PVP: PC vs. PS

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Red Jenni, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Soul Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I was actually biting my lip there when I saw the hypocrisy..

    Being lectured about the necessity of reporting hackers, from a person who spent years in a league who lived off duped money.
    (And other things I'de rather not get into..)
  2. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Everyone lives off duped money Souls. The entire economy still to this day is effected by that money. A good example is that I just got a "large" sum of money for a Nimbus Aura I had saved up. I just wanted money for styles and collections and base items. Nothing else to spend it on.

    And yes, I do see a difference between going, "Oh yay, I can buy a style I want because I have extra money." and a player going, "Oh no, I'm losing so let me turn on this 3rd party software so I can crush them."
  3. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    It must have increased in the last 6 months which is sad :(.

    I played till June or so of last year and then took a break and came back around late November. Up until June I randomly qued Legends every night with friends and almost never ever ran into speed hackers. The fact they are coming back out again is odd. I wonder what brought it on.
  4. Soul Dedicated Player

    Brice, you know very well what I meant by that, It's not just the fact duped money circulated in your league, but rather, who duped it to begin with.

    I'm not here to play these childish games with you, my point was simple, I'm not here to pass judgement on your moral standards.
    Stop being a hypocrite by giving me patronizing speeches on how you value fair play, like anyone who knows anything about the company you kept would EVER believe that.

    To make a long story short, I'm against hacking, cheating, glitching and any kind of abuse. I know you are too, but don't pretend like you haven't kept your mouth shut for years about some of the things your in game friends did.

    Also, I don't care for the difference you see between duped money and hacking, these are all cheats and against fair play. It's amusing you'll even try to defend it.
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  5. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Fair enough Souls. I'd go as far to say majority of players in DCUO have kept their mouths shut at one time or another about something a friend has done.

    But yes Souls, I do see a massive difference between enjoying in game currency and downloading outside software that manipulates the actual combat system.
  6. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

    Just being objective here.. there's a lot of people that did the same thing on the villain side. That includes people pretty close to you as well, Souls. Not going to name drop because I think it's rehashing old nonsense but we beat the **** out of a lot of guys that cheated while being 100% legit. PvP-wise I don't think it makes much of a difference outside of mod availability.. most of those guys will still be bad at the game.
  7. Soul Dedicated Player

    I literally admitted to knowing people that did that and more like 1 page ago..
    My problem is with him lecturing me about what I should do when in practice he did the same thing as I.
    It's called Hypocrisy.

    I see the difference, and I look at both the same way - Cheating.

    You should be more honest with yourself.. especially if you're going to call me out about something you've done too.
  8. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

    That's fair. Stop triggering Souls, Brice.


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  9. Brother Allen Loyal Player


    Party pooper...:p. lol
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  10. Soul Dedicated Player

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  11. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

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  12. Spidersting Committed Player

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  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    SPIDER!! Jesus man. It has been forever since I seen you around. You coming back for the Cross Play?

    P.S: I got excited and posted. That could totally be in a PM as to not take away from the OP's thread. lol...Shoot me a PM man.
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  14. BigAl Devoted Player

    See more on Know Your Meme
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  15. Ruckaz New Player

    lack of enforcement, reports on these people pretty much go to way side with them doing little about it...and we arent talking about people you think are cheating but really obvious ones. like i said there has been this one guy (one example) running around open world for past 5 months speedhacking and despite multiple reports from multiple people still runs around.
  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    My feels = :eek:...o_O...:confused:...:mad:...:(

    Seriously though that is ridiculous.
  17. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    It's already ruined, merging doesn't make a difference until they actually balance the powers. Then you can worry about hacks.

  18. Soul Dedicated Player

    It is.

    Repeated offenders have been getting away with it for years.
    PS players have a legitimate reason to be concerned about that..
  19. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    In preparation for crossplay I hope Daybreak has hired more GMs for DCUO to investigate suspected hackers. They don't want a unhappy PS population, when hackers run rampant going unpunished.

    I'm looking forward to play with PS players. I really hope Daybreak did the smart thing in hiring more staff.
  20. Absolix Loyal Player

    Have you looked at the PvP changes on test? That first wave is supposed to hit live at or before crossplay, so that PvP will actually be fun playing, albeit there are some they will hopefully continue to work on.