Speeder EOG Universe

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Emoney, Jan 24, 2023.

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  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not really any bias. Unlike you I can set my personal feelings aside to talk about a topic. I’ve had disagreements with proxy. I’ve also had agreements with people I normally argue with. Who I’m talking to has no impact on how I talk to them, unlike yourself.

    And all your “reasons” to why you didn’t reply are just excuses. You’ve shown to make worthless meme replies for no reason other than replying. Yet when all of a sudden you are presented with an actual argument, you suddenly choose to not reply. That’s pretty laughable.

    It’s funny that you believe that just because the word allowed isn’t in the definition that it makes it not a part of it. Initial intentions do not solidify the state of an object. Initial intents can change and have an adapted state. Look at arts. Mercy was “intended” to only be used with RSK. However it was changed to allow fury and crystal to benefit from them. This is the new accepted way that it functions. So those using it with fury and crystal are not exploring mercy. Stats were not intended to have gotten to the point where players could “one shot” enemies and bosses. It was then accepted and allowed. It then got to the point where the devs deemed it too much and they have them went and made changes. So the new state of the game is what is currently allowed.

    The devs know and allow art swapping. By extension it is part of the game. If they then deem it to much and decide to stop it than it will, at that moment in time, it will be considered unacceptable. If players then find way to get around it and still swap them it will be an exploit.

    Initial intent does not supersede what is currently accepted. The state of the current game is what is considered to acceptable action. Doing acceptable actions is not considered exploits. Doing things that are not allowed, through various means, is what an exploit is.

    You, Con, have absolutely no clue on how this works. It’s like if you get sick and go to webMD. It can say that you may have something. Doesn’t make it true. Maybe your parents shouldn’t taught you ti not believe everything you read.
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  2. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    You're post was laughable...
    And this one is too.

    Seriously walking away from the stump of the Black Knight... doesn't mean that the Black Knight won.


    No... At that point, it becomes a cheat.

    As it now stands... It's an exploit that the devs allow.

    And round and round we go.....

    Why would it suddenly be "unacceptable"? Why are they "keeping their eye on it"?
    They know it's an exploit that needs to be monitored... and might have a changed verdict, later.


    Yeah.. How dare I actually read the definition of the word....
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  3. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    In this case, it is predicated as what is deemed underhanded and unfair. An argument definitely can be made that this is essentially being allowed to do something. Not only does this game have ranking mechanics and competitive elements, but there's a whole plethora of monetary systems too, the development team are aware that any number of these could be exploited to give someone an advantage, thus they do not allow said practices.

    For example, last year, it was deemed that putting non-nth metal into artifacts was an exploit and subsequently people got banned.

    Similarly, art-swapping and EoG weren't deemed unfair or underhanded this year too. Mepps said they're aware and do not see it as a problem. Yet.

    So here's the question Con, at what point do you let the delusions go and accept authority on this one?
    If the people that own and maintain the game you're complaining about, address your complaints with an answer you don't like, does that make them wrong or you?
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    agree with this sentiment, as generally you proxy and I seem to have much of the same ideas of the games state of play and the issues with it. but as here seems like I'm siding with Mr. Ryder here to some extent.. I wouldn't go as far as him saying art swapping is an exsploit..

    But I will for sure come out as against it as something bad for the game overall

    but that's the whole reason for all these debates
    us trying as a community to figure out what's best for the game
    stating our cases then hopefully the devs do something about it one way or another
    hopefully we can do it with out being heated and using loaded words but no ones perfect and we all get caught in our feelings from time to time

    this issue is just taking a while to come to some kind of long term conclusion
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  5. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    One is an exploit that was deemed unacceptable

    The other is an exploit that was deemed acceptable.

    The fact that it was deemed acceptable doesn't stop it from being an exploit.

    Same question could be asked of you.

    And nobody is complaining.
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  6. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    hi Ghost Rider you know about Sonic.exe right?
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  7. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    How about we pretend that I don't....[IMG]
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  8. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Fallout New Vegas stuff right?
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  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Doesn’t really matter either way (and you’re still wrong).

