Roles of Friends currently online

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheHattoriHanzo, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    what role are they?
    They play what ever role I tell them to be in

    obviously I'm just kidding
    am I tho
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I still think this would be a better option:

    Make it so you can "flag" for LFG like other games (using /LFG or so). Maybe include the role (as symbol) as well. So when you see a player or look at friends list it will show they are LFG.

    Could even go the length of a UI menu to show what your friends are LFG for, but that might be taking it too far.
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  3. TheHattoriHanzo New Player

    This actually makes sense. I think flag that they are LFG and role would be suitable. Because if it was just role or power icon, they still may not be available anyways. The LFG flag/icon will indicate that they are available. For example, friend1 is LFG and has a tank icon. At glance u know they are available and a tank. But anything that requires an icon would be a whole new UI and Im not as hopeful as they will do this lol.
    I'm just thinking in a sense that what can work currently with what is already available.
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  4. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    I greatly agree, I have often had this thought in my head, it would be very useful especially when such a person changes his nickname or powers without warning you, for some, we end up not knowing who is who or who is what...
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