's a "bad player behavior" something not as easily fixed as an actual exploit.

    With that being said, I'm quite happy for devs to introduce a feature where inactivity leads to no loot rewards.
  10. Riggs Well-Known Player

    I couldn't agree more.

    The event isn't difficult by any stretch but someone doing nothing should not get rewarded for it.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    On launch, Swamp Thing just went everywhere, there was no kiting or luring, if he made it into the smoke cloud, yay! Glad it wasn't clamped then, because we let all hell break loose when he lost his shield.

    Second iteration, they added a taunt mechanic to Swamp Thing. You could tank him... IF YOU HAD A TANK! He will go play with pets and other things and not follow you to the cloud. That don't let him get into the buff thing was just as hard and very subject to RNG. Then there was the level 10 tank that would just stand in the middle taunting him while you are screaming in type or voice to not do that.

    Spring seasonal is by far the second worst designed seasonal instance in this game. The first being the Summer one that people, like you said, just can't understand the mechanics. At least with Spring you could solo it if you had to, summer you need at least one other good player to get a second console.

    tl;dr I'm glad it was nerfed.
  12. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    He cant ask for help?
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Sure he can make mention of it but an exploit it is not ;)
  14. Please Stop Me Well-Known Player

    Truth... While it is extremely annoying I don't think that the devs can fix being a piece of trash person. I am sure that sometimes I have been considered almost entirely useless, but I think that it goes un-noticed because I at least try to seem useful. For example with healing characters I cannot do much except... Well... Heal. My attacks are garbage, but I make absolutely sure that everyone is almost constantly shielded and full on health. However, when everyone is perfect on health I am there with my big two handed weapon doing the same damage as a level 20 can do.

    I've seen the exact same issue happen repeatedly. The only thing worse is when it is something hard, and rather then just stand there they leave entirely to go find someone else to leech off.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I actually did that during the anniversary event for laughs.

    I ran around and looked the part at the end I had zero damage out and no one was the wiser lol.

    Social experiments are fun
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  16. Cold Fusion Well-Known Player

    So your saying they are not exploiting a system that allows them to be freely rewarded for doing nothing with no penalty?

    I'm pretty sure I'm using the word correctly... Just because your not getting unlimited supercharge doesn't mean a action can't be considered a exploit, exploiting an exploitation.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    It isn't an exploit to just stand there and do nothing and it is certainly not a specific "spring event exploit".

    What you're saying is an exploit is not what a video game exploit is commonly referred to as.
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  18. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Ok, for everyone debating the definition of "exploit",

    please try to remember this is one of those words that is actually a noun, a verb and an adjective.

    While you're each correct in your own usage you're actually just playing simple "word semantics".

    Instead of defending your stance on what the word means, how about we just continue on with the conversation to get the unacceptable behavior stopped?

    The powers in charge have figured out ways to cens err I mean maturify most of what is posted and they did make a change that stopped the behavior in PVP and other changes along the way over the past years directed solely at player behavior,

    I'm sure, if they truly wanted to and with little effort, they could do the same here and have it in a hotfix before the weekend.
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  19. Please Stop Me Well-Known Player

    Luckily I have lately figured out that I can do a bit better if I switch to damage. I don't really have the problem on my nature user. She uses a staff. But the Celestial guy with the two handed weapon is terrible. Oddly enough I seem to have the problem of getting kicked out of instances on my highest/best character usually because some 188 idiot ran in and locked everyone else out, got knocked out, and decides it is everyone else's fault. I realized a very long time ago during my years in GTA. The vast majority of people on games are ignorant.
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  20. saywhaaaaaaaat Well-Known Player

    I think that was me.