Please Do Not Remove Stat Caps

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Shark Dental, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I worded it carefully on purpose. "I'm done responding TO THIS POINT..." the one that you expressed in the point before that. I specifically didn't say I was done commenting on any of your erroneous ideas, just that one, since it's been thoroughly rehashed. After all, we've still got 12 pages or more to go before the threads are perfectly balanced.
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  2. Tarif Committed Player

    Spoken as expected from someone with 227 SPs Trex. Your certainly not effected by the Stat Caps in place. ; )
  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I have over 300 and agree with him.

    What now?
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I have over 320, and I agree with him...
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  5. Tarif Committed Player

    What now is I still adhere to what I feel is a hindrance to what I have earned. You can have a different opinion Fatal, and thats alright. To me, Stat Caps only limit the players that have earned the SPs and have them to spend, and doesnt limit players that have not put in that work.
  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It only limits you if you don't look to branch out in other areas. After I cap might I go into health to give my artifact a boost while surviving one shots in elite that others die to. Yes health does make a difference there. My healer armory with only 32 k health dies to one shots in the J-quick fight that my dps armory with almost 39k health (40 after an Omega) takes like a champ.

    I'm sorry you don't see the value in throwing your extra skill points into other stats, but that doesn't mean you throw the whole game out of balance and alienate a huge portion of the player base so you can feel op with your 360+ sp when sp in general are just one avenue for character progression.
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  7. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Just a friendly reminder that the only reason for letting people have all the SP in one stat is STILL "because I think I earned it."

    Sorry, that's not a good enough reason to upend the basic fundamental structure of the combat system.

    That's why it's not going to happen.

    These threads are going to be ignored. Just like the ones three months ago and six months ago that you wrote ad nauseum Tarif. If six months of being ignored isn't an indicator of how bad your idea is, I really don't know how you're ever going to figure it out.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I don't seem to recall ever being able to put all my SP in Might before revamp. There has always been a limit. Get over yourself. Please and thank you.
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  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player


    As a matter of fact, you couldn't even get into a might stat back then without having to spec at least 20 sp into every weapon tree.

    And even back then, Might still had a cap.
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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It also only took 263 sp to cap on might, which is about what it takes now. Back then you only got like a 1000-1200 boost from might. Now you get a lot more.
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  11. Tarif Committed Player

    Your making assumptions on what you believe I would do with my build. Artifacts are also open to everyone. Cant honor either point your making there. Those are your thoughts and assumptions, not mine.
  12. Tarif Committed Player

    Ive never been under myself. Heh. Sorry you couldnt get to all the might stats before revamp. But because you didnt do it, doesnt mean others didnt EARN the ability to do so.
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    So what exactly is the point you're trying to make? You think cause not everyone has as much skill points as you, you're entitled to being special? Everyone has access to over 360 sp just like everyone has access to rank 80 on artifacts. It's all about how hard they're willing to work to get there. You still have quite an advantage, it's just not as much as you personally want it to be, and the degree you want it will most likely break the game and send a lot of players packing.

    If I had 360 sp I certainly would not be complaining about not having enough to spec into. I'd be too busy experimenting and playing with different builds. My battle heal armory would be amazing.
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    And where are all these OTHERS you refer too? I can't seem to find anyone who supports your opinion. Note the keyword there: 'supports'.
  15. Punch Drunk Active Player

