Openworld clamp removal

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CrYsiS44, Nov 15, 2023.

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  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You truly have no reading comprehension do you.

    What is the effect? As she clearly role. It’s players spamming it when it comes out.
    What caused this effect? As she clearly wrote content hitting EEG.

    You literally cut off half the sentence in order to warp what was said into something that wasn’t said lol. She wrote: players run content or else it’s a lost cause.
  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Please put me on ignore then you won’t ever have to be bothered again with seeing a post from me.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I will have to try this out tonight on the Clock Tower paradox demon. I expect it to be a slow process but now that gear doesn’t get damaged this could mitigate a lot of the problems players are facing in mostly empty EEG open world content.
  4. KidKretz Committed Player

    goodluck! there are different forms for that dude. the one that looks like slimer from the ghostbusters is the easier one i find, because his attacks are like our uplink devices and easy to dodge.

    the one that has lots of legs, or looks like he has lots of legs and looks like a scorpion, does a massive AoE ground slam and is the hardest solo imo, because you cant stand anywhere near him,and since you are the only one there, it makes that task harder :(

    there are other locations that boss spawns other than the clocktower, but thats the place where you have the biggest chance of getting help, as everyone seems to know that location.

    again, goodluck!
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you!
  6. Grip Committed Player

    Yep. You clearly read the posts (with the possible exception of the time played before 2020 part), and I commend you for taking the time rather than attacking a strawman in the public square. My views aren't aligned with the proposed solution, and a part of that is I can't fully relate to the poster's situation. Normally, people with similar backgrounds tend to view things similarly. While I can relate to balancing DCUO with other things, after other things in my life are done, very often I'm found balancing my butt in a chair playing DCUO with the squad, and since this pattern has lead to thousands of hours of gameplay over the years, of course the op and I see the game differently.

    Enter the forums.... If any of us want to present a case for review, we can do so unless and until we abuse that privilege. The op is describing a challenge they're facing and proposing a possible remedy, and you (if I understand correctly) are detailing why you think the op's struggles are self-inflicted and stating that you feel their style and volume of play doesn't warrant any adjustments or consideration from the development team. Or are you simply against the specific solution they've suggested? If that's the case, do you have others you'd like the team to consider? On paper, though unlike the op, you completed those feats, you're closer to the situation than I am (simply meaning EU players who've taken extended breaks).

    Again, I have no major stake in any of it; I just don't think some measured response would be outlandish if players were to provide evidence that it routinely takes hours to form open world bounty groups 6 days a week. Obviously omni and spotlights are added focuses these days, but as a player who started when you did, the op seems to remember when open world conquest was more accessible and wants that back in some way, and I get it. Everyone has their forte, and (I think) you're better at pointing out inconsistencies in reasoning, flaws in proposals and potentially deleterious consequences than producing ideas. That's massively valuable due to scarcity and opportunity cost principles, so I hope you never change. I also would like to believe such feedback is welcomed by the devs along with this sort of request for them to consider.

    If I could change one thing here (I can't) topics like this would result in a little more leniency for diverse playstyles and empathy for fellow players' concerns. If their proposal is flawed, let's not forget, not everyone is great at proposals... especially when frustrated. A pitch meeting format instead of a debate team competition one seems more appropriate imho. As usual, solid post :)
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  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    There’s been pages and pages, in multiple threads, of suggestions and ways to work within the confines of the system.

    After you lead the horse to water, you trust it will lower its neck…you don’t build a series of levees to then raise the level of the water up to the horses mouth.

    These are designed frictions in this type of game. They encourage grouping and they add value to the different roles. Everything in the open worlds is not intended to be soloed and one should not have the expectation that spamming 100s of bounty counter feats is “intended behavior.” It’s not.

    You can achieve these feats over time, just like completing your 50 alerts, 100 duos…or do people really sit there and run 100 of the fastest duos just to get the feat “today?” Come on…no one does this

    Run them once a week for the mark run and you’ll have them over a longer period of time, but with zero stress or repetitive, addictive behavior.

    Or be stubborn. These threads continue to repeat the same selfish complaint that’s a non-starter.

    If they were to do anything, they’d probably just remove the feats rather than remove the clamp. And even that is probably a long shot as you have all witnessed the beginning of this DLC when the Gorgon did not have a counter feat as compared to after they added the counter feats for GG and Gorgon. The feats keep people online longer, which is an oppurtunity for them to make a purchase.

