PvP weight class - Why you no have it?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Captain Spire, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Even if everyone had identical gear and powers, player-skill would still present a huge disparity between new PvPers and veterans. We have/had changes on PC Test that will be addressing this soon.
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  2. phen0mena Committed Player

    I logged in just to reply to this, in hopes that you read it Mr. Mepps;

    That is EXACTLY where the disparity should occur.
    It is fallacy to try and balance encounters between players' ability, or lack-there-of.

    Everyone should have the same tools and a players skill should be the only dividing factor.

    Experience is only half. There is also natural talent, be it video games or fine arts. Some have it and some do not. It shouldn't be a factor in balance. I realize you try and cater to all as it nets you income (so I don't fault you for it), however what I am seeing in arenas are players winning SOLEY on these tricks they are being provided regardless of any amount of skill, experience, natural talent, etc. It has not leveled the playing field. All it is doing is turning matches where one team/player should win highhandedly into 20 minute slug-fests where no one is KO'd at all; these people are still not 'better' with their tricks, they simply survive the encounters. I would think it frustrating for both sides, perhaps not.

    It might be doing great for the short term, I don't think it bodes well for the long haul. I obviously don't know the future plannings of your team, nor the expected life-span of this game, etc, so I cannot say whether this is good or bad looking from your perspective. I am fully aware that as of 'right now' it's probably making a killing being that PvP is fiercely competitive, thus making the desire for all these tricks extremely high.

    I don't have any foolproof solution to offer, and don't envy your position as the deciding body. Regardless, I feel that something akin to a CR requirement would work, or just revert to giving marks to 'losers' and gaining marks EVERY match, perhaps even legends/arenas give equal rewards as well, as many players que soley for rewards, and once T3 is done, they leave legends completely for the time being. Allow players to progress. There is a large amount that que however many times it takes to get their lockout, and that's it. It's really, really affecting the state of PvP. There is a large spike from Thursday to perhaps Sunday after the resets, and the rest of the time activity is very low. I feel this is as important as addressing 'trick bags' to longevity.

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  3. BASSNUT New Player

    Pfft one its how we all did it.

    we lost lots of PVP battles and and on a few occasions we got lucky with a win in a PUG,

    I still PUG and have helped a few randoms in lower gear get a few wins and still do 2v2 just for the fun of ti even afer getting the win Box.

    No one in t4 walked up to t4 without going through the pain. Yet it seems that most people just want to be spoon feed gear like in PVE.
    Its a hard slog to t4 and it was a hard slog for everyone who has t4. Why should it be easy for newbies?

    ohh wait they all want t4 with one of these I guess

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  4. phen0mena Committed Player

    Before free to play, you got marks win or lose. It was only the amount that changed.

    Regardless, the part of this post that strikes me is that unless you have paid for numerous resets, no one should have their full gear yet, or players who are on every single day of the week and winning every match/map each week would be completing the suit around now.

    Let's say the full suit costs 300 marks? around right? and what, 8 maps total? Not counting quests, that is 37 or so weeks to finish it without paying? Where is this 'pain' you speak?

    The 'pain' your reference is only on your wallet. Before free to play, I would have agreed with you.

  5. Yallander Loyal Player

    Actually that is not all true. I used just the replay badges provided by being Legendary each month and was in full t4 in @ 5 months. Wasn't in a rush to get there as it really didn't make that much of a difference except in premade matches.
  6. phen0mena Committed Player

    Still, that is a considerable amount of time. So the 37 week approximation is fairly relevant at least.

    Truthfully, I agree with you though, the 'gear' itself isn't really the issue. it's the pets, henchemen, sidekick, etc. that are causing the big problems. Mods also, but they are definitely not removing those.
  7. Spidersting Committed Player

    The real game changer besides all the new stuff from this last DLC is if you are wealthy enough to mod out T3 and T4 with at least t3 mods. If you are blowing replays left and right on T4 then maybe modding T3 out is not the best idea but it helps move it along faster. At this point i am just using my free replays each month to get a few extra marks a month without having to spend more money on replays.

    I only started playing my Hero again a few weeks ago and only play 2-3 nights on weekends only and i am 1 piece short of finishing full T3, I have 1 piece of T4 and have enough marks for a second piece of T4 and this is all without spending anything extra on replays and using what i had. I also managed to use some of those replays to jump my CR from 54-78 in that same time span.

    Can i beat the top end geared players with all the gimmicks yet? No but i also lack SP's only sitting at 78 currently but i can defnintly hang with the top geared players due to having Just about full T3 and having T3 mods. I do have to do a bit more grinding then i want to with the new stuff but it prevents the game from going stale.

