PvP changes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hraesvelg, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Ugh......the things they come up with to "improve" PvP, who the hell comes up with these ideas, and why do they keep getting agreed upon?

    It's getting pretty clear the the dev team has no idea what PvP needs......
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  2. MMM Active Player

    Can you stop saying 'I dunno man" in all your posts. It's really annoying.
  3. Ghostof91 New Player

    Funny thing is we do give ideas in what PvP needs, because last I check dont remember anyone asking to remove immunity PvP.
  4. dibrieEUps Well-Known Player

    i dunno man, who dafuq are to judge how others quote's
    are from the forum police ?

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  5. Kroye Loyal Player

    My brother pointed out to me how interesting it is that folks complained when "pvp mechanics" were added to pve, and now theyvare being removed from pvp but left in pve.

    It's almost like things are going backwards. Again.

    I'm not a "sky is falling" guy, but this may be a big change to pvp. I need to research it more myself, but at first glance it seems to me that they are removing one type of skill from the equation and I'm expecting it to turn into a spamfest. I like SPAM, but not that type.
  6. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    It's funny because people said the exact same thing when they introduced immunities into pvp
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  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    I don't see the first one happening. WM and AM are here to stay. I could see the others happening, though.
  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    Only thing I dislike is when another player grants immunity to the boss or match NPC you're tanking.
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