No Limit to skill point assignment

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Yea I actually went looking for it, it was said by one of the developers in the stat revamp section way back but I couldn't find it. I've quoted it a few times in the past but can't be bothered digging through my post history - too much lol :D

    Either way I mean like you said there or not, it's not a massive issue and not really something worth worrying about in any regard either way ;)
  2. SparklingMayo Well-Known Player

    The damage ceiling/clamping is horrible!!
  3. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I'd vote to rename them too. No longer "Skill" points... name them. Ceiling points. Trait points? Feat points?

    PS, good luck with a new UI, if that is being considered to be attempted again.
    pps, SparklingMayo, thumbs up for #15 in your list. That would allow for cut scene skipping too. & #1. & #9.... that base item sorting was clearly done by a special person or persons that put something amazing into the game.[IMG] [IMG]