SP need to be percentage based

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    yes, we know.
    the devs know too.
    everyone knows, even people who have never played dcuo.
    still, we have what we have...
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

  3. Hector Danger Well-Known Player

    +1 like. Nuff said:)
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  4. mexmex Dedicated Player

    I WONDER WHY THE DEVS DOESNT SEEMS TO HAVE A STAND ABOUT THIS ISSUE, they aré mute when it comes down to SP.
    And to all those people claiming that SP should not matter more.... STOP BEING LAZY STOP BEING CARRIED, STOP CONPLAINING ABOUT RAIDS BEING SO HARD, STOP BEING SO SQUIQUY.
    I was in HH a week ago pug group all above 142cr, i was trolling With my 143cr 207SP and after 6 wipes I WAVEDOX THE GROUP all of them had less than 80sp , never passed THE first boss and some of them had pieces of BD ELITE GEAR, why all of them were carried, and thats wrong we beat that raid while being 116/120 LOL.
    So yes SP SHOULD MATTER MORE, THE cr is way to easy to get nowadays, my proposal to all with a decent amount of SP is avoid all People With low SP, and not for being elitist, but more to encourage those SP players to get better by learning how to play with equal, until THE DEVS GIVE A FAIR RECOGNITION FOR ALL THE HARD WORK AND TIME THE PLAYERS WITH 200sp and more HAD put in game.
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  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    This is why I've been thinking the best way to get players to grind out every available feat they can get is to have our skill points effect our combat rating. How to go about doing this I don't know. I could see the potential for disaster if implemented poorly. Too much of an increase and vet players will be entering new content on easy mode while leaving new players farther out in the dust. too little and players just wont bother. As we progress I'm starting to see marked differences in just getting your cr up one point. I could see adding this into our skill trees as an additional slot to spend skill points on: +.1 to your base cr for every ten skill points spent. It would give us something else to spend skill points on and to work towards. Dont think its that far fetched. Getting to 100 skill points nowdays is pretty fast so newer players will feel a benefit as well as older players (those in the 200 sp category will get a 2 point increase to their base cr at 220 sps and some such).

    That said I do think skill points matter. I know there are lots of other players who spend a lot of time testing things and working numbers and all that. Me? I see it through playing. Whether anyone wants to believe or not, not my problem. Not here to tell anyone what they should and shouldnt do but i do think a good portion of those who adamantly believe they dont matter just dont have them yet...
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    With current CR Relevancy method, this would be a bad idea. Players would be out of sync with each other and jumping out of relevancy too quickly. Players would end up limiting the amount of skill points they have allocated if they base it on allocation instead of overall SP.
    SP matters, but it's trivial after the crit ones are purchased. The static boost numbers only give a minimal increase in stats that you wouldn't notice a difference in damage having. Crits yes, stats no. That is to say, you still have support roles where it matters. As CR Differential is damage out and in is calculated.