Offering now a Utility Power and reduced cost?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Whizzkid, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Someone that has access to test please explain what this has done. Does this mean offering can no longer be used to clip powers?

    ·PC TEST ONLY - Changed Offering to be a Utility ability.
    ·PC TEST ONLY - Reduced power cost of Offering.

    Source:Game Update 34
  2. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    It means that you can no longer clip other powers using Offering...
  3. TrueOlympus New Player

    The devs no nothing about Sorcery or they are so hell bent on balancing on the lower powers with eachother just so their favorites can reign supreme. This is beyond disgusting. Sorcery is getting "The Fire Revamp", a whole lot of nothing happened accept nerfs. The Devs are losing the communities confidence when It comes to power balancing. Its dumb stuff like this that justifies it.
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  4. TrueOlympus New Player

    It can no longer be clipped that's correct.
  5. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

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  6. TrueOlympus New Player

    The depth of the Devs understanding in full display. Its fire all over again
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  7. Sir Arcanium New Player

    Wow that is going to suck hard unless the pets get buffed enough to cover for the lack of an instant clippable 4 man heal. Some how I don't think a little shield for your pet is going to count. Not to mention it makes Offering even more useless in DPS role, and it's one of the few 50% atk buff's sorcery gets. Not that I used it previously in DPS stance, because the Fury was pointless.

    Sorcery has always had a rather limited selections of powers to clip with. Not many powers do clip, and many you can't clip out of without stopping their effect either. It is one of the key reasons imo that Sorcery has never really been top dog as a DPS or a healer imo. I fear we are going back to the days where all your powers are on cool down, your power bar is full and you have nothing to do with it. I mean come on, making Rejuvenate cool down slower was bad enough.
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  8. winter13 New Player

    The most disturbing Mepps quote, and I think Mepps is great at what he does, was when he said shard applying bad karma would be too powerful when they tested it internally. Even if they let shard apply bad karma, sorcery still can't hold a candle to rage, celestial, or hl in the hands of a skilled player that is similarly geared. This is truly a sad day for sorcery players. Both the healing and dps roles took a huge hit yesterday when this change was made (especially the healers). Guess I'll go back to clipping with boon again. This is a GIANT step backwards.
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  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    It is disturbing I agree
  10. WreckingBaII Well-Known Player

    Making offering not clippable is going to kill the healing side, what were they thinking? As for dps it will probably undo all the great that was going to happen this update. Not cool devs not cool
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  11. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    That is correct and it concerns me very much -_-. But that being said its still only a PC TEST Change witch means that depending on our feedback(if they actually care) they will change it back to what it was or make it better cause for DPS it sucks now more than ever and for healer as well :(
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  12. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the idea getting us to use the pets more? If we're to use the pets then wouldn't we need to use Offering to keep them powered? I'm sorry but I was already skeptical about running Offering and Fury but the better side of me was going to give it a chance because it could clip as well. Now it can't even do that anymore and would only slow my rotation down more.
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  13. TrueOlympus New Player

    sorry about the misspells. was posting from a phone
  14. Echephyle New Player

    I've contacted mepps about this and am waiting for his response. This change of no clip offering is really really bad...
  15. Clutch Committed Player

    Yeah this just means my loadout won't be changing, except for maybe barrage. Got our hopes up for pets then killed it with a senseless nerf. What was the point?
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  16. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Guess they don't want to make sorcery to powerful. This don't make any sense.
  17. Ghostof91 New Player

    Wow Im pretty concerned about my Sorcery character now based off ya'll feedbacks:confused:
  18. ToySoldier13 New Player

    Exactly why I switched to Rage; 3 years of suffering was more than enough. I knew when they FINALLY made WoD clip, FINALLY made shard actually work, and claimed that pets would return to their former launch time glory that something else was going to give in exchange.

    I see people still complaining about Clown Box nowadays - Transmute will likely get nerfed again too even though it has nothing to do with it anymore. Scary how much they hate you (formerly us). Best of luck fellas.
  19. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I don't see much of the issue. Admonish is also a four many burst heal and it can't be used to clip. Savage growth can't be used to clip, either.
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  20. TrueOlympus New Player

    i think its more so that sorcery healing as a whole suffers from lack of speed. An this makes it just as slow as it was pre-revamp 1.0

    also made it completely unusable in a dps loadout to power pets.
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