One Handed Focus Blast.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by 13igtyme, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    A power shouldn't need a glitch to be competitive.
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  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Ecaxtly why earth is such a sad power atm.
  3. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    well you could just carbon copy what ice does xD
    Ice's 1h spam build is
    tempest/bash > focus blast/snowball
    earth can be debris field/reinforce > focus blast/shards with some sandblast mixed in at <35% :p
    or you can do this (you may need proxy server cause ur eu based think there is copyrighted music)
  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Tested both. The one is decent as I mentioned (its simply just Debris Field, Reinforce, Sandblast, 1h. I also tested the other one and its too power intensive to me. Might not be the case for others but I always prefer a power balanced loadout and (I'm not blaming or knowing but the precise skill using in this vid is either unhuman good or macro based löl ^^) :)

    The vid is viewable, there might be some Slipknot fans in the GEMA business lol.

    At least the Focus Blast makes Earth and Sorcery viable xD
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    they are asking for this to be droped because its the weapon they use and like the advantage and for no other reason. people will use any glitch they find its sad
  6. Dirty Fred New Player

    Yeah this is exactly the problems with full NERF HYSTERIA as i see it to....
    It never starts & stops with just 1 weapon the Nerf spiral will go on & on until all weps are useless.

    There is Always gonna be some weapon that they Think is a bit to OP compared to the others!
  7. The Klepto New Player

    Why y'all always complaining about damage out? It's how raids get done faster and anything for the matter. It's how you can do the Odyssey feat straight up with good hard hitting dps?
  8. Dianna WD New Player

    Not... I'm not using macro, you can see it because my clips haven't the same speed all the time AND sometimes I miss the rotation. Anyway.
    Are more than one year using rotations with more than 3 buttons, my HL build never had just 2-3 powers to spam... And I'm using the same key binding for more than one year. This last help a lot.

    Btw... Focus Blast doesn't make Sorcery / Earth viable if you compare with a Gadgets/Quantum using Focus Blast rotation.

    I will prove how 3 trolls / 3 dps team build can make the Paradox Speed feat too without need a glitched/unbalanced weapon to make it work.

    My 2 An Epic Odyssey feat was completed with a third dps with no experience... My first one, when I completed with my HL, our Quantum dps never had dpsing before, his main role was always troll. But, no others dps online when we tried the An Epic Odyssey.

    Our second run, we did with an Ice dps, but he didn't have experience too... His main role is tank. I'm sure about get a third dps with high experience and get the speed feat without need an unbalanced weapon for this.
  9. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Its the long-known "I-wanna-keep-my-bow-why-should-another-weapon-do-more-damage?QQ"-issue. I see reasonable arguments on boths sides but I don't understand why something should get nerved when other things could get buffed lol. You see plenty of weapons out there that are just not enough to dps or heal or control with. Most ppl I know that use an unusual weapon use them because they don't have another one with similar stats.
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  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    It should do more than a charged blast though no? Because HB can tap and clip solar Flame.

    As far as I can tell you can do an incomplete charged blast in to a solar flame clipped and it's under 1s to complete if you're perfect.

    1h the full charge is 1s, but you can release a little early (like all charge moves like that) and still get full damage, so a little under 1s.

    Now I trust Shiny here, everything i've seen him post in the past matches up with what I see. If he says that it got ninja buffed then i'm going to believe that. But before we ask for a nerf shouldn't we be able to say by how much?

    HB with 1500 prec and a 192 weapon under a 35% mod and core strength will hit for like 1388, so just under 1400. All in just under 1s. And that matches what i see.

    1h under the same conditions according to your earlier tests would hit for the same. What is it hitting for now?

    I know shiny knows this but others in this thread don't seem to. THat giant hit you remembered seeing is NOT a good way to compare. Suppy Drop increases the damage 50%, Trinkets boost it quite a bit as well. Defense debuff will have an effect. You need to remove the variables to compare.

    When people say it crits for 6k. That would imply the base hit is over 2k. Which from what I've seen is not true.

