Server Downtime - July 23, 2014 - Game Update 39!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. Liinwe New Player

    Getting disconected, u know when's gonna be up again?
  2. Scarecrow4479 Well-Known Player

    At least I got to make a new character....maybe if she saved.
  3. Fleece901 New Player

    As usual something is always wrong. You guys should take 7-8 hours to get everything together. Obliviously 6 hours isn't enough time to setup the game. People want to enjoy the game. Not get online for 2 minutes and get kicked back off.
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  4. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Then you know what a loooong time it takes to hunt down and find corrupt code, pull it out and test it to verify it is the source of the problem, fix it with code that will work as it is supposed to, and then stuff it back into the game. Especially in am MMORPG where you have to take a sever down in order to patch a bug.

    there's a difference between overlooking and taking your time with it unless it breaks the game.
  5. Dr Obnoxious New Player

    If you've spent the marks already , they will probably restore the servers to the point before you've spent them.
  6. Liinwe New Player

    yup XD!
  7. Scarecrow4479 Well-Known Player

    The irony in this statement is they took 8 hours to get everything together.
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  8. o0Fallou0o Level 30

    Thanks for the heads up indeed
  9. Ramonater New Player

    let the lag fest/freezing/cant connect all the other errors we always get with every DLC/GU commence. Classic and sorry booty devs cant get anything right. Not sure why they even put this stuff on the test sever to being with
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  10. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    woo hooo! back to DESTINY Beta...
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  11. White Integra New Player

    Whats up again?
  12. MercPony Devoted Player

    I know the marks are bugged so I didn't touch them lol Just wondering if it will roll back Prestige if they are gonna do that.
  13. Kaizia New Player

    ...and the saga continues...stay tuned.
  14. adelen New Player

    OMG always login error at ps4 after update in this game,
  15. hispanicpower New Player

    Yea same have invalid game state dectected ....
  16. AkagamiNoShanks New Player

    Always Coming New Update and after Bug>Welcome to DCUO . >>> NOW Invalid Game .
  17. Atom Radiation New Player

    They just turned the server off on our faces?
  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

  19. Ramonater New Player

    at charater select screen under world is says status, anyone else getting locked??
  20. Little Sister New Player

    In the middle of an alert .... :mad:
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