Quantum being nerfed?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by RevengePro, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    I was gadgets for four years it's am is exactly like quantums, I working on a mental toon it's am is exactly like gadgets, wtf are u talking about ?
  2. Master Play Committed Player

    Believe it or not, there is always a DPS more skilled than another. Which explains why some quantum DPS's outdps other quantum DPS's by millions.

    All advanced mechanics are easy to execute and are repetitive, so I'm not sure what point you're making with the "1-2-3-4 boom".
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  3. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    That's wht I'm saying ! all the pi ams are like that. if your breaking a sweat trying to dps in this game put the Cheetos down and go out side.
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  4. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    The itchy trigger finger(s) in this thread is(are) real. Reminds me of the good old days :eek:. There's always that one player that grabs the FoTM brass ring and claims to be God. Good times. Stay classy, DCUO.
  5. Ogat New Player

    This is so sad actually... How do You even suck at quantum... my goldfish can play quantum, i tought my dog how to play quantum, hell even my pot plant can apparntly dps with quantum. Yet there's still all those people saying stuff like "duede i rekt quant with mental quant is fine"...
    Everybody who claims sorcery especially sorcery with 2h, or gadgets or hardlight are balanced with quantums output is out of their mind, doesn't have basic observation skills, can't read combat log parses and or might have the powerset knowldge of a peanut or which is far more likely is not willing to shell out another 10 bucks for a powr respec.
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  6. Mad9 New Player

    Well, for one Quantum can be used at full range, you need to be mid range for EMP unless using Pdart. Second, gadgets can be played many different ways unlike quantum where I seem to restricted to possibly one loadout with minor variations.

    A good gadgets players can match Quantum or for that matter Sorcery can match Quantum. I don't know what you seem to be agitated about?
    Calm down and keep the discussion constructive. I don't think Quantum needs to be nerfed.
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  7. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    There stil press 1 2 3 4 boom easy
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    People who keep up with quantum dps. That quantum dps in particular is the same quantum dps who just got off the ship 3 weeks ago.
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  9. Mad9 New Player

    Yes, Quantum can be played by anyone's goldfish. Also, the combat log parses are not the final truth. Try ToD for example, with so many pushbacks and interrupts, Sorcery with dots can outperform Quantum even though the combat log parses for the dots loadout may not show big numbers. Same can be said about gadgets.
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  10. Mad9 New Player

    Yes, true but try teaching it to the community and all you hear is a whimper and not big boom.
  11. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    I felt you where making gadgets out to be this super hard power to play with, like u had to be trained by secret agent g 64 classified ninjas, to knw how to use it am.
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  12. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    He will be Celestial after GU45 lol
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  13. Mad9 New Player

    Post GU 36, everything is easy but I wonder why majority of the DPSs suck in this game?
  14. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Then we will hav nerf Celestail threads
  15. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    You play on eu PC ?
  16. Mad9 New Player

    Irony speaking for itself, aren't you quantum now while previously gadgets?
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  17. Mad9 New Player

    So says the signature.
  18. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Yea I've behn 2 powers in 4 years, I won't be playing Celestail if thts what u a getting at ? I do have 2 alts 1 heal (electric)
    1 tank (fire)
  19. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    U asked why dps u play with suck I answered
  20. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    1-2-3-4-5 Big Boom, I'm on top wohoooo actually :)
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