Openworld clamp removal

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CrYsiS44, Nov 15, 2023.

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  1. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Most bounties are solo-able in DPS role. If that's a bit too difficult or you'd prefer something a little easier then make a good battletank loadout. I battletank all the bounties every week on my alt, most of the time completely solo. It takes a little longer than soloing them in DPS role on my main but not a lot longer. Even just using your single target DPS loadout but switching your role to tank should work just fine.
  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I can’t solo the paradox demon at the Clock Tower in Flashpoint Gotham as an end game player and I am sure there are others like myself who can not do it too. I am a DPS CR 425.

    I applaud anyone who can, but those who are somehow successful shouldn’t condemn the rest of us who are not. This is what I take issue with especially from the pro-clamper crowd the whole “I can do it, so that means everyone else can too, and if you can’t then get good.” Of all the arrogant, sanctimonious, pompous attitudes around here, it infuriates me and only encourages me even more to stay away from EEG open worlds. (Illumin, not accusing you of being one of those arrogant, sanctimonious, pompous blow hards)
  3. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    Sweetheart! Don’t try and be patronising. We can all pop in amulet and dps away at the bosses. You seem to be missing the point though. We shouldn’t ‘HAVE’ to have special builds to solo open-world bosses. They weren’t designed to be done like that. Also… when encountering VERY VERY old bosses. Say… battle metrop, the bosses there. We shouldn’t have to put in sheilds or certain loadouts etc in-order to deal with them, because our cr has moved us LONG past them, and they should be nothing more than a stray ad at this point. Do you truly not get that people don’t have all day and night to stand around solo’ing bosses x amount of times? But most importantly!… they shouldn’t have too. The clamp in open-worlds is nothing more than an annoyance, that hinders progression. Clamp in place: Fight boss solo, take however long to beat, rinse & repeat. Load of hours pass to make a dent in how many you may need.
    Unclamped version: Same boss, gets his *** handed too him (because his CR and stats are far inferior) THAT’S THE POINT OF PROGRESSION! To be able to go back, and murder everything. Not to go back, and spend forever solo’ing things (that aren’t meant to be solo’d) I truly don’t get what it is about people being against the clamp being removed. (Especially on a server with such low numbers as the EU) I’ve already made my opinions known on the possible benefits of lifting it. I won’t repeat it! But finally: I’m not trying to reach, or convert, or win over forum users. This post is for devs to see. It’s my opinions and grievances being shown to them. I’ve absolutely zero interest in the forums! It’s a means to an end, nothing more!
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Bosses arent intended tobe rolled like trash mobs.
  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Why not grab a helper? Nothing wrong with asking for assistance.
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  6. Sphealberg New Player

    okay then give me people to do it with :'(
  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    That is the problem, sometimes there just isn’t anyone available. It would be nice to be able to take care of these things at my own pace but instead I have to rely on others willingness and availability to help.

    The spamming of an old open world boss for someone who is helping another player can be mind numbing boring and tiring to say the least. I believe it would be better if players could just do these tasks at their own pace. Being +15 CR in EEG just doesn’t cut it.
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  8. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    I'm happy to help heal if anyone needs it for these open world bosses. I work from home so just hit me up in game - Twilight Man. USPS.

    Side note:
    If I'm honest, my favorite thing about collecting SP over the years has been reading the name and description. I like the comic related puns and plays on pop culture, but in the DC comics world.

    +1 to more of my "numbers" is nice too of course.
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  9. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    no! But when they were designed, they were designed for that content. A CR 93 etc boss shouldn’t be more than a one shot. Not… oh, you’re too strong for this empty place. We’ll restrict your damage output and have you fight like it was when you first did it. That’ll be fun, won’t it? That’ll keep players playing! It’ll help new players learn and “be as it should be” oh! Btw… why not take advantage of this CR skip, and jump right to EG play? that’s where it’s all happening anyway. What’s that? Making a new toon, but don’t wanna use cr skip? Np! Here… take this gear that’ll get you there in 2 days. They want you at end game. So why care about irrelevant old content? Why not let it be steamrolled again, if no-one uses it? That doesn’t make sense! It’s just some form of ‘we know we got it wrong! But we’re not changing it back’ when it would absolutely benefit the game.
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  10. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    *shrug* Give me people to run feats in old Elite raids with. Give me people to run 4v4 and 8v8 PvP feats with. The difference is - I can't even queue those unless I find 7-15 more players. If I can't find those people - and as a villain on EUPC/PS server it's particularly difficult, especially for PvP - I just don't do those feats.
  11. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    You’re purposely missing the point. This is more about time and availability. But ppl seem to want to keep trying to turn it into some form of belittlement. ‘You can’t do that, you just need to get better LO’s etc. LOL! No! Not at all! But yes… MANY can’t solo, and that’s absolutely normal. This wouldn’t benefit those with very low sp? Being able to run content alone, at their leisure, in-order to fulfil feats they couldn’t do alone? As I stated earlier in the thread - higher sp makes players take the game more serious. More serious usually equates to money being spent, as ppl realise their investment is paying off. Spend longer online (longer online creates a chance to spend RLM) I’ve already explained all this.
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    And if you're running that content, you're running it now just above the CR of that content if you're either an end-game player or simply a player that's advanced past that particular piece of content, plus there's stat piercing to some extent or another on non-gear stats. No more god mode. You're stronger than the NPCs in that area but you aren't in a "blink and they're down" position anymore. You're essentially designed for that content now, too.

