Server Hotfix - March 4, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Anti Bezz New Player

    If tanked properly Hank's Inferno will be n the tank 100% of the time. As a tank it does nothing to me.
  2. Lemarcel55 New Player


    The inferno happens when Hank does his scripted lunge attack. Tanks can keep him locked up and he'll still do it.
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  3. Anti Bezz New Player

    I don't lock Hank up period, waste of time. Second his Inferno is always on me when I tank. So suspending a move because PS3 can't see it is a nerf imo. Sorry PS3 people can't see but not my problem.
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  4. Lemarcel55 New Player

    This is not accurate and has nothing to do with platform. His inferno doesn't render on PS4 either.

    His inferno happens when he lunges someone out in the group. If you're used to tanking it, I can see how you'd be confused since you're used to that perspective. However, it's incorrect.

    Please consider stopping the qq posts.
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  5. Anti Bezz New Player

    Tank, trolled, dps'd and heal'd it with out problems. His Inferno is not an issue at all, and it does render.
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  6. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I want to focus on this part right here:

    I'd take this challenge if you gave me some reasonable answers to a few questions. Firstly, why would I not wear mods? It seems like mods have been in the game for so long now that even if the top gear that existed when this raid came out was 85, mods would still exist? If you're going to ask for unmodded gear, why not just ask for people to run in t4 unmodded gear? It seems like the same line of reasoning would follow there, and would even FURTHER your point that you can get into the raids but not past (because I'm pretty sure at T4 modded, I was CR 88-89ish, somewhere around that ballpark, so I could still get into the raids).

    Secondly, WHY would I wear any gear that is below the rest of my raid group? It seems reasonable for me to say that many attacks in the raid do around 8000 damage, so my tank should be able to survive an attack of 8000 even if his buffs happen to be down (because of combat mechanics), which means he should AT LEAST have 8000 health, or be in that general ball park. If my tank needs t5+ gear to be able to survive the average attacks of that raid, then it would follow that we should ALL be wearing that kind of gear. It would be reasonable to assume, with that information, that tanks are expected to take gear that gives them AT LEAST those stats, and therefore, the TEAM is expected to be comprised of that sort of make-up.

    Finally, do you REALLY want to ask this question and have people take you up on that challenge? I'm fairly certain that this content was released with a set of purchasable gear that was higher than the rest available in game, plus gear dropping that was even HIGHER than that (including the elusive ring of OP), so that people USE higher gear, the gear that was made previously available to all of us through 2 separate t5 raids and a long series of t5 alerts/operations/missions that give well above 85 CR gear. If the developers had intended us to run that content with gear that was not significantly higher than the CR minimum requirement, they wouldn't have released LVL 90 gear to be purchasable, a good 5 levels above the requirement. I mean, what would you say we were expected to do with that new gear, if the developers intended us to run content in CR 85 gear?
  7. Lemarcel55 New Player

    It doesn't render and if it weren't an issue, the devs wouldn't be correcting it.

    But keep qqing.
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  8. Anti Bezz New Player

    So if the devs fix it it isn't an issue?
    Mics are a big issue in game, but since the devs aren't fixing them I guess by your logic it's not really an issue.
    If it was a real issue no one will be beating a/b, but since a/b was being beaten by leagues with in the hour the dlc was up and pugs with in an hour the dlc was up I'm not seeing an issue honestly.
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  9. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Actually, it renders every time. If I hadn't known this was coming, if I had known this was a complain, I would have recorded every boss fight I was on just to prove that point.

    Inferno wasn't some single hit, btw. It's a DoT, much like Fire's Inferno, or Rage's Galling Eruption, or Ice's Wintry Tempest. It obviously hit a lot harder because it was a boss' attack, but it was not a single hit. It spawns, starts doing DoT's to it's target and those in the area, and then (if your'e not good enough to get out), they died. Of course, the ring of stars was not "visible" to players that were oblivious to the game mechanics, so continuously I would watch pugs run in to "save" a troller/dps/healer that was suffering from the inferno, and I would WATCH the animation spin around the corpse as people piled onto one another and died. It was a train of pain and death that unaware players could not avoid, while all I could do was sit and watch and hope that when I got there to rez someone, I could save the majority of them. Of course, I waited until the inferno was over because I knew how to look at the screen and wasn't just plagued by tunnel vision.
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  10. Lemarcel55 New Player

    Wow, really bizarre conclusions to jump to.

    Of course people were beating A&B. That's not the issue. The issue it that one component of the hero side was broken. So people work around it. That doesn't it mean it shouldn't be fixed.

    Have you ever sat at a table that's annoyingly unbalanced and you put sugar packs underneath it to balance it? That is a work around. It is not a true fix. Currently players are doing a work around while waiting for the devs to implement the appropriate fix. Which is what they're doing tomorrow.

    Ultimately, I'm sure you agree that this is the right thing for the devs to do.
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  11. Anti Bezz New Player

    They completely removed Hank's move. Sounds like a work around then.
  12. Lemarcel55 New Player


    The other components are a fix.
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  13. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Did you just nerf A&B? :eek:
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  14. Lemarcel55 New Player

    It's not a nerf. They're just balancing Hank.
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  15. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    How about wait to see how much has changed before coming here and in game to cry about it.
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  16. Steak Sauce New Player

    He doesn't need balancing. A&B is stupid easy as it is, and now all the legday skippers get their gear handed to them. At the same time, they ninja buff the Tyrant, which is good, but why wasn't there an announcement for that? Terrible players will always cry for nerfs, and if they cry long enough, they get their way. Bunch of babies.
  17. Lemarcel55 New Player

    It's always good to address broken mechanics and that's what the devs are doing with this hotfix.

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  18. Steak Sauce New Player

    Yeah, you can repeat that over and over, nothing was broken. Rendering issues on the PS3/4? Let's remove the mechanic entirely! How is that a fix? A scratch on my leg? Amputate the damn thing already!
    And his other attacks were fine the way they were. Nothing broken there either. If some people can't do it, they need to practice, and not impose their standards on the rest of us.
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  19. Lemarcel55 New Player

    Whoa. Calm down, bro. You sound really really upset.
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  20. Lemarcel55 New Player

    No. I just don't understand such an oversized reaction to a small adjustment ;)
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