Server Hotfix - March 4, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Will nerfing phase dodge, JC, and many animation times affect raid groups and go towards 5 dps groups? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball Z
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  2. Massah Committed Player

    I concur.
    However on the villains side A&B was much easier, probably why so many Villain players thought it was such a joke compared to pre-nerf Paradox Wave or Nexus.

    The Heroes had a more annoying Fight as someone downed in the inferno was basically a lost cause.

    I would prefer if they would allow for user controlled buffs of the content and that changing the difficulty would reflect in drop rarity.
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  3. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Okay. You say it will make dpsing less fun? That said the most "fun" dps power I've played (and I've tried them all) is celestial. Celestial is TIMING BASED COMBOS, essentially what jump cancelling will become in the future. Instead of just face rolling on your controller/keyboard you will need SKILL and timing in order to perform these moves. To me that sounds more fun than being the "fastest button masher". Stop complaining about it and go post on W.I.P. other possible solutions to the problems in dpsing that people call "jump cancelling" and using phase dodge. As I said, neither of these abilities were ever meant to exist in the game as they were abused. The devs have directly said this, so yes I know what I'm talking about. And before you complain and say its cause I can't do it, I've done rage dps using wretch JC dreadful blast also my celestial loadout(seeing as I run noncancelling because I run with another celestial dps) has a jump cancel too. Defile JC retribution. What they are doing is something that will help ALL the powers besides the "OP" powers, and those are the only ones I hear complaining. HL, Rage, etc... HL always complains anytime there is competition and its getting old. All they are is a bunch of crybabies who can't stand competition because they were "top" DPS for so long. Also, coming shortly after will be weapon mastery. Another "fun" way to dps that gives our weapons more purpose than either stats or being the current gliched OP weapon (duel wield as of now).
  4. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Does the villain side have any scripted attacks like the hero version ? I also noticed that their boss rooms looks bigger aswell.
  5. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    more and more i'm liking the idea of making "expert" and "normal" versions of content...
  6. Superkootje Well-Known Player

    Aah thanks, so its still going to be fixed then ^^
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Fixed it for you ;)
  8. shaun10656 New Player

    your complaining to nothing of any relevance if inferno and vacuum don't hurt don't complain they didn't touch his once shot
  9. Massah Committed Player

    Yes attacks to watch out for are similar but Saint Walker's attack was not as Lethal as Hank's.

    (Seeing as how the only adjusted on one Faction side, I believe the above to be accurate.)
  10. Hayley Dark New Player

    is the server hotfix already being implimented? cuz i cant seem to login in both US and EU servers right now...
  11. Hayley Dark New Player

    BTW! im using a PC,, failed to mention that in my previous comment,,
  12. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    ehem….on a brighter note.
    Yay! It's St. Patty's Month!
    Happy Seasonal!:)
  13. Steak Sauce New Player

    This is such an idiotic statement. Removing an attack (while they ACTUALLY fix the visuals) is not a fix. It's a temporary panic attack. Fixing it means modifying the visuals so that they render properly on all platforms.
    Reducing the AOE of an attack because it wasn't "in line with the visuals" isn't a fix either. It's a nerf in disguise. It's an excuse to make content easier to cater to the players who want everything handed to them. There are TONS of examples in this game where AOEs aren't in line with what you see on your screen. The Tyrant's rolling attack, the Warrior's fire bubbles, poisoned players in Nexus (the area of effect exceeds the visuals drastically), the Sentry's jump-stomp-attack, and literally dozens more. Same goes for some player powers. The AOE of Plasma Retch far exceeds the visuals. Hard Light Ram hits far more than it actually touches. And Cursed Idol hits EVERYTHING in a room, it has gigantic range even though the visuals are tiny in comparison to the actual AOE. But what do they focus on? The instance that drops the best gear in the game. Coincidence? Of course not.

    It's not that no one ever wants them to fix broken graphics, but the inconsistency here is baffling. Either fix all the visuals, or leave them the way they are. The notion that an AOE needs to stop where the visuals stop is ridiculous.

    Edit: a word
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  14. Monroe585 New Player

    Celtic back and head pieces are missing.
  15. Chill Snowman New Player

    No additional downtime huh? every time one of these comes out there is always an additional 15 to 20 minutes extra downtime, get your facts straight mepps -_-
  16. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Nice work gents. Thanks for listening.
  17. MercPony Devoted Player

    Thanks a ton for this! Had not seen this part added to the hotfix so was a big surprise when the it activated on its own in the game xD
  18. winter13 New Player

    Because heroes are weaker and less skilled??

    Just kidding
  19. winter13 New Player

    You guys are kidding me right?? So this is the villain equivalent of nexus pre nerf for the heroes? Nexus was an absolute joke on the hero side when compared to the villain side.
  20. winter13 New Player

    Thanks Devs for the seasonal. That's the only one I still have feats to complete on my main.