Roll back Cheater toons to Feb 3rd & return replays: it's fair

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TKMcClone, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. Harlequin Devoted Player

    You are completely missing the point. I mean, you aren't even in the same hemisphere as the point. It's not about the CR or the gear. It's about how this content, this progression path and all the gameplay that went with it (gearing up a group, fleshing out strategy, throwing our bodies at a boss until we beat it, a real PvE progression race FINALLY) was totally torn apart and **** on by a bunch of self-absorbed scoreboard chasing wanna-be elitists who care for nothing more in the game than that little number next to their nameplate and that it's bigger than the other guy's.

    That's the point. That's why some of us are mad. I don't give a rusty **** about their gear. I care that the devs actually attempted to bring us something new to DCUO, a progression race that required farming content to gear up and beat the elite raid, and it was ruined by cheaters. The race is gone. The thrill of competing with other leagues, other groups to see who'll be the first to drop Elite Hades, ruined. Who cares about the gear? That part of the game is tainted now and unless the devs stand up now and make it known that this kind of thing simply will not be tolerated, now or in the future, the integrity of the race will forever be in question.

    It wasn't the greed or envy of the players that this content was designed for that drove the cheaters to glitch the holy hell out of the raid for gear, it was the greed and envy of those who had no hope of ever completing it any other way.
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  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    1 cr difference in weapons alone is 400 prec. 400 prec is alot. Don't know the difference between 100-101 cr in might, but i will bet it's atleast a 1000, and regular prec probably like 3-500.

    Anyway all mmo are about min/max stats, so to say 1 cr is not a big deal go against what most play mmo for, better gear. The fact that we are having this argument proves that it is a big deal
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  3. LogicLaughable New Player

    That's awfully idealistic, and that's why Im not in the same hemisphere... BECAUSE THIS IS A VIDEO GAME!

    However, if true, the devs have already addressed the raid and the content. So like you said, who cares about those players. They won;t be the raid with or without this gear if they are that bad, so it doesn;t effect me or my league.
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  4. LogicLaughable New Player

    It's about 300-350 precision if you turn the dps boost into precision numbers (I think it's 24.7 dps more than a 100 plus the precision). That's a soder cola 4. and not much when you subtract the DPS of a 100 weapon from it.

    I mean, you're fishing in an empty pond here. Move on, y'all look like a bunch of whiners. Play the game, have fun, let the devs take care of it.

    EDIT: And it's really not a big deal, the reason I carry this on is because it's fun. The longer it goes on, the sadder this witch hunt looks.
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  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    It's 39.7 prec so like 400 prec like i said, don't glitch for minimal stacks. You have a ball in this game that's why your fighting so hard. This will have y'all thinking long and hard before y'all glitch again, and what's sad is DBG will keep the tainted funds w/e yhe punishment is.
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  6. LogicLaughable New Player

    No, I really don't have a ball in this game. I'm just finding this more fun than the game is atm.
  7. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    Here is the simple truth. People have been arguing for harder content. People say most of the content, especially since Dox/Nexus has been boring and easy. The devs tried to meet the needs of the community. We got new mechanics (and not just 1HKOs) and other things which was suppose to be a challenge.

    And the community glitched it to no end. That makes the entire arguement moot. It looks less and less like the community wants genuine hard content, and just wants a silly brass ring that no one else has.

    To say nothing of the simple fact, IT IS AGAINST THE TERMS OF SERVICE OF THIS GAME. Plan and simple. If you allow glitchers to do as they please, and don't do anything to stop it, what is the point of the ToS. Why have rules in the first place. Just let everyone have fun and be done with it. Who cares if they use third party programs. Who cares if they are speed hacking. Who cares if they are altering the daylight out of the game code so they can be invincible. They are having fun.

    THAT is what people are arguing about and that is why people want glitchers punished. Because whether you want to admit it or not, to a great deal of people the integrity of this game, and what they devs have tried to accomplish does matter. And it is is ruined everytime selfish over entitled players do what they want just so they can say they are better the whomever.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Dear LogicLaughable,

    What's sadder is the fact you've more than likely made a duplicate account to spew forth this garbage, you're clearly on a real level embarrased about your opinion because as a player you're unwilling to own it.

    This isn't a witchhunt and it isn't sad at all, it's about the community correcting course and saying enough is enough, cheating should not ever be tolerated. It doesn't matter what has happened in the past, it doesn't matter what has or hasn't been done. At some point rules have to be enforced that have been put in place.

