Livestream Preview: Scorecard Feats and Allies UI

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 1, 2022.

  1. Toshknight Loyal Player

    yea, anything that takes a little too much thinking, may break the hamster wheels working on the updates/new exiting monthly rewards aka enhanced armor we already have
  2. Toshknight Loyal Player

    what about finally giving speed movement styles a actual speed force and reverse speed force style, along with answering the Lantern ring color for accessory or and for Light to match that to other corps? everyone has been asking for this stuff for years, since 2014,
  3. Toshknight Loyal Player

  4. 4MeRockz New Player

    Feat tracking is great and I'm a huge advocate for this... I hope this is good. Glad they are streaming more too, obviously.

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  5. Toshknight Loyal Player

    yea i actually like it too.
  6. myandria Item Storage

    That is exactly how I test on the test server; with a controller. :D
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  7. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, today was the first time since this new Allies UI launched that I've tried to Level Up an Ally. One of my characters has the Flash at Level 3. I have a bunch of Ally Favor, and those other things that are in my inventory, and under the new UI, it won't let me apply any of them! The "Level Up" Button is not clickable! What gives? How is this better than the old UI? At least with it, we could apply our Favor and Level Up our Allies! o_O
  8. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    maelona said:
    “I can't level my Allies the level up button will not come up on the second page only think I can do is cancel”
    You must have the favor and alliances needed to complete a level up for the option to appear now. You can't partially level up an Ally anymore.
    • Like x 1
  9. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Dumb way to do it, when no other artifact/whatever does it that way, but whatever, I guess the Devs think it makes sense for us to have our too small inventory clogged with those things until we can actually use them! :rolleyes: