Sorry devs but these words will try to describe how horrible quantum is!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, May 22, 2016.

  1. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Quantum was top notch power for a while, but people said it was putting out fake damage. The devs seem to fix it which I'm happy about. But they didn't seem to adjust it to the other powers. I went in Dox with my 150+ quantum to solo, even then the burn was slow compare to the other powers.
  2. Firekeeper Well-Known Player

    Well... Quantum had its day of moment when throne of the dead came out, I think the next thing well be ice, mental. I'm assuming that they trying to balance the power slowly, or making people to switch powers which is Power Token. No offense to Quantum players that feel the way you do, but it's time for Electric and Nature to shine (you guys had your turn, so share the spot light)
  3. Xibo Loyal Player

    Depends of the player sometimes because if you're doing TB-DW-TS-TACHYON spam, you're doing wrong.
  4. Xibo Loyal Player

    The big issue regarding Quantum at the moment is the damage cap. Must be removed.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    It doesn't matter how you're doing it, you still won't beat the other powers or come anywhere near as close, trust me.

    I've extensively tried every possibly variation of rotation. quantum is just that "horrible".
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    More of the same nonsensical rhetoric.

    There is no "you've had your moment to shine", that is a fallacy.

    Any power that is unbalanced deserves attention, this thread is about quantum, not nature and electric and I have no where said it must be done immediately.

    I am saying that it just "must be done".
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  7. Firekeeper Well-Known Player

    Didn't said you did, trying to say is other powers besides quantum needs more attention, well how many times that they worked on quantum the time bomb, but never end work on electricity and nature. Also I know his thread is about quantum, but trying to say too is they need to focus other powers that need attention instead of going back to quantum
  8. Firekeeper Well-Known Player

    Also that yea it needs attention, we have to wait for it, that's all I'm trying to say
  9. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Hope they do remove the cap or whatever it is that messed it up cause it takes forever to kill anything. Tunso testing is either completely hopelessly flawed and / or for some reason they can't understand the difference between Add damage padding a scoreboard and getting killed by Adds.

    Saying that damage against Bosses in raids is how they measure how effective a power is when daily content is not raids... it's weird they can't understand the issue with the under performing powers in daily content. Mepps tells people to "gear up" but then how you do that when you can't complete a duo? (not that I think Quantum is quite that bad like Electric and Nature before someone says it, I know they are worse off... I want them fixed too).

    Even the raid thing is nonsense. Unless your talking fairly challenging end game, you often don't have a tank, how can you have "sustained damage" without a tank holding aggro-? They even script bosses to lunge and jump around and still cite "sustained damage" as the measuring stick. It's like they just forgot what they programmed into the freaking raid or something...
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    I appreciate what you're saying, but quantum has had far less "re-looks" than mental, gadgets, light, munitions, celestial almost all other powers.

    I mean granted it's not as unloved as nature and electricity, but it's certainly not had a lot of attention. ;)
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  11. stärnbock Devoted Player

    All trolls play basicly same, except quantum tunneling is different.
    I give op right: quantum is a 1234 poewer without the advantages of stealth n stuff,
    wich makes it... Well, mental n gadgets are superior...
  12. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    Let me start of by saying I play Quantum and it isn't the greatest Dps power right now but It's ok. I guess when I've been playing Electric since it came out and I really know what a bad Dps power looks like . I'd trade my Quantum damage for my Electric damage any day, I like both powers but Electric is one of my favorite and I'm beyond irritated with the time it's been garbage.

    People don't walk out of duos when they see a quantum player or ask you to just switch to support role . So you need to just relax and wait for your next buff because your power isn't that bad .

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  13. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    Quantum DPS is not one of the worst powers of DCUO, but this is not the point. Quantum DPS is not competitive one.
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  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    While a fair point, I'm not sure how accurate that can be. Even with higher end content you can have a wide range of CR and skill point totals, never mind modding choices (both color and white Home Turf mods) and various buffs (colas and/or trinkets) that people use. On top of that, the inconsistent nature of group buffs and who they will give the benefits to can throw things off as well. Finally, a person can easily fall victim to seeing the grass on the other side of the fence as greener without even trying, and that may affect perceptions as well.

    I did mention running the seasonal instances, and if I'm going to do any comparing or contrasting, it'll happen there. With the CR/stat clamping that takes place, it puts everyone on as close to a level playing field as we can get and mitigates or even eliminates a lot of the variables that can throw off a comparison. To me that's the best possible testing/comparison environment, and unless I'm running a character in off-damage roles I hold my own pretty well on all my characters on the occasions I do some comparing.

