Omnipotence Necklace

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Allies, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Will the belt ever be released on PS side?
  2. Radium Devoted Player

    Remember when people thought changing the loot settings would make it so you had a higher chance to get better items?

    The whole lower geared=better gear thing is in the same vein as that.

    BTW, I found out that no movement mode in Dox is a thing now. Once I heard that I knew the pug run was finished then and there lol
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  3. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Sorry, just saw the logo under the name... :D

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  4. D0SE New Player

    I got the neck first day beating Lockdown. First time I've ever gotten a piece of gold anything in over 3 years.
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  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    100% agree ... Vendor gear is better then drop gear everyone wins...0everyone has the same opportunity to get the best gear and it doesn't effect the other person 1 iota how they got their gear....

    Besides none of thus matters ...

    Infant think specific pieces drop in only specific raids other then the neck of op... I got a back piece and feet in necro and some one else got the back and feet in artifact.... Unless nec and art have the same loot table it's looking like you can spam the easier raids and ignore lockdown........

    Firm believer in vendor gear is best gear since we know that dude got that weapon cause he ran 7 raids to get it, he took the time and put in the work.... Rather then hearing these gripes wtf i was top dps and the 4th dps got MY piece....
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  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

  7. Ubersupreme1 New Player

    Imo I think that things like this should actually be put in a group loot table so everyone has a fair chance of getting it instead of a random (usually the worst) player getting it.