    (none of this was directed at you in particular btw…I’m not immune to being sucked into this toxic cesspool lol)
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I was rather surprised how essential the open world feats were tbh. I didn’t think they were needed and would be better off not having them to please those who don’t want to put in the effort to do them. But it is clearly needed. Thou I do think there could be a better system.
  9. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I read the part about this being the OP's 3rd account, but that's not really relevant to the topic. Yes, if you start over, it can be really disheartening to face all the challenges and the grind already completed previously and if there were ways to transfer progress between platforms, or accounts - I'd be all for it.

    I came back on a new account after many years and was a bit apprehensive, when I found out that I wouldn't be able to complete feats in god-mode anymore, especially on a less populated server, than the one I was on before. But it turned out to not only be possible - even as a villain, even with my lack of social skills and even with my tendency to play solo - but also a lot of fun and much more rewarding, than just getting my SP by default, simply because I managed to get EG gear, which is a matter of a few weeks of playing, at most.

    I'm still missing many feats I had on my old account (mainly all the group PvP ones and old Elite ones), but - so what? We have thousands of feats to choose from and I simply can't sympathize with people, who must have the most, just for the sake of having the most, despite not having played consistently for 10 years. Pi**ing contests and bragging about numbers are things I think DCUO community could do with a lot less of.

    As I said before - I believe no one actually needs all the feats and that feats are better if they are earned. It's OK to skip ones you don't want to put the effort into getting. I know many players with a lot fewer SP than I have, who outperform me in pretty much every respect, at any role and in any content.

    I don't see the need to remove, or significantly adjust any parts of the stat clamp, unless it actually makes the content unplayable, or feats impossible, which - in this case at least - it clearly doesn't. I'm against the mentality, that just because someone managed to get EG gear, which is a fairly pedestrian achievement, they're entitled to face-roll 90% of the game. I don't think wanting to "be done with content forever" is a reasonable aspiration, or good for the game.

    I also don't like the idea of farming feats in one day, which were designed to be earned over long periods of time, in order to keep players engaged and their experience immersive and diverse. Standing around, killing the same boss over and over is mind-numbingly boring and definitely not something I've ever seen comic book superheroes do.

    I'm not a game designer/developer. I'm a gamer. I stick to what I know, because I'm self-aware enough to accept my limitations and lack of relevant knowledge and experience. I have plenty of suggestions for players to consider, but - in my experience - they usually don't want to hear them, because they'd prefer that the game adapted to them, rather than the other way 'round, which is how I play games.

    I'm not sure such evidence is needed, or what would it even look like. Everyone interested - especially the devs - most likely knows what server populations are like. I could record hours and hours of LFG on EUPC villain side, with no messages at all - especially that people use many different methods to organize runs nowadays, like league/custom channels, private messages, Discord and whatnot. And obviously when people are busy with new content you could LFG for hours, trying to make a group for older content, especially if you did it during the time population is the lowest, like mid-week morning, or late at night.

    It is what it is - I don't know what can be done about this PS3 game's population. Maybe offer more to F2P players? But - again - I don't know anything about the business side of things, so I wouldn't presume to tell professionals how to do their jobs and how to keep profitable an old game built on a - presumably - expensive license, even if doing so seems nowadays to be all the rage with kids, who never even held a job, let alone ran a business.

    I remember those days and my recollection of them is not a rose-tinted as that of some. I remember trying to complete classic, or CC bounties with a lowbie group, formed specifically for that reason, when a top-tier player would swoop in and just swat the boss, making us wait/look for respawn again. I remember having trouble finding players willing to play content that most have already "steamrolled and were done with forever". I remember players being carried all the way into the Endgame by well meaning over-geared friends, then left to their own devices and being yelled at and kicked from current content for having no idea about how to play the game, or perform a role. Et cetera, et cetera...

    I don't know why we shouldn't have open world group content, that's not easy to complete - we already have tons of solo open world feats. And if the bounties were made significantly more accessible and people like OP would get all their feats - would that be enough? Somehow I think not. We'd just be here in a week's time, arguing over stat clamp in EEG Elite raids, or whatever.

    I can think of ways in which the game would be better, or more convenient for me, as much as the next guy. But there's enough of that going on around here. I prefer to work within the imitations of the game, in order to maximize my enjoyment. And if I can't - I'll just play something else. As for arguing with kids on the forums, pointing out inconsistencies, etc. - I just do that for fun. :)

    Welcome to the internet... :p The thing about pitch-meetings is that they tend to only include people with some qualifications relevant to the subject.
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  10. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Some might say they're super-easy.... barely an inconvenience.

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  11. Grip Committed Player

    Yup, comparison is the thief of joy; if asked I'd tell anyone to stop obsessing over other people's stuff (like game cash, sp, og name, etc). Some players don't usually want suggestions; others of them are thankful you and TI99Kitty helped them realize he (oops) hadn't been using game mail optimally for years. As far as the evidence thing goes, it's just part of being serious about something and prepared to show it rather than just talk about it, leaving your audience to wonder if you're bluffing in order to "stir the pot."