    So no the feats are not any harder to get now then they were before if you use the logic of players knowing how to play the game and following the mechanics of the instance. We have gone back and got a lot of them for newer league mates with not too many problems. Elite feats, with the changes to the content and the one shot mechanics are now the difficult ones to get. Don't confuse grinding feats with difficulty unless you are talking about the RNG. Everyone has problems with drop rates so we are all even there.
    Everyone keeps assuming they know what the Devs think and why they made the decisions they did. Well if I don't see your name on the list of devs DON'T SPEAK FOR THEM. Quit assuming you know how and why they put things this way because you have no way to back up any thing you say. They routinely make changes to this game based on feedback from us the players. Also you need to quit confusing Stat caps with SP allocation caps. They are 2 completely different things and have totally different results. If they were so concerned with us hitting the stat caps they would not have moved them up so high we could never reach them. This was said during the feedback portion of the revamp by Moja I believe. Do any of you remember in the AM days being maxed on on your Controller and not being able to put out any more POT because of the cap? I do and so do most of the Trolls in my league because we all hit it. Changing the SP allocation would not have this end of the world effect you all seem to think it would and thanks to those that did the math for us, we now know some of the actual numbers it would bring. Adding 20 Sp would only give 400 more might so then following that math 100 would only add 2000. Guess what I can already have 2000 more might then you by using Trinkets and Sodas. The new trinket gives 3500 i believe.

    Nothing worth having comes for free and getting everything handed to you doesn't impart ownership and pride in ones accomplishments. So quit using the arguments about the new players. They already have an entire game to play and if they aren't investing in getting better then maybe that's why you struggle to get the feats done. Race to big the biggest CR I can because the gear gives me the most boost and then don't have any skill or stats to back it up. Maybe the CR differential mentality isn't completely gone after all is it if we are all just concerned with getting the next set of gear.
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  16. Tarif Committed Player

    Ive been clear about my point. Entitled to being special? Not at all. Entitled to not be capped after earning something in game, yes. Everyone DOES have access to those SPs in game, BUT not everyone puts in the time, money, or effort to get them. Thats been my whole point, regardless of how you want to think, or see other wise. There is a difference to being entitled to what was earned, and a sense of false entitlement. Some people on these forums seem to forget that.

    After putting in that time, money, and effort, I shouldnt be stat capped. Stat Caps are literally only hindering the people that have the points to spend. Thats not hard to see, and it certainly isnt anything akin to balance. People that dont even have the SPs in game to spend, who have not put in the work to have them, are not effected my stat caps at all.

    Artifacts are open to all. Thats a moot point to me right there. Not even apart of my discussion, about Stat Caps. You know, my point?
  17. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Wait. Did you delete my trinket and sodas? WTF, bro?

    Considering gear is where the bulk of our stats come from BY DESIGN, trying to obtain it all ASAP is a completely valid tactic.
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  18. Tarif Committed Player

    On this topic, Start reading the forums. Plenty of threads and plenty of people saying similar things over the past year. What this is looking like, you replying to this particular post, is Your actually suggesting and saying that others filling out their might stat before revamp was an opinion? There werent "Others" who could allocate SPs into all their might stats before revamp and wont support me in saying there was?

    Thats not an Opinion, nor does it require support to know that players could allocate points in all those stats your referring to before revamp.
  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'm only going to quote this part because you lack an understanding of consequences and how a business works.

    If the removed the caps, let you freely throw as many sp into any stat as you want, what do you think will happen? For starters, healers would have access to a lot more resto, trolls would have access to a lot more vit, tanks would have access to a lot more health and Dom, and dps would have access to a lot more might/power and precision, which would all make the game easier. As a result they would have to buff content to account for this new potential, which means players with lower sp will have a harder time completing content (let's not ignore the fact they'll have a harder time getting into content as well) which would lead to a huge loss in subs and profits, which will hurt daybreaks wallet, all because a very small percentage of players wanted to feel OP and smoke anyone with half their sp.

    No this is not coming from a dev, this is coming from someone who tested the stats revamp for 8 months and had to fight with the devs to get changes made while figuring out exactly how they think and operate.
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  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    the fact that i'm so above the curve makes wanting to grind out feats somewhat pointless to me. i could skip the next three or four dlcs, come back and i'll still be able to max out my might and power with leftovers to boot.

    i dont think they should be removed but we should have a higher cap.

    its nice to want to make things a little less intimidating to imaginary new players who advance beyond the freewall.

    they should have started with a better skill point board.
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