    What is my point? Basicly without the gimmicks of pets/henchmen/orbitals/supply drops/sidekicks, is that T3 modded pvp gear is enough to give players a run for thier money.
  8. OMG Well-Known Player

    I have the same outlook. Really Good Post
  9. Woodler New Player

    This is all that needs to be said.

    Seriously what are they going to do? Nerf skill?

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  10. Captain Spire New Player

    But they would both be on a level playing field. But thank you for looking into this. All I want is some level of fair play. Not as skills but in matches we select to fight.

    Yallander said
    How can it be fair if I have no idea if the person I'm about to attack has T4 armor? If I know I am entering into a fight where players only have T1 armor, then that gives me an equal chance to win as well as loose. Same goes for them. I can work on my skills and button crunching if I know I have more than 5 seconds to respond or die. No one is equal. I'm not after being equal. I wan't what's fair. Having players restricted to interact in an arena/raid that they select, where players will not have armor too high or too low, is fair.

    This cannot take into account skill. I never said that. I'd directly addressing the serious gap between someone just entering into a PVP world as compared to one who has been doing it a -long time-. Pitting a T4 against a T1 is not fair.
  11. Ice Lantern New Player

    It is fair because that T4 player also had to grind out to get his gear. The only valid argument you can even make is that he grinded for his gear when very few people were T4.
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  12. Yallander Loyal Player

    You completely misunderstood what I wrote. Giving everyone the same chances doesn't mean you get rolled by T4 players over and over. It means a matchmaking system that recognizes personal and team stats and pits you against players of similar nature. I don't care if that person is in T1 or T4 gear--if they can fight at my level, I want to fight them. I rolled too many players in full T4 to believe that gear is the all in all. It is a factor, but not THE factor.
  13. Mista E New Player

    if you split up the ques it is going to affect que times...

    all you people qqing about this are soon going to be qqing about que times.

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  14. Chungweishan New Player

    Under the ideal circumstances that Devs apparently want:
    • T3/Beta + Home Turf Mods + Pets + Consumables vs. T4/IV only.
    Sure, all those gimmicks could make up for actual combat-skills, but that shouldn't have been the solution because this is what usually happens:
    • T3/Beta only vs. T4/IV + HT Mods + Pets + Consumables.
    That plan didn't work out so well.
  15. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    This game can not support a fractured queue system for PVP. It just can't. This would be the return of the post megaserver, pre Suicide Squad queues, where almost no one on the hero side wanted to PVP because you would get 1-2 matches an hour.
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  16. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    It won't be for the villains, but it will be for the heroes. Seriously post megaserver heroes would get 1-2 queues an hour for PVP.
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  17. Lem New Player

    It might hurt queue times in the short term, but in the long term they'll probably be much healthier. Under the current system, most players that are either new to pvp or just haven't gotten the hang of it will try a few matches, get crushed, and just give up on that side of the game entirely. If those players are paired against each other instead they're going to have a much more enjoyable experience and are also going to learn more than if they just get wiped repeatedly.

    On the flip side, instead of getting a constant stream of boring, easy wins, more experienced/better players will get paired against each other and actually get to experience some real competition.
    End result, more people enjoying pvp equals more people queuing for pvp equals shorter queue times.

    The one potential negative of this type of a system is that pugging as a player with a high matchmaking rating could end up pitting you against nothing premades, which could possibly ruin your ability to pug. That's not a foregone conclusion, though, since you'll also have teammates with high matchmaking ratings.
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  18. Evil Grave New Player

    And thats on a good day.
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  19. Mista E New Player

    splitting the ques would do nothing but harm pvp.

    And honestly, what I would have the group I am running with do, is to put on a full modded set of teir 2 or tier 3 pvp gear just for the faster ques.... and that is a loophole that I shouldn't have to walk threw inorder to get more ques.

    If you want to learn to pvp, start in legends, learn the mechanics, and get marks of tactic while you do it.
    What the devs shoul do is allow marks of strat be earned in legends as well.

    Splitting the ques will hurt pvp.

    and for a change lets not hurt pvp, and actualy add something positive to it..... LIKE A LOBBY SYSTEM WITH CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS!!!!


  20. Lem New Player

    I don't think you read Mepps' post at the top of this page. The new matchmaking system is not solely based on gear, if at all. It's based on other factors that haven't been explicitly stated yet. Most likely it will have more to do with win/loss ratio, and possibly end of match stats.