    So that means bounties like that are still meant to be faced by multiple players and/or a group, even though they can be done solo under the right circumstances (particular loadouts, strategies for facing them, etc.).

    Like I said, god mode is gone now. Adapt or not, it's really up to you.
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  13. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    That's true. They weren't designed to be done like that. They were designed to be fought with a group. So, yes, if you want to take them on alone, you will have to "pop in amulet and dps away at" them. You can't expect that you can just jump into a battle intended for groups, and that you'll be able to button-mash your way to victory.

    Would it be nice to be able to steamroll over the bosses all by yourself? Absolutely. But that's not how the game was intended to be played. And it's not likely that's going to change anytime soon.
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Other pieces of content can be done, if that one cant be done atm.

    The ramafications of whats being asked is reducing an MMORPG down to a single player experience with other people that exist as window dressing but arnt needed much outside of that
  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It’s all relative actually. Right now, with the new Gentleman Ghost or Gorgon boss fight, depending on the number of players there, I might only get in a couple of hits before the boss go down. I still get credit for it, so it’s no slight against me that I didn’t get to participate to the fullest experience possible lol. With 30 other players there, these bosses can’t last long. Unfortunately, EEG Open world does not have this level of participation which causes players to struggle to get the spam feats.

    Being a measly +15CR above the NPCs isn’t all that great either. It’s insulting.

    I stay out of EEG content as much as possible. If I can’t get the spam feats while the content is still in EG, then oh well, too bad for me. I’ll never get it because of the way EEG open world content currently is populated or even if it were populated, if anyone else would even want to do a boss spam feat.

    Nothing is going to change anyway. So I look forward to future feats and future content.
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  16. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Will it help if devs makes the weeklies and bounties reset daily or every few hours? Might help ppl do the bounties more often.
    The loot lock is removed from instances but the open world bounties and weeklies didn't get added to that loot lock and weekly and daily reset removal.
    This can be more helpful than waiting for long ques. Even if the bounties and weeklies resets daily if not every few hours.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    You might be looking at either rewards being changed or prices on things costing Marks if that were the case. Having those missions reset quicker could mean the Mark payout would be lowered to help reduce the amount of Marks coming into the system. Or you could see gear/cosmetics/Artifacts/anything else I can't think of that costs Marks get a price increase to account for all the extra Marks available.
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    When youre saying you wont run the clamped content, but you also dont need anyone else to help if you unclamp it. Exactly what is a happy medium?
  19. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    The episode spotlights of double marks of 20 per raid run. Can do the runs with no loot locks and no waiting on resets. Can get 1000 makes in a day.
    All other raids are 10 Marks and can grind them easy. Especially the raids where it's just with quicker runs on boss burns.
    Like the brainiac flashpoint boss.
  20. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    There have been multiple suggestions for this kind of thing in the past, including actually creating the framework for instancing for particular content like these open world group-intended missions. That would make it a hell of a lot easier for people to get done through a queue, and even more so as when you have 8 bodies, you don't always need all roles present and can get by with a group of all dps, provided you're strategic with not dying all at once and can 'hold the door open', so to speak, by not allowing the boss to reset before people have respawned. (Even better now that there is no repair element)

    Otherwise, only thing i'd agree to here is a scale down mechanic that will scale an open world boss down if no other players are present that makes the fight easier to solo, or at minimum easier to handle with a handful of players as opposed to needing a full raid group.

    Other thing would be to remove the stat clamp at the general level and apply it only as it pertains to the max CR for that tier of content. For example, that means for content that's in the sixth tier as we are now, all open world T6 content will allow CR up to the current maximum for the tier (so 430+) with no other restrictions on it. That will make it easier to handle bosses from aged out T6 content but won't make the current content any easier, which continued to promote the use of LFG.

    Best combination would be the above along with the actual grouping framework for said content being a thing instead of relying on LFG, which is has a very low success rate for older content and isn't a viable solution.

    Establishing that framework would also do more to future proof content so that you don't have large chunks of DLC episode content aging out as horribly as they have been doing. It's a waste of resources to keep live server environments for these areas when so few players are actually utilizing them, and that falls on the developers shoulders for not having the foresight and experience to understand the needs of their own game (a forever ongoing problem with this team).
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