SP need to be percentage based

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Senko Committed Player

    And the put you on ignore for not "healing them properly" which happened to me recently I joined UMn as a dps got asked to switch to heals which I don't like to do in that raid as I'm still working on the nack of watching what's going on at the same time as everyone hp. We wiped a few times on Trigon and two people left after putting me on ignore because I wasn't healing it right.
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  2. Hyppoli Well-Known Player

    i agree the sp should matter more and stay relevant as we progress, but not op, find a good balance.

    If new players see that is worth it they will strive for the feats that will keep ppl busy grinding, casual will always be casuals those who really wanna progress will do it.
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  3. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    It would certainly make more sense to make skill tree inates % based. When your already at 26k health an extra 800 health or whatever it is seems pretty pointless. As it is right now it almost makes more sense to spec into stats opposite to your role (tank/damage, healer/vit, troll/damage/health etc.) to make up for some of your lesser stats.

    So that being said, sp's aren't totally useless but after spending years of grinding for that 200+ sp they should definitely provide a little more benefit.
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  4. Fies Committed Player

    Support-roles can carry bad DPS in any content where the group can "stabilize". Said content is usually deemed as "too easy"...
    That leads to the main problem with "make our SP matter more". Content needs to be beatable by everyone- vets and newbies alike. Seemingly low emphasis on SP is the way to go imo since a) lots of feats are also based on pure drop-luck and being around longer/at the right time- gl catching up with styles since single marks or put a group together willing and able to do outdated feats.. b) new players having to replace vets c) SP acting as a second layer of "strength" which needs to be considered when balancing new content ("Damn its even easier at 200+SP"). Even in their current state SP do offer huge benefits no other mmo I know offers to long-time players. At same CR 1k more might is huge, 15k Resto over 11k? .... Thats what hinders having an even playing-field when new DLCs drop and makes those complaining about it being to easy complain even more since they are "overpowering" themselves with their high SP:rolleyes:. I feel the times when DCUO could count on 3+ years vets to fund it might be over. Accessability is key to retain new players- evening out players "strength" is key to better balanced content. Make SP matter even less if you ask me... On another note- directed at the "Im a vet I went through it I should be stronger crowd": I perfectly understand your point of view but dont forget you played this game and gained those feats for fun and not as a job for all those years and should have an interrest in having better balanced content in the future.
  5. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    right now... this game needs to concentrate on retaining OLD and ACTIVE players and stop worrying so much about new ones. it's made a lot of decisions that have driven off long-time players due to the constant catering to players who irrationally expect to just pick up the game and be top-of-the-scoreboard. they consistently DISincentivize playing the game MORE. all that matters is you log in once a week, get carried in a raid and boom, you get to the top CR. don't grind. don't mod. don't earn feats. all that matters is that holy CR.
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  6. Fies Committed Player

    We share the same point of view here. But nonetheless its like that no matter what. That seems to be the customer you have to please as of today. (Coming from so who also played really grindy games) After all its I dont like it I dont pay- that hurdle is considerably lower for new players than vets. I just dont think that amking SP matter more is the right step to take for the reasons I already stated. Thinking of other (successfull) MMOs key to retaining "old players" is challenging fresh content. A new lvl cap being the same for everyone. Disparancies in "strength" is hindering atleast the "challenging" aspect pretty directly. SP might be an aspect vets might not be happy with but that should have been thought of when implementing them and in the long run they are one aspect of many alienating newer and older players alike. Disincentivizing playing the game for me has foremost one reason- Replay$.
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  7. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I do agree
    How I see what they should do is cut the plans down and make it 1 plan.
    Do each plan & Skill point x's 10 the CR
    Example cr 141x10=1410 x2=2820
  8. BluePlusYellow Well-Known Player

    I agree with that suggestion that way world give low sp noobs better incentive to get more sp. Right now someone with 200sp you can see difference in dmg and other roles to get the healing and power crits for trolls and healers. As a long time troll when I see healer or dps burning power do much that I can't keep them above half power when I'm sitting on 6700vit and 206sp. Those extra sp they can get to get those crit dmg/heals means they don't have to spam powers to do that little extra dmg or heals. And this whole thing with Cr making a difference instead of sp is not all puppies and rainbows. I'd rather still have someone fully modded 135cr with 200+sp than someone 143cr no mods and only 60sp . That person with 200sp will by now should know their powers well enough to know what they are doing where as the new person with 60sp and 143cr gets it into their head they are invincible because they are max Cr. And they don't know their powers as well they are the ones ruining the game. And with this idea of % instead of straight stats would make someone who has 200sp will be much stronger in the long run. For all the hard work and time they put into the game.
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  9. BluePlusYellow Well-Known Player