    So question. If you want to see things as black and white and call it an exploit (which it’s not), do you believe they should make changes to not allow us to swap arts because it wasn’t originally intended to be used this way?
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  10. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    It is an exploit...

    Just one that is accepted as part of the game.

    I love how you spend pages bee-ing about how I'm "using my own defintion" and when I use the actual definition that shows that "unaccepted" isn't a part of the defintion.. you starting bee-ing that I'm not using your definition where that part is "implied".

    Don't care... It's not something that I do... I don't begrudge anyone who does.

    That said...
    I don't want to hear **** from any of those people about how the "integrity of the game" is in question by anything that I do or feel... namely my views on the clamp.

    I don't want to hear about how I don't care about the integrity with my stats being too high for the game by people who spend their lives looking for every little exploit that gives them an edge or increased stats.
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You thinking something is an exploit doesn’t have any impact on what they are so your views are rather pointless.

    You and many people like you are on a crusade to call players doing these tactics exploiters. For what reason? You’re either doing so cause you believe changes need to happen because the games being exploited, or you’re arguing to argue.

    Should they make changes to how swapping works because they were not designed to be used in the way they are currently being used? It’s a simple yes or no question.
  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I dont see how devs can fix this without angering the playerbase. EOG cost many players real money to upgrade. If anything they would either add a cooldown to it to where you cant use supercharges back to back every 12s, but that wouldnt really solve the problem if you even want to call it a problem.

    However I do know this. Spamming Supercharges is very efficient and significantly reduces kill times. You still have to do the mechanics of the fights but just a few minutes less of them.
  13. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    The definition of exploit isn't a view... you demanding that the implied "unaccepted" be used is.

    That's just flawed logic.

    A person can have a view of tolerance. See something that they deem questionable.. but don't care if its changed or not.


    That said... again. They probably should. It seems a little wonky to me.

    Are they gonna?

    They make money on artifacts... so... Probably not.

    And pssssssst...
    [using a soft whispered voice] That's kinda the defintion of an exploit.....
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  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    moneys spent isnt a strong enough argument for something to stay in an MMO
    they are ever changing animals.
    and we own nothing in this game it is subject to change at any time
    example "I have 2 60 dollar coasters from when this game was on disk only"

    as far as angering the player base
    this precedent was set a long time ago with changes like.
    weapon mastery and advanced mechanic
    killing PVP
    the clamp "still a hot topic issue"
    this list can go on and on
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  15. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    The devs define what is/isn't an exploit in this game, not you. If they accept it, then even though unintended, is no longer an exploit.
  16. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Just to add... The changes in the Zeus lightning bolt orbital strike... that cost people money to get..
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  17. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    This the M.C. Esher thread....

    No... It just becomes an exploit that they accept.

    It's allowed to happen... even tho it's an exploit.

    "Accepted" isn't part of the definition.
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  18. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I'm out for now... This is waaaayyy too repetitive.

    If I didn't answer any of your questions... Don't assume that it's some admission of defeat or anything....[IMG]

    I swear... the people on this board....[IMG]

    So.. Enjoy the rest of the thread.

  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So putting definitions aside, YOU believe that changes SHOULD be made because they were not initially intended do work the way they currently do.

    Ok, so using YOUR logic. A dev has already stated that stats were never intended to get out of hand to the point of where a clamp was eventually added. Since these were never intended. They should in turn make changes to stop players from getting stats so high that content can steamrolled.

    I mean. Stats were never intended to get this out of hand. Bosses were not designed with players stats bright this high.
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    If it's not intended... It's technically an exploit. That doesn't mean it's bad, either. There are such things as "good" exploits... I think the term exploit used in the DCUO community, however, always relates it to bad. That's why the term itself is used different here, and thus the debates. There are many terms that are "changed" specifically to the games community. That's what I was trying to get at previously.

    Tamato Tamahto, basically.

    Edit: Or is it Tomato Potato?
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