Reason Why Roleless buffs need to stay

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Backseid Devoted Player

    See, if you've never played another MMORPG, why are you commenting? Nearly everything you just wrote us incorrect.

    It IS called Support. In this, and any game.

    In some other games, a person builds up their gear/skills mote towards damage OR Support depending. NO ONE is running around playing as a straight up full Healer build during the whole game. That's for Raid style content ONLY. Just like here.

    You are not supposed to play these games in Support role/stance at all times.

    There's no Solo content designed for Support because it doesn't make ANY sense.

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  2. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    Its my experience that allows me to play WITHOUT THE ROLES....not the other way around...

    Needing a tank, is a crutch...
    Needing a troll is a crutch...
    Needing a healer is crutch...

    Stacking burn on burn is only for experienced....

    If you need a tank, a heal, and a troll to run pz, good for you...

    I don' don't punish me for other people's bad mechanics....
  3. Tanksblaze Well-Known Player

    Until roles are given tutorials and explained within the game it has to stay. This game has been out for how long and there isnt any tutorials? 5 or 6 years? Roleless buffs are just a bandaid for something that should have been in the game since day one.
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  4. High Troller Loyal Player

    Might as well add in roleless buffs for raids and Elite alerts? The part I dislike about roleless is that I am forced as a tank to go do very bad dps. Please don't tell me how good atomic is as dps. I only dps on my Sorcery. But get this, they want tanks in elite alerts. Do you see the dilemma? I don't see how your concerns outweigh the necessary support roles for end game content that is after t5. You will alienate the support roles.
  5. High Troller Loyal Player

    So do you run elite without support roles too?
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  6. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Yes. Make changes that revolve around the game. The community is too much in a state of flux to surround changes to the game based on what "it" wants. So again, do what fits well with DCUO.

    Please, lets try to get the game back as close as it once was then work from there. Features that are "permanent" "will" stay, but features that can still be changed back, should. Getting rid of the roleless buff is an example of what should be changed back.
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  7. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Oh my goodness yes. That mod took a core feature away from DPSing. It's almost as if the damage modifier does not exist anymore.
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  8. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Developers have real bad methods of helping players in the game. In the sense or analogy of....

    .....Instead of Teaching players how to ride a bike; they give everyone training wheels.
    .....Instead of Teaching players how to hurdle over obstacles; they remove the obstacles.
    .....Instead of Teaching players how to swim to the other side of the lake; they bring them over by boat.

    The more they simplify the game by Roleless Buffs, Advance Mechanics, Easy Avoidable Mechanics, and other aspects of the like. The worst the game gets. There during these changes to help players, yet the changes only end up get exploited.

    Game is managed so poorly yet has so much potential. That has always been my gripe with this game.

    No wonder there is 3 Job openings at Daybreak for DC Universe right now.
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  9. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player


    First, let me begin by stating my opinion for elite content...Because players are able to beat regular content, they assume they are ready for truth, that's not the case...most people that are successful in regular are far from prepared to run elite...

    And second, your question is completely moot good sir, because there is no such thing as roleless buffs in elite content...

    But thanks for playing...
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  10. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I used to as Celestial. Solo's and Duos should be designed for any type of role combination. Alerts and Raids is where advanced planning should be done to decide what your team composition should be.

    No, I don't believe non-damage roles were designed to be the main roles of DCUO. They should not be, considering the point that it's irresponsible to allow players only "practical" access to non-damage roles in only Alerts and Raids. Within these modes you learn how to perfect what you know and not only to defend yourself, but your team. That being said, you should know how to defend yourself by the "time" you get to these modes (excluding early campaign missions).
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  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    Duo's are designed for any role combo. Plenty of them are hard enough, on day one, to play that way.

    Our problem is the Premium "skip system" as well as how we can all be within one CR of max in the first few days.

    That's why people can DPS their way through content so easily.
  12. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I agree
  13. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Cause heaven forbid a game DESIGNED for roles shouldn't be your personal dps fest.
  14. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Call of duty sounds about your thing then, not a role based game.
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  15. Rigel Cygni Well-Known Player

    Are roleless buffs being removed?
  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Arent they already alienated? How is removing the buff helping the community? I could see removing the buff for T8 content and higher but not for the entire game.
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  17. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Have you played XIV? While you have access to all roles you can get by in that game by staying in your role the entire time, you are not required to play DPS at all... and you don't get hindered for not having a DPS option either.

    Not to mention at the end of the day if you balance the game with doing most of the work as a DPS, that's the gear you're more drawn to get done first... instead of what you "main" which makes things detrimental to one's progress.
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  18. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    The problem though is taking this mod away at this point throws everything out of whack.. the max damage mod at this point is a necessary evil.. merely using it as a tool to keep things balanced due to how AM's work.
  19. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    DPS is a role too....
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  20. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    It's more than just your experience that allows you to run the way you play... if roleless buffs did not exist their is a good chance you would not be able to stack DPS. Everyone would take more damage if the tank buff got taken away so their is a good chance if you were just relying one one healer and three DPS, that he would need more power to compensate for that damage... ergo you would need a troll.

    You would not be able to have runs of current end game content if the healer roleless buff was taken away.. regardless of your skill level ... especially when the CR differential gets taken away.
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