Speeder EOG Universe

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Emoney, Jan 24, 2023.

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  1. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Well then if you think that I need meds... check out the most recent recruitment topic.

    No need to be so "insulting" about it.

    You're really pretty by the way.
  2. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    who or what are the Tornado Twins?
  3. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It's me and my alt that I pretend isn't me.
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  4. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    you know who Psidewinder is right? do you know about Toroidal fields?
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Side note: proxy please respond shorter lol it takes to long with this long form both reading and replying I know im not helping with that request =-)
    really didn't want to get sucked into all this I hope you didn't take my 4 pages of arguing with proxy post as a attack I just found it funny you were taking on a whole thread by yourself :D
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Imagine being so bothered by a comment you have to come back and reply twice lol…

    When did I say no one likes you? I said no one worth it takes you serious. I also didn’t say everyone who does take you seriously is unworthy lol. For someone who cries that players take your comments out of context or puts words in your mouth, you sure do it a lot. By anyone worth it, they are devs. Devs listen to facts and data. Not meme post and whining. You keep failing to provide any meaningful information to back any claims you have. You best attempt at doing anything even resembling giving data is quoting a dictionary as if that’s even anything substantial lol.
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  7. zNot Loyal Player

    Are you trolling or why do you keep sending random pictures and writing things out of topic of this thread?
  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Sorry if your hypocrisy is so deep and ingrained into who you are... that it takes a second reading to see it fully...

    It's like watching a good movie...
    "Ahhhh... He was a hypocrite the whole time!"

    or imagine if we were allowed to edit posts.

    Imagine being so arrogant that you think you speak for the devs.

    Yeah... And you cried about that, too, ya big ol' baby.
  9. Tolly Committed Player

    when Ghost ryder3000 and Deirty supreme are on? I feel like I see it every time :D

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  10. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    This is the reason people dont take you seriously ghost. Stop sitting there insulting people when you have an argument. If you wanna insult, go to discord or something. The thread is for opinions and civilised trading of opinions, not a witch hunt for those who think differently. Say your piece and move on. The moment you turn to insults is the moment you feel you lost and start to attack other people. Talk. Not insult

    The people who disagree will reply to you with their opinions. If you dont like it, ignore it or try to see both sides to said argument. Not just insult them because they think differently
    • Like x 1
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When did I say I speak for the devs? I said the devs go off of facts and data. That is a factually correct statement. They have even said so on multiple occasions. Just go through the testing feedback thread.

    As for your dictionary argument… That is a very simple minded approach lol. You truly are extremely delusional. If a person were to attack someone with a bat. The person could be charged for assault with a deadly weapon. You actually believe someone can pull up the definition of a bat and say “look it’s not a weapon” and think that will be accepted? Thou.. knowing you.. you probably believe that.
  12. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    You really see "ya big ol' baby" as a real insult?

    I see that as me taking his condescending and insulting nature in stride.... with a good humor.

    I don't care that he thinks differently... No two people think the same way.
    There are always differences of opinion.

    Seriously go back and re-read this thread.. or most of the others... and really see where it goes off the rails....

    You'll find that I'm not the one who first crosses the line into the "insult" territory.

    Diety's first post to me in this thread:

    You want to talk about insults? Talk to him.
  13. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    They wouldn't look at the definition of the word "bat"....

    They would use the defintion for the word "assault"....

    And yes... "Bat" has already been DEEEEFFINNEEED as a deadly weapon in that definition.

    Oh, sorry, Fluffy..... Should I have not replied to his insulting post?
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So you’re saying that the bat can be redefined based on the current use, or current intent, and not by the initial intent?

    Almost as if current intent supersedes initial intent. Almost as if the current intent of the devs supersedes the initial intent. Almost as if the devs define what is allowed and isn’t allowed based on how they see the game should be run at the current state of the game… Almost as if the current use of arts are defined by how the devs see they showed be allowed to be used. Glad you finally came around
  15. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

  16. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Try again Jack the Ripper

  17. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Fiction is either real or not you don't get out of this
  18. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    you are a liar Batman
  19. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

  20. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    That's not redefining the definition of bat.

    Using a baseball bat as a weapon doesn't change the fact that it's a baseball bat.

    And real world applications to videogames doesn't really apply....
    I hit people with my baseball bat in the game all the time... I'm never arrested for assualt... Hell, usually I'm rewarded.
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