RIP "Will someone walk me into gates" shouts.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FEARtheSPUR, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    In a way , a bitter-sweet result
    No more gearing up of them tiny alts to play with the big boys :oops:
    On the bright side , no more carrying people who have no clue about their roles n stuff

    classic example : Walk in fest on USPC today, went with a nexus walk in group and after a ton of confusion as to how to kill the sentinels we reach the last boss. The fight started , shields come up , aoe .. and poof dead. A couple more wipes in a similar manner, (yes I stayed, some weird sense of actually helping people ..yes it scared me too) one guy meekly asks about what the white things are. Polite answer : Shields.
    Question : "Do you know how the shields work?"
    Answer : Don't know , but why should I play with shields ? When I went with my friends earlier, we did not see any, must be specific to the artifact

    A moment of silence
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  2. Alexonic Committed Player

    thx walk-ins...
    thx to you i have seven toons cr100+
    i will never forget you

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  3. Novaks New Player

    I actually didn't walk in my last alt and he was doing t5 after a week of creation (could have been sooner but i work pretty much 12 hours a day)Im seriously not affected at all by this change so i could care less. Will be nice to see people trying to learn their roles properly though.
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  4. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Well you don't actually require a walk-in if you get lucky with the drops. And having the 78 vault rings and neck helps a lot too.
    I have leveled one toon without walk-ins and was a bit lucky, got to 70 pretty fast (ofcourse had to mod a bit ) and timed it so that it was a day before reset. So I got to do the T4 stuff with weekly boxes on 2 consecutive days + drops from S/M bots + lucky in drops (yummy norsemen codex) and some modding, voila you are 80 cr . T5 solos + mods to reach 84 . Rest as they say is history
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Very common after DLC9. The 90 gear makes the shields obsolete to a group with 2-3 damage dealers who are CR 100+ (and know how to do damage, of course). I imagine players wearing 87/88 gear had the same effect, but it wasn't as widespread until the 90 gear became common. If you bring in an appropriately geared group (90-98), the shields become necessary unless you have amazingly damage skilled players.

    I've run with a lot of players who had no idea what to do with the shields until the group had wiped a few times and I or someone else explained it to the group. It would help if shields were health based instead of time based, but a lot of players prefer being able to overpower the final fight and not deal with the mechanics. I'm in the group of players who like the mechanics and the fact that it forces a group to work together, but I think I'm in the minority on that one. :-{
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  6. ReddRosey Well-Known Player

    Why you say that? Did they do something to the walk in instance
  7. Heartsbane Committed Player

    They are CR locked as of tomorrow.
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  8. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

  9. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    I'm glad I raised an alt just in case. But this was a necessary change, walkins were breaking new players progression.
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  10. kawe Loyal Player

    It's easy enough to gear up an alt if you know what you are doing, walk-ins made it easy for vets and new players alike to gear up within hours.
    I'm glad they are gone.
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  11. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Nah they will still show up and then all the shouts after calling them noobs for not knowing and that causing one thing and another. Yup, love the community.

    It will be nice to see people actually working their way up, and I mean new players that can now learn their role correctly ... I hope.
  12. Ice Lantern New Player

    Hopefully this allows people to go at their own pace rather than be pressure to get to endgame ASAP. What some people don't realize is that allowing walkins actually restricted how some people played because it limited the number of players at lower tiers.
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  13. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    To be honest walk-ins weren't really the issue, they were just the means. The real issue is the "once I get the best gear I'll beast" mentality of a lot of the player base. I've has people tell me during there PUG days that they don't need to learn basic mechanics or anything because once they have the best gear they'll beast.

    Removal of walk-ins will help with that a little, but as long as that mentality is around nothing will change.
  14. game007dad Well-Known Player

    IMHO both sides have some valid points but in the end having to grind through from T1 to T6 will make for a better player base. If your going from a fresh level 30 to being in whatever the top tier is in a day your missing out on EXTREMELY valuable Skill Points. Not to mention that learning how to properly fill your role is far easier if you go through each tier rather than jump into A&B & expect people to not only teach you the strategy but the basics of your role. Granted that with Power Respecs this will still happen but with any luck this will go a long way to make these instances far fewer.
  15. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I created this thread a long time ago, and was met with the same type of people that just wanted to roflstomp the content rather than rely on communication and teamwork to complete it. It's unfortunate that people ask for more strategy, such as additional duties for controllers like the MHs in AnB, then turn around and shoot down my idea.
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  16. Battle Hamster Active Player

    The air was thick with desperation and panic last night in LFG. I almost felt sorry for the lil fellas and gals scrambling to get one more walk in.
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  17. Errorcode1058 New Player

    If I have the best sneakers, I will be able to jump higher and thus dunk the basketball. Then they will name me captain of the team.

    Showing up for practice has nothing to do with it...

    "Moooooom, need more Cheesy Poofs!"
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  18. Falco Committed Player

    Not quite yet I'm sure. They'll probably die off in a week. As they do fade, be prepared for the "why can't i walk-in" and "so i'm quitting dc" threads. :D
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  19. mollypoppinz Well-Known Player

    it seem that the fresh 30s ( going to learn today)
  20. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    This is awesome for new players. They should progress through each tier to properly learn the game and their role. For vets it should be where if you have a character that meets all cr requirements you should be able to walk-in an alt as you have earned that right. Glad my alts are all 103 and higher so it doesn't matter. Either way glad they did this.
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