PvP changes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hraesvelg, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Game Update 50

    • Removed counter immunity from PvP Arenas and Duels.

    Well. This is a thing.
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  2. Reformed New Player

    Old school pvp, except now we have Shazams, WM, and AMs...
  3. Multiverse Creator League

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  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

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  5. Multiverse Creator League

  6. Dogico Loyal Player

    I wonder if this means it will be removed from pve too.
  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yes please. I hate those blue bosses....
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  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Nope, this change is for PVP Arenas, Duels and Legends. PVE will remain the same, immunities intact
  9. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Whoa whoa, Im not destroying anything. i dont PVP and have nothing to say about it. I let those that do PVP talk about it. I forget the PVP section was even there lol. #PVEGuy
  10. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    This must be part of the Free Realms 2 expansion pack :rolleyes:
    I understand now.
    Lets make the game even more casual.
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  11. Veritech Loyal Player

    Might be one of those trial things, like temporarily removing the vote kick was.
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  12. Marcos Active Player

    Counter immunity was the diferencial for DCUO PvP. Now PvP will turn into a dps festival, where only the most damaging power will have a chance to win.
    PvP now will be more imbalanced than ever. Competitive PvP will be something from the past.


    Edit: it will not more be possible to 1x2 without counter immunity now.
    PvP was already imbalanced for quite time, now it will be more imbalanced than ever.
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  13. MyrVell Committed Player

    Needs to be removed from PvE as well. Otherwise, what's the point?
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  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    PvP is already on life support... let's hope this random and unnecessary change helps revive it.
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  15. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

    This change would put the final nail in the coffin for PVP.
  16. dibrieEUps Well-Known Player

    i dunno man, it will not more be possible to 1x2 without counter immunity now.
    PvP was already imbalanced for quite time, now it will be more imbalanced than ever.
    and will die xD
  17. dibrieEUps Well-Known Player

    i dunno man but 1+.. but i think what is is removing all in pvp is way much easer that tweaking counter and imunity windows and fix am ^^
  18. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I have a very good recipe on how not making them "blue" :p

    Besides, the blue immunity is awesome for tanks for more survivability and also allows non-tanks to survive a bit longer in case the tank f**ked something up. I hope it is here to stay in PvE.
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  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    You are clearly not a tank in PvE. Or playing PvE in general. :rolleyes:
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  20. Zylo Committed Player

    next on the list...

    remove AM's and WM
    put back role gear.
    give roles there survivability.
    decrees the DPS insane damage and BS catering you done for them.
    put back RPS again.

    in that order.
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