Pvpers anywhere?

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Marc Monitor, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Marc Monitor Level 30

    USPS Villian Marc Monitor

    This may be fishing for a miracle but...are there any pvp leagues, or any leagues that have a good number of active pvpers, recruiting? I have firm knowledge of pvp basics but i just want to find a group that actually runs this for fun. my current gear is 97 with mostly 98 pieces but ill still do arenas, ill also do legends. Oh, and none of the usual pvpEgo...just looking for fun times
  2. Marc Monitor Level 30

  3. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    We do a decent bit of PvP nightly and we do very good, we lost a lot of our members recently and had to rebuild our league so there's only a few of us that are really good at PvP these days, we're trying to get the others up to speed and we could use more people interested in PvP to help us out.

    You can post here if you're interested in joining our league.
  4. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Nope - broken as hell...if hell could be any more broken.

    Yeah, you get it...I hope!

    Play at your own risk!