    You'll recall the 'wild west' of America during the last 1800's early 1900's completely lawless. Isn't like that anymore, people can't just go around mudering others just because it's had a precedent in the past.

    This isnt about envy or jealousy either, this is about integrity. You are no doubt one of the guilty parties, clawing out in an attempt to gain popular opinion so that you evade the coming consequences of your actions.

    What I'll also point out is that it is only a witch hunt when it's unfounded and you hunt people with no basis. These people are established cheaters, there's no 'wishy washy' may have accidentally glitched here, my friend; these people on this occassion both knowingly and blatantly cheated to gain an advantage over others.

    There's no point debating whether it is or isn't an advantage, the stats on the gear are higher, the gear is called 'elite gear' it immediately has a great prestige attributed to it and with everything being equal people with elite gear have an advantage simply because when all things are equal 'stats are going to be the difference'.

    quit trying to discredit people trying to do the right thing, because you have a guilty conscience it's abhorrent. Cheaters should be ashamed of their actions. They should be ashamed in themselves, because the truth it actually shows is that "THEY'RE NOT ACTUALLY GOOD ENOUGH TO COMPETE PROPERLY AND KNOW THEY PROBABLY NEVER WILL BE"
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  9. Kal~el Committed Player

    You are joking, right?
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  10. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    This is the worst idea I have ever heard in my life . Do u even read what you type ?
  11. Yuck Gadgets Active Player

    Well devs since I'm sure you'll let the players keep the gear and do nothing, instead of the gear saying elite can you change it to cheater
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  12. LogicLaughable New Player

    There is competition over others in pve? Im confused, unless youre a scoreboard chaser.

    I will own it, I participated in the door glitch of FOS 3, The Nexus rafters, a few dox exploits, but not this one. I just think let he who has no sin, and quite frankly I consider everyone to have exploited something, which makes everyone here a bunch of hypocrites. I know people who have glitched it, Im sure everyone here knows people who have. But I think crying over this the way you all are is sadder than those who glitched it in the first place.
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  13. LogicLaughable New Player

    that would be hysterical. I approve for the lulz
  14. Kal~el Committed Player

    My question to all those defending the glitch.

    If it is just a game and the gear did not matter, why glitch the game to get the gear?
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  15. LogicLaughable New Player

    I dont think anyone is defending the glitchers. They cheated and eventually people who cheat will be caught. I'm making fun of the people crying about it like hte 1cr difference has ruined DCUO. That's jsut crazy talk lol
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  16. Kal~el Committed Player

    So, if someone stole your computer or playstation are you telling me they should keep it? Would you still be making thiese same lame arguements?

    I think not. However, i would expect you to not complain or whine to the police about the person who stole from you. After alll, they are only something that allows you to play a video game. Remember, he who has no sin.....
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Just cut it out,

    PVE is still a competition, DPS still watch the scoreboard, trolls still try to obtain the highest vit, healers still try to dump as much heal as they can, even if solo healing they are testing themselves.

    Groups compete with each other in Survival mode to see how far they can get. OMG shock horror they do that in PVE gear.. you may say it's insignificant, but really when it comes to the top eschelon of content everything matters, stop living under a rock.

    You're not owning your opinion because you're hiding under this alias you've created "LogicLaughable". You see my name, it's my in game name because I'm not ashamed to post on here my true opinion no matter who reads it.

    And to add of course, you're not going to admit to doing the most recent glitch in this thread; are you. Who in their right mind would.

    Also you can't just accuse everyone of glitching and being hypocrits. The difference here is that you have NO PROOF of anyone glitching in the past, whether it happened or not. THIS TIME THERE IS PROOF, THE PROOF IS OBVIOUS, AND ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

    What you're doing is a classic deflection tactic to try and push blame on others or divert attention to others that might have done wrong too, you're like the speeding motorist that gets pulled over, but goes "But officer the car next to me was also speeding". It actually doesn't matter and doesn't mean that at some point the law isn't going to be enforced.

    I'm still waiting for you to admit your character name, feel free to add it to your signature.
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  18. LogicLaughable New Player

    Exploiting content in a video game IS COMPLETELY like being robbed in real life. Good analogy +1
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    So you're admitting to trolling now?
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  20. LogicLaughable New Player

    So you are talking about the make believe competitions

    I'll pm you mine if you pm me yours. but I think you'll be disappointed to see I have no elite gear. :(
    • Like x 1
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