should Jump cancel be removed or reworked?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sleepis4theRich, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Capcom actually fixed it so it works correctly, instead of what DCUO did, which was *points around and shrugs*
  2. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I think jump canceling and animation canceling can use some more iteration definitely but the main problem with this game is that there are too many ways to play. There should be one standard way to play and that should have been the Hybrid. The devs now have to balance 3 different play styles. There are just too many variables. They mess with animation canceling now, Hybrid will be the new wave . When they did stats revamp they should have reverted the game play back to day one which was hybrid. The problem is that they can't just take WM out of the game and they want to appease people who like the style of AM since it was pretty easy to grasp and doesn't require the dexterity that Hybrid used to (or HL dps pre GU 36).
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  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Shrug, the other side of that coin being that hybrid only, pre-36 gampeplay wasn't really all that balanced either; people loved it because it was exploitable. Nostalgia makes it easy to look back and go "that was so much better", but changes wouldn't have gained traction if it worked correctly the first time around, where correctly is not a euphemism for "highly conducive to systemic exploitation". It might have been less dysfunctional, but it was still not correct and it was extremely easy to notice how broken it was.

    You'd basically have to undergo the same process of systemic contact development that DOES exist in a *real* fighting game to accomplish that, and doing that in a 3-D environment with upwards of 16 on-screen primary moving interaction focii is going to get messy, fast.
  4. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I get what you are saying. There were a lot of dubious ways to game the system given to us. I just think working on how the game was built to play and improving that would have been the better option than Frankenstein weapon combos together, then scrapping that for using tray powers only, unless you have a pet, then scrapping than and trying to facilitate all three game play types. While yes , I would agreed that powers are overall more balanced but I don't think that is due to having all three game play types. During testing stats revamp, the design team committed to having certain rules for the powers as a whole and not leaving it to be a wild west as far as systems when regarding what powers did what. There was a lot of uniqueness about DCUO's combat that feels lost.

    The old buffing system of using powers in a specific way so that you last power had the biggest buff was interesting as well. Maybe is nostalgia talking but there was something about using your weapon combo and finishing with a power like it was a special move in the fighting game that felt good. Maybe it is my bias since Fighting games are my favorite genre.
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  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    The system itself was more interesting than the current... whatever we have, yes, no argument here. The issue was that the way it was set up let a very small handful of simple, repetitious combos undermine literally any other complexity in the system. It became that kid who picked up Alpha 3, unlocked Shin Akuma and then never played anybody else, and instead of using any of the vortex combos, literally only stood in the far back corner and threw the double air fireball.

    Doesn't matter how complex or varied a system is if a min-max exploit is so overbearing that it renders the remainder of the system pointless by comparison. So I can see why it was changed, but that doesn't make the system it was changed to more rewarding - then again, I think part of the issue is that when a lot of people have this discussion, they're not aiming at "systemic variety", they're aiming at "I want my broken AF HL combo back".
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  6. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    Roll cancel'ing was removed due to an exploit that allowed a player to cancel their vulnerability window near instantly and spam rolls without a block animation even having to show.
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  7. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Shhhhh.. It took a lot of skill to get that dps output and not just muscle memory allowing you to do the same sequence faster and faster. It was all technical. I swear.
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  8. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Ehhh, technically it takes skill to use the triune Magneto, Sentinel, Storm in MvC2, but it's so dominant that - regardless of execution - it's imbalanced. Skill isn't an acceptable curve to base gameplay on unless the performance results are across-the-board universal, and in DCUO's case, they weren't even close.

    Here nor there though - damage is done, the system wasn't working as advertised, now it's a matter of "years and layers later", and the system has been altered to the point of unrecognizability. My observation is that we're here now because people are somehow convinced that they can complain until it goes back to the original state of dysfunction, which results in continued complaints and which will also never actually happen.

    At that? I'm mostly just comparing notes these days. I don't expect it to change, but it's interesting to see where it went off the road.
  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Also, you forgot the sarcasm font...
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  10. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    You're right. I did lol.
  11. L T Devoted Player

    One side effect of old school clipping and jump cancelling was that power use was a thing for DPS. Lots of times there'd be a second troll in raids spamming power dumps to keep those fire DPS fed and happy.
  12. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    I'm aware, they can bring it back with a fix.
  13. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Well, if there was anyone out there still trying to figure out how the ST prec guys are "over"performing...this guy just gave away the farm, LOL.
  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone



  15. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Original context I asked was for use in PVE. Use to stop a roll when needed. The counter mechanics is more prevalent in pvp.

    So let's say the roll cancel via block is allowed only in PVE, a roller can controll when to stop with the cancel (using block). Devs can let the vulnerability window for block stand for the full duration and not let it be cancelled by immediately subsequent rolls.
  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yep yep it was block canceling before it was jump canceling.. I still miss teabagging like we could in the good ole days of DC
  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I like the suggestion, personally, but you used the "F" bomb, so I had to joke...
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  18. High Troller Loyal Player


    did you reply to the wrong response?
  19. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no was just going off your welcome to the forum comment which "i assumed" you meant were people complain about anything and get things changed that don't need changed? or something of that nature and mentioned another thing that was changed because of damage reasons that i wish still existed. :D

  20. High Troller Loyal Player


    The OP has the title "New Player". You assumed incorrectly by a long shot, but thanks for the thoughtful reply.