Server Hotfix - May 6, 2014

Discussion in 'Live Update Notes' started by Mepps, May 5, 2014.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The following changes will be made during server restarts tonight:

    Collections & Investigations
    Arkham Island
    ·The Gold Collection location near the Villain spawn location on Arkham Island has been moved.
    ·The Gold Collection location near the exploration kiosk on Arkham Island has been moved.

    Oolong Island
    ·All investigations should be accessible.

    Amazon Fury Part I – DLC 10

    Gotham Under Siege
    ·Tour of Duty (hero): Captain Sousanna has received a minor makeover and looks more like herself in Wonder Woman's iconic vision, Aegis of Truth.
    ·Knight Shift feat (hero and villain): Players will receive credit for this feat when defeating a required iconic only while on that iconic's respective mission: Catch Mister Freeze!, Catch Killer Croc!, Catch Cheetah!, Catch Catwoman!, Hunt Down Wonder Girl!, Hunt Down Nightwing!, Hunt Down Donna Troy!, and Hunt Down Batwoman!

    Themyscira Divided
    ·The final boss fight should no longer reset incorrectly.
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  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Any idea when the problems with the marks of triumph and the promethium lockboxes are going to be fixed ?
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We're working on both, but no ETA yet.
  4. Lacedog Loyal Player

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  5. Frepster Active Player

    What if you already have the "Knight Shift" feat?
  6. Bobburt Committed Player

    No seasonal? Wah wah :(
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  7. Echephyle New Player

    What about the harpy couriers? Did you fix their spawn rate?
  8. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    That been fixed.
  9. Little Sister New Player

    I really thought we were getting the Seasonal...
  10. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Seasonals already started in EU mate, theres another hotfix thread up about it in the SOE Tracker.
  11. OneManGenocide New Player

    I'm not sure if this has been brought up , but the new duos are not counting towards the duo feat? I would love to knock out two bird with one stone and finish that feat while grinding the new content.
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  12. Larry New Player

    You need to fix the Keep it Safe feat. A non enemy npc comes down and breaks the create while it is in your hand. On the supply line duo.
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  13. Godric20 New Player

    does anyone know if the "keep it safe" feat is working correctly i don't think you can do the mission and than go back and get it and when i try and carry it sometimes it literally breaks while I am holding it so its kind of hard to complete.
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  14. JohnTitorPlanck New Player

    It's easier to complete the duo then go back and bring the crate.
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  15. AgentX44 Committed Player

    Is that option still available? We tried that after the latest fix during the weekend, and even if you are still in the middle of the duo and try to go back, you can't pick it up already.
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  16. AgentX44 Committed Player

    Yeah, seriously, these kinds of stuff need to work day 1 since the devs know that these are duos. Same thing happened at the start of SoT. I also asked CS and they say they think it is intended. Would be nice for Mepps or any other green name to confirm about this bug.
  17. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Seasonal on the EU has started :)
  18. MisterTyphoon New Player

    That's what I was hoping they would do but I guess not.
  19. PODER INFINITO Well-Known Player

    I got a question, i should probably post a new thread but im posting this over the phone so ill just ask.
    ive been experiencing delay on the weapoj mastery combos, im not talking about the delay on the loading bar, I have been literally getting a little delay while performing brawlings wm tap range-hold range, if I just do tap range over and over I get no delay, only happens when i do the shuriken wm combo, im on usps3 and this started happening after the client hotfix deployed today , this only happens while fighting enemies during t6 alert, if there are no enemies, there's no delay while performing the combo, so my question is, will this probably get solved after regular restart?
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  20. GodofSorcery New Player

    Where my Lockboxes at though?

    At least let us know that yall know that we not getting them
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