Not Good Enough

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    Explain how we should at all feel responsible or should take the fact that they fired 70 people a year ago into consideration? That was their move, their call, their own bullet they put in their own foot.

    And don't even act like everything was working fine on test- look at the testing feedback forum and you'll see there were plenty of known issues before the release that are still in there. Hell, they themselves know it was still buggy and that's why they didn't release the second raid... honestly I wonder gow much worse than the the abortions that are the released content for them to delay it.
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  2. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Why would I explain? I didn't mean what you perceived I meant. I hate the fact that happened to those with families literally weeks before xmas last year so if at least each employee was married that's 140 people who were left in a bad spot before xmas... if kids then even more. I was stating that considering there is 1) New DLC + 2) New Glitch/Exploit and backlash to deal with + 3) Because of the 70 going missing that you can't expect Flash type speed here - just not gonna happen so the only thing we can do is bear with them - right? Yeah cause there's nothing else to do except vent on the forums and make a mockery of things in trade chat in-game right now.

    Edit: Ohh and I never said everything is right on test, as someone else noted there is no ps4 test instance so that's more than likely why we're seeing these reports now of issues i.e. it's a small number of pc testers only aside from staff who is paid to do such so when 1,000's play something new if 100's didn't catch it, that is why.
  3. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    I can and should expect for them to be able to deliver things on a schedule that they themselves determine and can and have changed, regardless of if they fired 70 people (they aren't 'missing'. Don't act like that wasn't daybreak's decision. They made their **** bed and now you're trying to excuse them from lying in it) or not. That was a year ago and the exact release date for Metal 2 wasn't even mentioned until this month to the best of my knowledge, so the 70 people they gave the axe is superfluous to this discussion. I really don't know why you would bring it up.

    As for dealing with the money glitch- that's also almost completely their fault. They developed the game, they left portions of it vulnerable to people trying to exploit the system, and they were informed of it weeks before Metal 2 dropped. They were the ones who decided to take action right when the new episode dropped- not before, so they could handle the fallout before the new episode and not after so they could make sure the new episode was at least 50% functional before having to deal with the glitchers. They decided to have players test rhe content for free instead of having in-house testing staff because they wanted to save money- and as a result they don't have fast testing cycles. I'm honestly surprised as many people play test as they do- but then again I'm paying subscription to play a glitchy piece of trash at the moment so...
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  4. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    GU3 lasted over a month. WELL over a month. Were you there?
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  5. inferno Loyal Player

    Clever? Ignorant? Was not the intent of the post. You can either look for the brighter side of things in this DLC or look for every single thing wrong about it, convince yourself you hate the game and leave. You are talking as if we have ever received a DLC that never needed fixing. You can also participate and start posting what you are seeing that needs to be fixed, so the Devs can start addressing the issues before the holiday break.

    A lot of players are pissed off at the DEVS and thinking it's the same old thing again. Not taking into account that they had to and currently dealing with a disaster in the economy, player's glitching money that has affected the entire player base because of whatever drastic measures that needs to be done to fix the economy, and add that there are 2 major holidays approaching.

    So yeah, I tend to want to look for something better to look at.
  6. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    So you'd rather eat a plate of **** and think about how good the presentation and wine pairings were than demand better? You deserve this shitshow of a release.
  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    compared to the state the game has been in the past two and a half years a month of unplayability is nothing.
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  8. IzzysLantern New Player

    Id rather have it sooner than later. I mean im glad we aren't needless stuck in part 1 waiting. You can choose not to do it a week or two like you suggested but ima start my grind bugs and all. This new episode is ambitious for the des to say the least. All new maps with new background affects, New bosses, mechanics, truly the works. Bugs can be annoying but I'm grateful to be able to play new content and for them trying to hard if anything
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  9. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    You are entitled to that opinion. IMO the game has game quite playable...and clearly you were not around at the beginning. Starting with the Hack that keep us from even logging in for three months , followed by GU 3 in which IF you could log in at all, you were sure to freeze out multiple times in any session. Check out those events on YouTube and if you still think the game is so unplayable, you might consider spending your time on other games.

    That last is not a shot at you personally. I am just saying that if I am that dissatisfied with a product for a long period, I dump it. At some point, if you are playing a game that upsets you so much, you have to take some of the blame for your own frustration
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  10. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i've been here since day one.

    and yes leaving this game forever would be for the best.
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  11. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Yup . It's why I stopped playing Golf with one of my brother's in law. EVERY TIME he blew a shot, he lost his mind. For the three to four hours we were on the course, he was miserable. I finally told him he should quit the game if it upset him that much. As for me , I LOVE the game and would no longer play with anyone who made the experience an exercise in frustration.

    Same applies, for me to a video game. On balance, as a player here since launch, i have literally gotten nearly nine years of enjoyment out of DCUO. There have been frustrations. But the vast majority of the thousands of hours I've played have been quite enjoyable. ESPECIALLY since I got away from the inevitable drama that rises in most leagues and formed a solo league. The PUG life is actually pretty good on the whole.
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  12. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    many have to learn to let go of their need to control the game and to expect other to play it the same as they do.

    the nice thing about a pug, is there is no remorse in walking away from one that is not a reasonable fit.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    No man's sky, fallout 76, Assassin Creed Oddessy
  14. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    yeah, they should've probably should've delayed it for a while, but then they'd've had to put up with people coming on the forums & calling them sh*t for delaying it.
  15. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    No, I'm not playing this. Not a fan of the puzzles in multiplayer content in general which would give me incentive to give this one a pass but, on top of that it's a hot mess?

    I'll just play old stuff or take a break. They are beautiful maps and styles though. Some interesting damage sources / fight mechanics... cool cut scene with your toon. Lots of great ideas but I mostly pug, this type of puzzle / cog fest stuff is a nightmare.

    Sure some of the people that primarily play in leagues will love it though I get it... but, not sure I see the point in doing events to keep up the player base and then make it so you can't pug it... can't make everyone happy I get it but...

    No, I can skip it until something else drops. There's lots of DLCs I just won't mess with due to this but... the Alert and the Raids? Ugh... Not my thing.
  16. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Why I buy content and don't subscribe unless something comes out I really like. Then I'll subscribe until something I don't like drops.

    It takes awhile to level artifacts anyway... I can wait. But I'll still play the old stuff, I just haven't cared for this content too much... the open world is ok so far though... love the new map. It's cool and different.