    game could do w/o pvp. I've got 200sp and I don't pvp at all. Never excited me which is why I chose to stay hero exclusively because I had a villain and I got 10+ dual requests in just short amount of time I would be on my char. Which in turn prompted me to ultimately delete it.
  10. megamanzero Loyal Player

    a few bad apples do not make the whole bunch bad.
    same can be said for sp. so your point is kinda pointless.
  11. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    MAXILIANO pleasure. 203 skill points and rising!:rolleyes:
    And I hope that one day the SP is based on percentage ...:cool:
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  12. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    again, this mythical person CARRIED to all his skill points is a myth. no one is being carried through 500 duos. 500 SOLOS! all the briefings. all the collections. all the booster gold tours. all the races.

    stop making lies and excuses.
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  13. megamanzero Loyal Player

    how is that a lie? do u know how everyone earned their sp? also are u even playing the whole game because u seem to think that those feats are the only ones in the game. sure some require solo work but many do not. if you can be carried to finish a raid then u can get carried thru a group effort feat.
    example dont die feat in wave. you could carry someone by having them stay by the vendor the entire raid. then they get the feat.

    speed feats are another easy one. get a group of super over powered ppl and voila you got ur feat.

    booster feat is a carry in itself cause they tell u where to go.

    bounty feats. have an over powered friend kill them for u.
    reaper feats..same deal.
    any feats for killing enemies quickly...get a op friend.
    collections and briefings are a carry if you look online cause they have all the locations laid out for you.

    pick all the bones in loa. only need 1 person to do it. thats a carry.

    yeah theres no way a person can be carried thru all their feats.../sarcasm
  14. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    After seeing a debate in lfg about sp , it reminded me that this thread remained unanswered and ignored by the devs. My message to the devs is that time does not heal this issue,infact it intensifies it. Sp stats are quickly losing importance with the dominant CR scaling and monthly bursts of stats increases which undermines SP continually.
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  15. krytine Loyal Player

    The avarage player does not need a ton of sp to do ok in the game. If a player wanted to do more then they need to grind. Sp is not only a reward to long time players but a reward for achieving something hard in the game. Finally is supposed to build your toon in a unique way that is only to your style of play. That's why we have different types of each class and then mod the way that matches you so to those that believe skill points are useless or don't want to then fine let them think that. Those of us that have played a while we know they help a good player be better
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  16. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    Whoa...hold on...one second here....let's just take a moment to reflect on this...
    You are actually going to try and say your 4 year old daughter, through a random queue, not only beat HH, but through a random queue, beat not only HH Elite, but also managed to bag the 'Granny Gold Star' feat?
    Is your daughter one of them autistic children, like Dustin Hoffman, who counts blackjack cards to win millions of dollars from casinos?
    All joking aside I call 'b s' good sir
  17. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    His wife not the kid lol
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  18. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    Roflmao....WoW that's funny
  19. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    I think a lot of us have been asking for this, I support it 100%. See what I did there?
  20. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    4 years and counting here. Used to have 3 toons in constant rotation and just before feat unlock came out, two of them were at 150+ SP each. I ended up dropping that account nearly a year ago for a second account, sorta had to start all over, decided to play only one toon and now, in less than a year, I'm at 190+ SP. Been through plenty of changes in the game. Seen many features coming, seen QQ, seen enough to tell you this:

    Right now, as long as you get your crit innates, you're good to go.

    CR is what mainly determines your damage as a DPS and how much damage you take as a Tank. Healers have (for quite some time now) more Resto than they need. Controllers exist only to make sure support has power and how much Vit you have is irrelevant considering power regen and WM power cost reduction.If you know what you are doing (and many people don't, I'll give you that), above average stats are irrelevant to finish any current content.

    You get more from any new piece of gear (in the 3 month rotation) than from those 3 innates in the bottom row.

    Listen, lets be clear here. Like I said in the post you quoted, I think SP were a mistake in the way they were designed because they tilt the balance between old and new player too much. Experience alone is usually more than enough to tilt it (hence why I said "if you know what you're doing"), there's no need to add insult to injury. And my gut feeling is that the devs realised that not long ago. They want this game to be casual: get in, spend money, get out, repeat. If a brat starts playing and sees he's going to be 200 SP behind whoever, he's taking his money somewhere else.

    I do still chase SP and feats, but only for a matter of pride, of twisted and useless sense of accomplishment in a videogame. And I do this with the firm belief that anything above 130 SP is nearly useless and that's exactly how the devs want it.
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