Please don't make me Leave!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mysticwraith, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Mysticwraith Well-Known Player

    I'll refrain to comment, but I will say I see your point.
  2. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    Helping the team complete the run.
    Enjoying helping others to succeed when they are having problems succeeding.
    Proving you can win when the odds are stacked against you.
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  3. HardlineHero Committed Player

    Why don't you run the instance by yourself? Then you won't have to be concerned about leaving anyone. It'll be a win-win for everyone!
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  4. Black House New Player

    Pure gibberish
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  5. Mysticwraith Well-Known Player

    Rofl this is indeed humorous.
  6. YodaDog New Player

    OP's mentality is selfish. Also so very, very typical...Gotta love it. More power to ya, buddy. It is pretty weak when scrubs cant keep up with the awesomeness. I hear ya.

    Meanwhile, just bide your time til the next GU and then buy the feat. Then you'll never have to run FOS2 on your alt ever, ever again. You can direct your thanks to my buddy Jens, the devs, and all our wonderfully polite and inspirational friends here on the forum for making the game so much better for you now, soon enough. They had guys like you in mind, dontcha know..

    Problem solved. You're welcome.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    So you expect players in a pug to listen to you AND get a speed feat? OP, you might be better off collecting exobits for the gather feats. Less stress.
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  8. TroEL Dedicated Player

    I find it astounding that most of my harmless and usually helpful posts (no matter how harsh it may seem) get deleted with the swiftness but this thread of absolute DRECK can last past the initial posting. Every sort of management of this game, whether it's the mods here or the devs themselves, never cease to amaze me.
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  9. Poo New Player

    When did that happen?
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  10. Mysticwraith Well-Known Player

    I appreciate your sarcasm and intelligent dialect. However your deductive reasoning seems to be slightly typical of what's being demonstrated. By far though you have a well rounded approach.
  11. Black House New Player

    Are you using Google translate or just words that look nice?

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  12. Mysticwraith Well-Known Player

    Now I have complete confidence in the educational system.
  13. Black House New Player

    But no direct experience of it?
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  14. NorthernLad New Player

    So, let me get this straight. You took it upon yourself to create a thread threatening to leave the game because YOU ran an instance, didn't communicate your goal and then didn't get the speed feat that you wanted? Then you left your group members hanging, because finishing with them was a "waste of your time?"

    God, I'm so glad people like you aren't in my league.
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  15. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    This kind of thing is what's wrong with the DCUO community. Joining a random pug group with the expectation of completing a speed feat is ridiculous. Getting pissed any whiny about inexperienced players messing up your feat is even more absurd.

    If you want a speed feat.... Start Your Own Group and specify that the feat is your intent. Spend the time to create a raid group capable of achieving the goal. Getting pissed and leaving an instance because "you're only there for the feat" like you're the most important player there is just childish. It also takes away from a positive game experience for lower CR players.

    Lose the attitude OP and don't continue to be part of the problem!!
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  16. Korvyne Committed Player

    Oh dear , such a sad story. I think you should really consider leaving as a valid option.
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  17. JustSome_Chick New Player

    Wow.... Yeah that WAS rude. Selfish. Nasty in fact.

    If you don't want to waste your time- don't do PUGS! Find some friends (if you can manage to not alienate everyone around you) or a league! For you to do that, and act like it's anyones fault but yours and you are so special you will just abandon them - well -

    Leave then, the community would be better off without such nonsense.
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  18. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    I ain't gonna lie.... I laughed. :oops:
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  19. GeoShock New Player

    This ^^ if you on EUPC villain join us, we have a feat grinding day every week ;)
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  20. CheneysCurse Well-Known Player

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