Server Downtime - April 29, 2014 - Game Update 36 and All Access

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. RAVlN New Player

    I have a friend who wants to play but it wont let him make an account. anyone know how to fix this?
  2. Doctor El New Player

    Sad what they did to Green Lanterns
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  3. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Damn life! I hoping to use all the possibilities of the weapons and where after all this? Almost nothing that this test is available on the server ... I'm disappointed ...:(
  4. batmanr79 New Player

    i cant get on and i dunno if it cause im from nz or not:confused:
  5. RAVlN New Player

    restarting my computer and running as admin worked for me.
  6. batmanr79 New Player

    ok good luck!:D
  7. Luke Presley New Player

    I'm in California, been a member for a long time, and still get booted with a "Unknown Problem" message every time I try to log on. It won't validate me, shows the picture of the back of a ghost character, then shows the disconnect page. Is that it? No more DCUO?
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  8. DevilzReaper New Player

    Im still getting the UNKNOWN error message n cant log in qtf guys really im gonna finallt get in n ur gonna shitdown for regilar maintanence
  9. pyroshade13 Committed Player

  10. batmanr79 New Player

    i got on once then looked at the difference between pvp and pve. when i got back it crashed
  11. PVP360 New Player

    only game that i have ever seen that tell you to get excited or and update....and at the end of the cant play..i have never seen this before..
  12. BriWi Well-Known Player

    Hey Mepps, where are the tier 5 expert synthetic mods? I checked the t5 vendors in watchtower, gotham wastelands, Mogo, and Metropolis Battleground and they just aren't there. It's in the patch notes that they're supposed to be on T5 vendors, did you guys forget to move them from t6 vendors to t5?
  13. Little Sister New Player

    The T5 Weekly Boxes are giving Expert plans, just in case anyone was curious ^.^
  14. DevilzReaper New Player

    Syoll cant get on just gettin dced n unknown error message ?? Y???
  15. FlashMartin New Player

    ye i still can not login i kepp geting UNKNOWN error message plz can you fix it so we all can get onto the game ty:(
  16. cdills7509 New Player

    mepps i never got my loyalty point will i recieve them? can you help?
  17. cdills7509 New Player

    on my charachter chrisdills7509 usps4
  18. PVP360 New Player

    its bait and switch...they keep doing it because it creates a micro transaction environment. Its so wrong in every way...they have been doing the same thing with pvp as well.....the ongoing strategy is to advertise a certain value of items or powers which entices players to pay for it, then decrease the value and create something else to replace it to create a replacement value enticing to pay again.....

    Its a pretty abusive practice....
  19. Diggletdigs New Player

    This sucks I have not been able to play since like 4:30 p.m. I am starting to get inpatient lol.
  20. Belatos New Player

    I read the patch notes, where it should have been posted. Just because it was in the test server doesn't mean its going to be in the patch.