Request For An African Style

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Highplains Sailor, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    It's good that they were creative with the name, lol.

    DC Head Writer: "Hey guys, we need a character that's like Black Panther. Name ideas?"

    "Umm... Blue Cheetah? White Snow Leopard?"

    "No, those are ridiculous. (holds up can of Red Bull)... wait a minute, what about Red Ocelot?"

    And thus Red Lion was...eventually...born.

    Upcoming DC heroes:

    The Fascinating Arthropodman

    The Retaliators:
    Brown Recluse
    Titanium Man
    Lieutenant U.S.A.
    The Amazing Behemoth
    Uncle-Man ;)
    Golden Sorceress

    "Thank you Google Thesauraus!!! Now I can spend the rest of the day playing Warframe!!!"
  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    My favorite African-inspired toon is on Test. She's called Aphro.

    She's celestial, dresses like Aphrodite, but has way more soul.
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  3. High Troller Loyal Player

    My go-to African skin code is 2E180A on human skin 2.
    • Like x 1
  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I'm not trying to turn you into a villain, nor make any characterizations of you whatsoever. I'm sure you're a fine fellow.

    I'm simply saying you're wrong about African garb not appearing in DC Comics. DC had plenty of "jungle" comics and apes out the wazoo. Some were unfortunate, and ignorant, and inauthentic, and sometimes outright racist, of course, but they still happened.






    Tarzan comics:


    There are literally thousands of panels of DC Comics set in Africa and there have been since the 1940s.








    Anthro, Bwana Beast, Vixen, Tarzan, Bomba the Jungle Boy, Congo Bill, Congorilla, Sheena "Queen of the Jungle": these aren't African characters? Where were all these and more comics set? They're not authentic and the costumes aren't authentic, but they're available as DC costumes. Some I wouldn't suggest DCUO use, of course.

    But there are hundreds and hundreds of DC Comics set in Africa with characters wearing what's supposed to be "African" garb. Hundreds. More than half a dozen series DEDICATED to being in Africa. "Jungle comics" was a MAJOR GENRE OF DC COMICS, like Westerns.

    Pull my other one. I'm sorry, but you're simply wrong. I can keep going and going with pictures/evidence/links.

    It happens. It's not a sin or a comment on your character. You simply got this wrong, presumably because you're not aware, which is not a crime.
  5. Controller Devoted Player

    MTF -

    Good points.

    My point of view stands, though - DC does NOT have a RECENT and POPULAR African-Garbed hero.

    Good on you for dusting off the archives, though.

    About the ONLY one that I would personally use for ANY of my toons is Vixen's, but that's just me.

    And if "Red Lion" is the ONLY RECENT REPRESENTATION of an African-Garbed Superhero for DC then you can thank Marvel's Kraven the Hunter


    And of course - Prince T'Challa.

    Looks like - from Red Lion's pic - that either one of these characters took a wormhole into the OTHER's Comic Universe, had an EPIC brawl, Black Panther won, took Kraven's Mane and then painted himself RED for whatever reason.

    Just sayin'.
  6. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    Yes, I am in the process of trying out new styles for various pieces as they become available to try for the outfit I want. This character is an alt (Atomic power; I wanted to try it out) and currently lvl 19, I believe. As more styles become available I'm sure I'll find a very nice combination of items. I really appreciate the advice and the great pictures people have posted.
    • Like x 1
  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    All fair enough points.

    LOL, as we say.
  8. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Incidentally, it took me a minute to realize that I'm "MTF."

    My first thought was that it stood for a common expression of an expletive. :p
    • Like x 1
  9. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    ^ x 1,000

    I would particularly love Icon and Rocket and Static! Icon's rich history, plus his galactic scope, makes him an excellent source for a storyline. And as we all know, there wouldn't be an Icon without Rocket. ;)

    I love styles, so I'm never going to vote against a style, but content with Milestone characters or John Stewart is at the top of my wish list.
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    I apologize, Buddy -

    During my time on the ships we learned to abbreviate almost EVERYTHING.



    Sorry for confusion.
    • Like x 1
  11. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Uhm...BPanther is marvel...and to be fair BLightning was DCs first attempts of super inclusion...and he has his own the "coolness" contest...however...the fans have spoken...BPanther wins...marvel won that round that era...
  12. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    Africa - continent. 54 modern countries. Is the OP referring to a specific culture?
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    He clarified any African culture that isn't Egyptian.
  14. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    That still leaves a lot unless it's generic euro/american concept. I guess knowing the difference between Celtic and Nordic is easier if your ancestors are from those cultures and the difference between Swazi and Zulu and Anansi. I'm a mix of a LOT and was a History major, so I nit pick.
    • Like x 1
  15. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    Later I said that we could start with Zulu, since that is probably a style most people are familiar with from movies and TV. I probably should have stated that at the outset; I know there is not a single non-Egyptian 'style' for all of Africa, but I figured everyone would get the general idea).

    Other African styles can be added later to give people even more choices. Or, the devs could create a generic 'Sub Sahara' style that is a blend of the various outfits?

    Also, the style could incorporate hi-tech 'armor' that has a Zulu flair / design to it as well.
  16. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Controller: why does it have to be a popular recent character? Why not simply take an existing character (like, say, what Marvel did with Black Panther) and make them popular (again). You are aware that BP had been in the background for many years and barely got much of a mention until the recent MCU started, right?

    OPie: asking for a generic 'African' style when you had a specific style in mind was the mistake. Instead of starting this thread simply asking for an African Style you should have straight up asked for a Zulu style. And, not sure about anyone else, butt personally tired of all the bulky power-armour sets, in fact, even the DEVs are because they had that BatBrat criticize your character in the Titan introduction (even if your character is wearing less than the Bratty Wonder)
  17. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    Thanks for being Unar beforeUbar. Good laundry service. GREAT chow and world's best medics!
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