NPC's hitting too hard post GU80

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deus Ex Machina, Mar 8, 2018.

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  1. Roocck Committed Player

    Story is going to repeat itself all over again, wait for it!!!. Players are going to stop doing raids affecting the pug runs the most and some are going to quit... LOL
  2. Zneeak Devoted Player

    So when devs break something in an update, you blame the community itself for something they didn't ask for? And the IQ-award goes toooooo.....
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  3. Zneeak Devoted Player

    If you check the posts in the thread, most people's feedback seem to just especially be about that.
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  4. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Well mr award presenter, make sure you get yours first! Read what i said, people always so quick to be donkeys to other people on this forum! I never said it wasnt beoken, i stated people asked for it and this what we got! Here’s your trophy for biggest jerk! Have a nice day!
  5. Pher Active Player

    I'm all for a challenge when you're at level. When running an Elite raid when it first comes out and you don't have the new gear should be almost impossible and then possible when you're fully geared ( e.g. PanE and EscE should be doable, yet with challenge if you're 228 ). However, older raids like ZooE and ESPECIALLY USe, should be fairly easy.

    Last night a group from my league of all 225+ ( mostly 228 ) players ( and good players at that ), could not finish ZooE, final boss.

    I tanked USe Wednesday night after the update. I'm 228 with 381 SP and have 56k health. US did his rifle melee combo attack and knocked me out, WHILE I WAS BLOCKING. He didn't have a blue on me, rather I was looking to counter him as I've done many times before. His rifle slame did over 24k damage through my block. This absolutely needs to be changed.

    While there might be a few players who have nothing left to do in this game and like the challenge of taking longer to finish an older raid than it did before Wednesday ( based on the comments thus far, ) most people aren't happy with this and it's frustrating. We all factor in our time commitment to the game and many have goals as to what they would like to get accomplished in the time they have. These changes have drastically altered that and might make a few feats that us higher SP players are trying to knock off our list, nigh impossible to get.

    I've run PanE and I think it's fine. Haven't run EscE yet, but have run USe and heard plenty about ZooE, so those raids certianly need to be nerfed. Not sure about even older raids.
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  6. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    Yah, I am NOT liking the change. I have lots of SP, so I can spec into health on my chars. After the revamp, despite many hostile NPCs having way, WAY too much health, I at least enjoyed the all-but-gone one shots. Now the one shots are back, and it is killing the little enjoyment left.

    It's been awhile since I rage quit, but after 3 wipes on PANe last night on the first boss ("Johnny Quick's Whirling Arm" kept one-shotting before anyone could react), I was done.
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  7. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Read my response again. I explicitly said random one shots are not cool and not included in my overall point.
  8. Roocck Committed Player

    I have experimented one shot raids and yet haven't finished some of the old content Elite raids... I am not one of those that will spend hours per day to finish any raid. So I have learned to just forget it and continue, life is simple :)
  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player


    if only we had new content incoming that dropped gear with higher stats...
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  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Take a look at your own starting comment before calling someone else a jerk, pal. :rolleyes: Perhaps you should reread the main complaints from the majority of people in this thread before storming in and blindly assuming with nonsense statements completely irrelevant to the complaint in question.
  11. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Again referring to the "good ol' days", it was not uncommon for groups to struggle or fail Elite at level and it certainly wasn't easy enough to beat on the first day the DLC dropped. You had to wait and gear up well into the next DLC beyond the current level before you could beat elite with comfortable regularity.

    This is what players have been asking for...Elite content that's challenging and not half a step above the regular version of a raid. If I'm interpreting Devs' recent comments about SM not coming back anytime soon, Elite is now the new SM and therefore should be a bear to get through.
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  12. Ringz Dedicated Player

    You forgot to mention the part of what people pointed out when referring to those "good ol days". It was because content was engaging or mechanics. Its been stated many times before revamp that increasing health pools or damage of bosses does not equate to content becoming elite.

    But I agree with the devs stating that SM comment. They have stated elite will be influence by SM. So neither side should be playing stupid here. People have stated how elite content should be designed and the devs stated their plans of making elite.

    No need for people to be pulling the " Oh there goes the community asking for something and never satisfied" card.
  13. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    To my memory, SM did not have a two death limit.
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  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Well, emboldened by dealing with Talia, I decided I was finally brave enough to try for the Ultimate Monster Hatcher feat. But no. Couldn’t even get past first boss. There’s just no where safe to stand, and our characters move so agonisingly slowly. Serves me right for getting ideas above my station. :(
  15. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    No. No it is not. Go read others' posts again (or for the first time). Notice the theme: Un-counterable one-shots.

    No one likes them.

    No one.

    Also, from now on, I call BS on every post presuming to speak for other players without evidence. Show me a thread where the majority of qualified players agreed that the return of out of the blue one shots was desirable, and I'll concede you the point.
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  16. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Go back and read my original post again (or for the first time). I explicitly state that random one-shots are not cool and not counted in my point. The theme as put forth by the OP is NPC's hitting harder than before the GU, not about random one-shots. Stay on topic.
  17. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Someone here brings up a good point that is not being discussed thoroughly yet.

    Rereading the update patch, the key point of npc stat change is "account for artifacts". I haven't heard word from my folks I ask about dc on how content feels now but if regarding comments here...... What are people artifacts like now? So if I don't have an artifact will I be facing prior artificial challenge? And was artifacts suppose to be optional or mandatory to begin with?

    Of course there are alot of plot holes and green name comments that are going to be needed here. To me this feels forseen. Without an updated devs comment along with devs comments on SM to elite, this seems like the way to go. AKA players what you are facing with is an ultimatum.
  18. C3alix Committed Player

    Our league would farm for the trinket on elite 3-4 times a day, and not once have we needed to trap anything in a corner. The damage increase is a nice challenge, but unless you're a tank or you're blocking ever 2 seconds, you're not surviving that unpredictable one shot. Man-bat boss battle feels the same.
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  19. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    You know what I had to do that I shouldn't have to do? I had to click on your profile and go through your messages. This misunderstanding is on you. This thread is almost 4 pages long now. And the guy you quoted said "Things felt fair, you dies because you made a mistake. Now you just die because well ads hit too hard regardless of what you do."

    Do you not see how this refers, again, to the problem of one shots? I am not looking for names attached to the posts - I don't care who makes the argument - I am looking at the content of the posts. You can keep posting one-off disclaimers about one-shots not being cool, but if you try to make snide remarks against others bringing up the one-shot problem, I am not the only one you are going to have this problem with. Am I saying you have to give the same disclaimer every post? If you are trying to counter what someone else posts, and part of their post is about one-shots, especially when they are giving specific examples, then yes.

    As for your "The theme as put forth by the OP is NPC's hitting harder than before the GU, not about random one-shots. Stay on topic."

    What do think the result of making NPCs hit too hard is? Especially shots that would before bring you to near-death? One-shots IS the topic. One-shots IS the problem created by the NPC buff. You don't want to talk about one-shots but still want to stay on topic? Maybe suggest that the NPC buff be selective, such that just the current one-shot attacks go back to the way they were. But notice that even that suggestion still involves one-shots.

    If you don't want to deal with the problem of one-shots, then this is not the thread for you. Follow your own advice, stay on topic.
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  20. iMeMoriezZ Well-Known Player

    If you feel like the NPCs are hitting too hard you need to go get better at the game honestly. Imo the game is still under par. Just did a 13 min pane yesterday with this buff. I say they buff it more cause the content still baby easy. Stop crying and improve.
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