    Outside of that, it's my method of rotating in part because I'm pretty consistent across my characters.
    • They all have about the same CR
    • They all have the same general number of skill points
    • Their gear is pretty much the same across the board
    • Their mods are all beta, and any Home Turf mods I use are defensive (and don't go into Boost levels)
    • They run the same content as one another
    • I don't use buff colas or trinkets (prefer the fire and forget pets or passive buffs)
    • I'm running content alone, no outside help
    The only real differences among them are their powers and which aspects of the game I use or don't use in their rotations and loadouts. With the way I play, I could argue that I'd be likely to be the first to see any real problems with a power set underperforming when compared to the others. I'm just not seeing where the complaints that keep popping up are coming from.

    The only outlier I've seen across my characters is Earth, namely because Crystal hits anything that looks at her funny like a freaking Mack truck. I'd say something about it, but she scares me. :eek:
  15. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    Up until about 3-4 months ago i was quantum on my main toon since the day the power came out. In terms of how a power plays its by far my favorite. From the stuns, to quantum tunneling to the animations, to its exceptional trolling etc its my favorite.

    Unfortunatly the damage is terrible. I stuck with it for as long as i could, and i didnt really care about score board numbers, but when it was taking about an hour more to complete my dailies on my main quantum compared to my sorcery toon with lower cr and less sp, it was time to throw in the towel.

    I really hope they fix the dmg at some point so i can go back to stunning a group of adds, dropping a time bomb, quantum tunnel foward, and wacth with a grin as everything dies in my wake as i strut away.
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ok well i can say this and i shouldve said it another post. Ive parsed atomic and quantum. Its not even close. At 126cr doing tunso test yes its similar. But doing the same tests when your 150+ and atomic blows quantum away. Its because of the cap on time bomb. Yes time bomb is slow. But mental atomic gadgets all have 1234 and they are about the same speed. Its the dmg cap. It needs to be removed. Ive seen u say the cr of your toons but cant remember atm. So if u have 2 that are 150+ go to the dummies and parse. Or better yet go on test and try what i said. Get 2 characters the same using atomic then quantum. Or the same toon but switch powers and parse. Im telling ya u will see the difference.
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  17. Xibo Loyal Player

    In fact, you will not beat them even doing another loadout because sadly your damage is capped. You must ask the fix for this to the devs on GU62.
  18. Xibo Loyal Player

    Quantum also doesn't have a shortcut and I also wonder if have or not have a grace period.
  19. majosea Dedicated Player

    but giving the all power in game shortcut and grace defeat the whole reason for am in the first place ?
    players wanted diffent play styles but the ones the forums trying to get every power to play the same , if the happens that a whole 2 + years time wasted
  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Parsing the power sets can help determine how things stand among the power sets, but I can't see it as telling the whole story, especially if a player is reliant on the testing dummies for their info.

    I don't use them all that much, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but in my experience the dummies don't fight back. They just take the punches. So while you can get info and data to see how it can perform under ideal circumstances, it's only part of the whole picture.

    Unless you're hitting an NPC with a huge alpha strike move that decimates them (or nearly wipes them out) on the first hit, NPCs will fight back. They will attack, attempt to interrupt, the whole nine yards, all of which can have an effect on getting a rotation completed or even started.

    Example: one of the missions I use on my Atomic character right now to help build Marks is the T3 Regal Hotel challenge mission. The AM works great through the mobs, as they don't interrupt that much and the power back from dropping the clowns helps feed any power lost in getting the AM going.

    That changes when I hit the fight against the Joker, though. Even if I get the AM going before actually starting the fight with him, he uses enough interrupts and the like that he can easily break the flow of keeping that AM going in rotation. I'll admit that I do push my luck as far as I can go in getting the AM rotation in, so that's something I need to work on. But he can interrupt enough that your power bar is drained before you know it, and that will have an effect on whatever numbers I put up in running the instance. I can run into similar difficulties in the fight against Deathstroke in the T3 Monarch Playing Card Factory challenge.

    I've always done my testing like this, putting myself into what I normally face in the game and seeing the results. Whenever any changes were made to a profession I played in Star Wars Galaxies, I'd hit the test server and deck out a test character as close to their in-game counterpart as I could and take on NPCs or content I was very familiar with. I just get more out of putting the changes into practice rather than just relying on number-crunching, because for me it gives a better overall picture of where things stand.