So it begins...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Clutch_GT, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Of course its “optional” but in this game, optional tends to become “necessary” real quick for one reason or another.

    My point is that this issue could’ve been solved by simply creating an anteroom separate from the penalty box (death box) where every x-amount of rounds, possibly during the break period we now get, where a repair bot could spawn for those still in the fight.

    This would’ve have taken away from the strategic importance of Repair Bots but it would’ve have created a force perception that they are a necessary component to run SM.
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  2. MetalMario Loyal Player

    There's literally nothing tied to progression for survival mode, unless this was changed since I last heard, so saying it's forced is hyperbole at best. That being said, I do agree that there should either be a bot given or you should not be able to use the ones from the marketplace.
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  3. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    That actually makes it worse, seeing people “requiring” Repair Bots to run what is supposed to be fun and challenging content.

    Oh and sure my statements might be “hyperbole” but this community isn’t known for its understated nature.

    In the end, of course we were going to see some idiots shout 106CR, PS4 and Repair Bots but I would’ve rather the devs cut that off at the knees by creating the anteroom so that threads like these didn’t have to exist in the first place.
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  4. Twincam Well-Known Player

    To be honest, don't think i will ever run SM with a Pug Group.

    This would be something that I would only do with my League.

    So really do not care what goes on in LFG in regards to SM.

    Think the purpose of SM is to see how well you and your league can survive etc.

    But that is only my opinion and everyone has their own.
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  5. Forsaken Mentalist Well-Known Player

    What Twincam said......
  6. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    The devs straight up said it will be extremely difficult and you probably won't want to pug it. I will, because I pug everything. But imo that will make victory of each round that much sweeter.
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  7. Twincam Well-Known Player

    I just don't like pugging stuff in general, there is a lot of button smashers and incompetent people playing this game.
  8. savageprime New Player

    Honestly they were already shouting for them exact speccs needed on USPS yesterday. Saw those speccs needed for a troll and tank.
  9. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    Survival mode is interesting it offers a challenge and I like that the only things I have a problem with is

    1. We had 2 Tanks yesterday on ps3 dc like 2 times and could enter back in the game not sure if their is a way to remedy dcing players but if there is a solution someone could think of it would be great to implement that. Lucky we had 1 earth dps that could switch to tank.

    2. The pull on some of this bosses is crazy lol Ursa B we had two tanks 1 tanked ursa on 1 side of the map and the other tanked metallo on the other side and this chick pulled the whole group from all the way from the far far corner of the map. She got that kryptonian tank pull but my question is was that pull meant to be that way i don't remember all that on the livestream?
  10. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    I'll cry if they nerf this. First time in there and using a new elec heal loudout with an all pug group we made it to the end of round 4 but ended up wiping (still completed round 3 so a decent first run.)

    P.S. Normally I never support exclusion but SM is 1 place were I do support excluding people especially if those people aren't willing/able to use common sense:p.
  11. Arcpope New Player

    Lol same have 150.

    106cr 180 sp 150 rb battle troll for Sm .
    starting at 500k a run.
  12. Buckley Loyal Player

    I still dont get it.
    T6A you get the best gear and marks in the game. Which can last anything from 20min to 60min and players did not like it. Its to hard , too long, too short, only want this roll, boss has to much health, bla bla bla

    Now you want to spend hours in a instants that gives no reward, loot(not style) or marks. There is something very wrong with this community.
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  13. Octantis New Player

    Survival Mode to the Devs: "Fight as long as you can until you wipe."

    Survival Mode to Gamers: "If the group doesn't get to Round 10, they're a bunch of noobs."
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  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I think that's the trouble that parts of the community are having with Survival mode. They're treating it like a raid that has an end. It can't be conquered. If you're going into Survival mode to beat it, then you're doing it wrong. You should be going into Survival mode to Survive as long as you can. "Winning" isn't an option.

    Sure this version might have only 10 rounds but has anybody even got to round 10 when testing on the test server?

    Go in and just do your best. That's all. There's nothing you need in it. It's just supposed to be a bit of fun.
  15. Octantis New Player

    That was my point, yeah ;)

    The Gamer mentality is to beat everything, even the things that can't be beaten. I wonder how today's generation of gamers would have handled Atari and old-school arcade games that had endless levels and high scores.
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