SHII3STY recruiting

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Mcluv3n, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. Infamous Legacy New Player

    2 Man Sub-Construct Duo lol
  2. Mcluv3n New Player

  3. Mcluv3n New Player

    whats good
  4. ThunderlordRaidenKhronis New Player

  5. Mcluv3n New Player

    u new member lol
  6. Rockin earth New Player

    I have a fire tank his cr is 74 is he compatible and trash talking I don't care all the pp I group up with trash talk
  7. Epic Wins New Player

    What are the rules on loot drop in your league?
  8. Rockin earth New Player

    Also I have to update my signature
  9. Vixen Well-Known Player

    I totally have pugged with these guys and they are horrid, between kicking ppl for no reason "loot drops im sure" they talk like a bunch of 12 year olds using the N word like evey 3 seconds, then tryin to enforce rules on ppl that are there just to run a raid, anyone that joins this league does so out of some weird desperation.
    • Like x 3
  10. Mcluv3n New Player

    ok your point in how ppl talk? smh desperation u say wanna put your in game money or bits up since u seemly so good and not desperate
  11. ItsRem Well-Known Player

    Speaking of desperation... Why would you be trying to challenge a healer to anything...? "Yo0o, I betz mah healeRz can out-healz j00." Lolwut?

    Despite popular belief (somewhere) not everyone is going to think highly of your league regardless of the reason.
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  12. Mcluv3n New Player

    the bet wasnt towards his healing its towards him bringing his best lg mates to my best nothing to do with popularity . i already know where theres good ppl theres a banned of negative ppl
  13. Vixen Well-Known Player

    I'm not a HE. was just agreeing with the other posters yur league is garbage
    • Like x 2
  14. Rockin earth New Player

    So what are the requirement to join this league I've heard it is the best usps3 league
  15. Infamous Legacy New Player

    Sigh....everyone has their own opinion, but calling the league garbage is just utterly disrespectful. I been in the league for about 5-7 months and the league is a real cool and laid back league. I've ran with a lot of people before and I never heard any negativity towards the league while I'm running with PUGs. Like I said before your experience with our league might of been something totally opposite and I'm sorry to hear that. Calling the league garbage is just disrespectful though, we play the game for fun and if you wanna label us with that title just don't run with us.


    P.S. I don't know why but it seems there has been a lot of criticism towards the league since we were announced for FNL....
  16. Mcluv3n New Player

    u from ps4 reapers? i heard u been carried your whole life so plz aint nothing vixen about u , u fat trailer park ham hog .. and u cant stand the N word go in a all white league and keep getting carried and u still going to hear the N word cuz they use it to
  17. BL00DY New Player

    Hey what roles you guys recruiting currently
  18. Mcluv3n New Player

    just active real good players cr 94
  19. BL00DY New Player

    I am cr 96 currently just looking 4 an active league got 125sp
  20. Rockin earth New Player

    Oh man ill ask to join when I got the cr requirement right I'm at 76 should be at tier 5 by next week