Server Downtime - July 23, 2014 - Game Update 39!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    Servers down again...
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  2. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Well - that didn't last long... :p
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  3. Lucas McCain New Player

  4. Atom Radiation New Player

    When i finally started to check the stuff out, they shutdown the thing AGAIN!
  5. Dr Obnoxious New Player

    Why didn't you ? I know i would try to get free skill points for sure :p After all , you can't lose anything, can you :D
  6. Requake Dedicated Player

    Down again? gg wp
  7. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

  8. Molecular Occurance Active Player

    God they are failures...
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  9. Ogat New Player

    LMFAO every single time every single ***** update.. You guys can't be serious..
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  10. Rafael Silva Firmino New Player

    I'm stuck and I can not play anyone could help me or explain why I'm stuck and not able to play?
  11. MercPony Devoted Player

    Well that answered my question lol They booted us out.
  12. Torgiv New Player

    Some people got over a billion marks of trimuphs. WHych is why the shut down.
  13. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    when comes back online leagues check your leader ranks our leader just got atoumaticaly demoted to officer and leader position is now a empty name spot
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  14. chim92 Active Player

    how long will the servers be down for? AGAIN!
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  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    I swear i dont even have words for this stuff anymore. Servers come up and i have 42million MoT and nexus and dox are in t5 alerts. Someone please explain why we have a test server if this kind of stuff ALWAYS happens?
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  16. KatanaRamaRage New Player

  17. MercPony Devoted Player

    I already have all the styles you can buy with MoT anyway :) Don't need glitched marks.
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  18. brothernumzy Active Player

    we have the flying kangaroo does that count ??
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  19. Terlouw_Justice_L3ague Level 30

    For the love of Mepps... :mad:
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It's far from "every single update."

    People always seem to remember the negative things rather than the positive things.
    • Like x 3
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