    The question this all brings up is, why do some weapons get a crit bonus? It just doesn't seem to make sense that these weapons are hand down winners in melee but still viable in range. 1h if it's damage is what it was matches HB, making it the winner in single target because it has a 15% extra crit damage on top. You could say, well it doesn't have AE capabilities, well it has melee capabilites that make HB look like crap. So this idea that things are all balanced, no, not at all.
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  11. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    Yeah ;p solar flame/meteor is still better for aoe. But I was just comparing the two base ranged moves at full charge- a single target attack doing more damage than its aoe counterpart could possibly do to a group is crazy.

    Last I checked Focus Blast is doing around 3.85 damage (+/- 20%), so it got a near 40% boost on top of already high damage. With those stats and mod you're definitely not going to see a 6k crit without supply drop. With a 50% mod + core strength you could see a 6k crit, but only if you were hitting a player with no toughness in open world and not a mob. For a mob with the minimum defense, 5k is about as high as you'll see for a crit.
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  12. Dianna WD New Player

    Btw... Is ridiculous see a melee weapon(One Handed) doing more damage than Hand Blast or another range weapon.
  13. Chelzoraan Active Player

    "guys, this weapon that any class and specc can use does too much damage, i want it nerfed to piss off a bunch of people for no reason"

    OP, i hate you with the fire of 10 000 suns.
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  14. XxReCkLleSsxX Well-Known Player

    I would be legitimately pissed if this ruins my arkham joker in legends.
  15. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    You can buff yourself with supply drop and trinket and you still wont see a Solar Flame hit for over 4k maybe like 1/50 tries. Same for any weapon, Yea Staff and DW can see those numbers but not in the .5 seconds it takes to do a Focus Blast. You can get off 2 focus blasts in the time it takes to do a fully charged Staff BB
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  16. Dianna WD New Player

    DW never had an AOE damage... Why?! If it does 3k damage for 1 target, 1.5k x2 targets = 3k total damage, 1k damagex3 targets = 3k total damage... Anyway how many targets, the damage will be always the same for one or more targets... So, it isn't AoE...
    Isn't like HB... Why?! HB does 2500 damage for 1 one target, 2500 damage x2 targets = 5000 total damage... So, it's AOE...
    Rifle is AOE... Why?! Rifle does 1200 damage for one target, 1200 damage x2 targets = 2400 total damage, 600 x 4 targets = 2400 Total damage... So, the max damage is 2x more than for one target.

    Now... One Handed... 5000 for one target and no aoe damage... But if you compare the aoe dmg for one target, you will see this weapon doing almost the same damage as HB against 2 targets. So you can still using 1h for AOE, you will just focus and kill one target and still with the same Damage Per Second when in AOE and MUCH more damage when in single fights.

    So... It's unbalanced!!! PS: It's a melee weapon being much more useful than a range weapon for range fight... Make no sense and sounds very unbalanced
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  17. Dianna WD New Player

    Other thing... The melee Spin Chop(One Handed) combo with 192.1 DPS weapon and around 1400 precision is doing around 300+300+2500 criticals = 3100 max damage or around it in 1 second cast time.

    Now, range Focus Blast(One Handed) combo with 192.1 DPS weapon and around 1400 precision is doing around 4500-5000 criticals in 0.8 seconds... Make sense a melee weapon doing more damage with the range combo?! No... More one thing to think.
  18. Infinity New Player

    This. This times 1000.
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  19. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    This is what I've been hoping to read the whole thread hehe. Sounds like it does in fact need to be reverted to it's 2.8. It alraedy had the advantage in single target with the crit bonus. Then you have the whole converting in to melee WAY better than the alternatives. That's just wrong.

    Aye I agree, I was just hoping someone took the time to truly test it (which Shiny apparently did). Seeing the oddball crits is fine, but before we call for a nerf I'd hoped people would have taken the time to compare more than that and at least attempt to get exact comparisons. That's all I was saying.

    If Shiny is right 1h is just crazy right now. We're talking 35+% increase over hb not counting the crit bonus advantage. That's nuts. And to have that pop up without a patch message, it has to be a bug.
  20. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Be mad at me that's ok. But if your going to make a quote and paraphrase me, at least do it in the right context. Not once in this entire thread have I said I want this nerfed. This thread is to address the issue, if applicable, of balance. And as has been posted in this thread, some feel it is slightly out of balance.