    I'm less confident than you are the dev team has all the information it would like to have when implementing and adjusting the systems in DCUO; there are staff-generated threads for player input from testing as well as styles and base item requests, and green name posts pop up in player-generated threads saying, Oh really? Tell me more! Tiffany6223 started one a little while ago and a dev hopped in with Breh! That idea is fire...(I'm paraphrasing). This PS3 game is unique and dynamic (for better or worse), and from what I can tell, feedback from everyone is welcome, man. That said, I respect your decision not to get involved if that's what makes you happy. You contribute in another important way, even if you only do it to amuse yourself.
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  12. Grip Committed Player

    LOL This one hasn't reached the depths quite yet... thankfully. Great point- some people aren't taking the nudge to abandon the Defund the Clamp position in forum debates, and it's too bad because it (the position) seems to be a repeat loser. I don't know, though, people really do love the spam on this game. Among players I know, the WV temple solo got hammered for those colorful crystal feats well before it got the EEG source marks treatment, and while it's not the same, being that STU is limited time, the linoleum in those feat counter runs gets pretty scuffed on a repeated basis, too. That's definitely not advocacy coming from me, just observation. Spammers wanna spam, and it affects the way others play (myself included) when trying to sync run schedule plans with friends. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see a lot fewer content repeaters in EG. I'd like to see a temporary lockout system on counter feats similar to some weekly catalyst purchases. Possibly offer weekly counter restart credits for the feats within the latest raids, alerts, duos and solos in as currency earned for running x number of omni instances. Same for completing past bounties in relation to the latests ones. Anddd, I'm off-topic :) Guess that's my unconscious way of admitting you pretty much covered it.

    You really got me interested in how differently threads like this would be received if their titles and 1st posts didn't include the rec to outright end clamping. Could set the tone for a much higher level discussion. No offense to anyone's opinion or what they choose to bring up as a topic; I Don't post to make enemies.
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Well, I'm sorry to report my solo battle with the paradox demon at the Clock Tower was an utter failure. Even though I didn't have to repair my gear, his health had restored to full by the time I got back to him.

    It is a foolish endeavor to try soloing something designed for multiple people to engage. My recommendation KidKretz is to find a group of 3 friends who are willing to graciously spend their time with you to spam any EEG Open World boss whose feats you need. Going at is solo is a waste of time and leads only to anger and frustration. I just have to accept there are some things in this game I can not do no matter how hard I try. I will focus on current open world bosses and get any feats from them and those yet to come. Sometimes, you just have to let go of the past.

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do!
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  14. KidKretz Committed Player


    i have 1 more level of poison ivy ally to go in order to be able to use her for the dmg reduction skill, i hope that helps me stay alive more as well :)

    i have the favor now, i just need some more source marks to buy the last couple items.

    here's hopin!

    goodluck to you too! you are a forum rockstar and i always enjoy your posts!
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  15. Grip Committed Player

    Ah yeeeah! Nice advice to say unleash the friendship mob on the bounties. You gotta be selective for the sake of the vibe, but a custom chat chan for group content help and info is also good in my humble opinion. I was playing late on my newest alt recently, and during his last raid of the night, there was an unkillable adds glitch before last boss. After a couple wipes and warps didn't fix the issue, players less hardheaded than me decided to excuse themselves, leaving me and a tank I didn't know or invite but was a class act and just as ridiculously stubborn as I am. A couple mins into the "duo," the tank cracked into the adds' health and I started letting guys know we were back in business if they wanted back in, but everyone was occupied or headed to bed.

    I reached out on my (one month old) friendslist and got some help but not enough to try to finish efficiently. Next, I sent a message on one of the best-connected players I know's custom chat, and the guy said hold on, after my alert, I got you. Fast forward to the 8 of us mercilessly beating the boss, and it was all another example that team works.

    Note: If necessary, find the Executioner prince from the bounties' various spawn points to solo for the least headache.
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you!

    I believe for the sake of my blood pressure, game controller and walls, I’ll stop trying to solo content that was never designed to be solo’d lol.

    If you ever are in need of a dps give me and I’ll help you out if I can.

    Rawr :)
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Mhmm, sooo hard.

    Demonstration from ages ago - 13SP and a Clarion.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Congratulations! I applaud anyone who can do it.

    As I admitted above I can not do it, I an unable to do what you & others can with EEG open world bosses. As such, I am going to stop trying to fight a lost cause. If others can solo EEG open world bosses, great, I’m glad they can. It’s something I can’t do.
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