Random Pics plz keep clean to keep it going

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Drathmor, May 1, 2013.

  1. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    I figured when I stopped with my political satire he would as well. But still going strong. It's the conservative way I suppose. They have a hard time of letting anything go.
    Try back in a couple months. As long as we keep not responding to his little picture quotes, he will probably get bored and stop.
  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Wait, the black buns is because of Halloween? Over here, they are being promoted to support the All Blacks losing another Rugby World Cup
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  3. dngnb8 Devoted Player

    Im not conservative. I can argue politics with Libbys and cons all day. They typically default to knee jerk responses because they believe if you dont think like them, you must be the ones they hate. They cant think beyond thier fox news or Huffpo. And I did stop. Not because I was bored mind you. But because CC was chased away.

    I sent CC a PM saying I stopped. And I did. Then you piped in here with a last word attempting to demonize someone else for what you started. Its the liberal way I suppose. They have a hard time of letting anything go.......

    Im sorry CC.
  4. CrankyPete New Player

    to celebrate coming supergirl show
  5. CrankyPete New Player

    second attempt
  6. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Three strikes and you are out of the game Pete, so make it a home-run! :D
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  7. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

  8. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

  9. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Not sure what that is from, but the lion in particular looks sorta familiar o_O
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  10. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

  11. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    Lambert the sheepish lion
  12. DCUO Post Loyal Player

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  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That was it, thank you (and loved the 'Goofy yell' from the wolf :D)

    It was sort of, but not quite, similar to The Ugly Duckling (as in, don't judge a book by it's perceived cover, or the rest of the books on the bookshelf)
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  14. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

  15. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

  16. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    please quit posting these gun propaganda images this isnt FACEBOOK we arent here to see your opinions were here to see interesting or funny images you are destroying my thread.
    Please stop

    Edit: i see this was addressed later in thread please keep to your word and help keep this a fun space
  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Again while im all for not stereotyping animals same for you this isnt facebook to push your ideas please read the title of thread

    granted you have gotten better than the war between you two but this falls along the same lines

    i really just want this to be a fun neutral space on these threads full of hate

    Edit: same as for dngnb8 I saw your response and same response from me in cert here
  19. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I feel the same its very sad to me but im hoping they will stop I am trying to address the issue only time will tell if they listen or not
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  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player