R.I.P. Synth Mods

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    As of GU73 :(

    I thought this deserved its own thread. What do people think about this choice?
  2. gemii Dedicated Player

    welp broker prices are about to sky rocket
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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    They probably wanted to clear house with all the exobyte stacks flooding the game from time capsules. I hate that they did this, but I understand the logic behind it so I can't even get mad. They'll see alot more people in lower tier content as well farming simple and complex material.
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  4. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    I better get as many synth mod as i can... synth mod is awesome...
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  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Hopefully people will get used to people using betas in gear that isn't the max IL. Not that I agree with the decision, just hoping it doesn't do too much damage. Ah heck, maybe it should do too much damage to teach the "genius" who thought this was a good idea a lesson.
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  6. ChillCat Loyal Player

    You can't be casual and hardcore at the same time
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  7. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

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  8. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    As a hardcore player, I love it. As a casual player, this sucks.
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  9. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    sure you can, you can be a hardcore casual.. like me... i just playing casually but i'm hardcore enough to reach 190 cr and above..
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  10. Korlick Loyal Player

    Another thing to add to my list of things i hate about this revamp.
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  11. Goddesssilver Well-Known Player

    Another nail to the dcuo coffin. I swear someone in the development team is seriously trying to kill this game this is the perfect example of another terrible decision.
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  12. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Wouldn't there be mods with the mod transition plan? Regardless would still be an issue for those gearing through tiers, especially now earlier content has been considerably buffed.
  13. majosea Dedicated Player

    Synth Mods removed then players just will not mod more failed groups , I cant blame players for not moding now , because farming mods is not fun , other players move on to something that is fun
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  14. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    it would be just like before syth mod... everyone would just slap in beta mod for the bonus and call it a day... with how fast your CR progress, there is no reason to get a proper mod.. unless you are one of those diehard player that reaches max CR in one day..
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  15. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I guess I understand their logic but I strongly dislike this...

    I really only farm mods on my main and just buy synthetics for my alts.
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  16. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Question: What would happen to toons who have synthetic mods equipped when the GU launches? Would they get to keep their synthetic mods?
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  17. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Also what I'm wondering.
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  18. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    It might be the case of get as many as you can now lool. In case this actually happens.

    On that note would it affect Synthetic Mods in your inventory or bank?
  19. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Synthetics had their usefulness. However.... and please don't burn me at the stake for saying this... they were a terrible crutch that were keeping certain types of players afloat.
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  20. Goddesssilver Well-Known Player

    Burn the witch burn the witch!!
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