No Limit to skill point assignment

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Wait a minute, your argument is a good argument for PvP as well, being a noob with no pvp gear should be able to beat a fully geared pvp geared player that has skill as well.

    It is selfishness to do either way, but rewards are just that rewards.

    While I do not agree to raising the caps, it still should be a benefit to completing feats and obtaining stat points, just like it should benefit those who actually buy levels of PvP gear and face-off against somebody with no pvp gear.

    The challenge should be in the content having extra in other stats should make your toon even stronger than having no stats.

    Having the base stats in gear and having such small benefit with stat points or mods or consumables will only have people asking for more increases in a single stat.

    Too agree would say that as a troll vit. is something I can always use more of, but I happen to side with the argument that says spec into more health and defense for the extra survivalabilty.

    The only problem is the small increases with speccing 1, 2 or 5 sp into those stats, the increases and the content would have to account for the increases.

    Which would be effectively either an stat buff or a stats nerf depending on how many SP a player has in the group or on their toon.

    But then again having the game in easy mode did create more of a problem, from reading these forums seems a lot prefer the easy game play vs the work for it kind of game that HL was speaking for.
  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    no but if more and more feel their time and effort is a waste guess what will happen, especially if they are greeted by comments like the 1 you just gave here?

    the games population will continue to decline but guess thats not happening either :rolleyes:
  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats my point people who have worked hard for their SP' mods ect should be better regardless, and if ppl want that same outcome then they too need to put in the time and effort as others to get the same things.

    and as you said its all because ppl want it to stay the same for w/e reason they have. Rather its b/c they choose not to make mods, or farm SP' or w/e.

    and its utter BS as I said that someone with 235sp can be on par with someone 340sp. That should never happen.
  4. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    lol, you're wrong. I have 324 skill points. Yes you will reach the limit at 175 but it will become 183 next week and ep 30 it will become 191.

    You can get stronger, you need all the best gear, the current best OP pieces, and 4 elite pieces for the might % increase. Then you need all the best might gen mods and gears mods up to date. Not only that, but you need all the league hall proficiencies.

    Last of all, any extra skill points for pftt can go into Health for survivability. don't forget to get your movement mode resistances chances.

    Afterwards, your damage output will come down to your skill level and how you use your power. I see so many people miss using electric and it's true. Some people aren't on my same skill level with electric damaging. If you ran with me you might be amazed of the numbers I can put out with it because I know how you use electric effectively and skillfully compared to other players who aren't.

    And lets not forget about Nitro sodas. Some people completely ignore them. You know how easy it is to make a Nitro Buff soda? They too further improve your strength even if they are 30 minutes.

    Ignore Omega buffs, those are a different story and people usually sell them like myself. If people popped an omega in a riad with me. I do enjoy it. It's the only time my Might is over 18200s. :eek:
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    why wouldnt you, a person with 324sp want to use them for the purpose of your role? Why be forced to spec them outside of the roles stats as we are now.
  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    to add on to what I said above, yea they might be upping it to 183 then 191, but the feats coming with the DLC + TC will cover that so any SP' we have now remain useless. How do ppl not see that as a issue?
  7. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Yes, only support roles needs even more skills points. I would like to get all my damage crits for battle healing. I actually go this way:

    All restoration crits 60, 1 superpowered, 1 in bow which is by default, 7 into movement, 175 into might/power and I do amazing damage as an Electric Battle Healer, the rest of my skill points go into Restoration which is like over 80+ skill points.

    I have over 15500 Might and 10500 Restoration and do great as a battle healer.
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  8. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I see what you mean, but the current system is better than what the AM era was where CR ruled no matter what.
  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Im not asking for that, Im simply asking for our effort and time be rewarded. As we were led to think.
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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'm going to lay it down for you as to why what you're suggesting would hurt the game more then help it:

    Rebalance of everything would be required, giving us 300 point stat bubbles would mean two things, A), ALOT more stats which would make content alot easier then it already is, so to keep content from being dummy level, they would have to buff everything to account for the extra stats available from sp which would make everyone who doesn't have that many sp struggle with content which is an overwhelming portion of the population, which is not good for business at all. Or, B), they would have to take the current stats we have now and spread them further out over 300 sp, which again would piss off everyone who doesn't have that many sp because they'll be required to work harder simply cause less then 5% of the population wants to throw all their sp into might.

    It is not good from a business perspective no matter how you try to look at it. If you're one of the very few people with over 300 sp then congratulations, you're in the elite team. That doesn't mean everyone else is and the game should only cater to them. Work with what you have or be done! No I don't have over 300 sp but I got enough left over to where I can play with other stuff after I cap on might. I would love to be able to keep going into might/power, but at the cost of those who are still playing catch up isn't worth it.

    People seem to forget there are new players who still play this game and frankly are people you want to keep. If they feel to overwhelmed they'll just throw in the towel and the end tier players of tomorrow will be no more, which leads to the death of dcuo. If you're capped, then great. Go play another game till there's more to spend sp on or dual spec into another stat, like precision, so maybe if you want to go hybrid one day you won't even need to Respec for it.
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  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    are we playing the same game on the same faction?

    villain side is a ghost town nowadays. In the past a double currency / mark weekend brought tons of ppl back to the game, hell there would be tons of active ppl around on weekend, but now? Not so much. Not saying its b/c ppl are capped but Im sure for some ppl its partially why, along with the many other issues like TCs and nothing gets implemented unless they can nickle and dime the players off it.

    and idk about you but there's leagues dying left and right, league leaders that tell me that every new person they have tried recruited only play for maybe a week before never logging on again. Wonder why that is?

    yet you speak of new people coming into the game and staying as if thats actually a thing lol, when was the last time you logged in and played, may I ask?
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  12. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    So again. I am not even necessarily for this proposal regarding the SP thing. There is absolutely nothing against you personally, but this is the exact thinking that just blows my mind. It is what I would 100% say is truthfully killing this game. Not the revamp itself, or money grabbing or whatever else people say. Where does this mind-state that putting in work and grinding your *** off shouldn't end with content being easier? That is what always killed me about the "Steamrolling" nonsense (Which the revamp did not fix in the 1st place), but isn't that how it should be? I have not EVER played a game that as my character got stronger he/she was expected to remain on par with everything in the game. At some point no matter what it is the content will be "dummy level" because guess what? It is! If I go back to run those Brainiac duos because I have to run them 100 times, I should be able to "steamroll" everything in there because I am 206 CR. Sure a couple noobs come on here and cry about it. Fact is I've carried hundreds of low ranks through stuff, and the only thing any of them have ever said to me was "Thank you". If anything the present state of things feels dummy level to me. I am supposed to grind feats, some of which take 10-17 weeks without paying to bypass resets, and the end result is that I am expected to stay equally as powerful as someone who is only motivated by what boots go with their gloves?

    So no. They wouldn't need to buff everything and make it impossible for lower levels to beat it. They just have to accept the plain and simple fact that in a game based on that thing. What was it called? Oh yeah. Progression. That some people are going to. Shocker. Progress. And as far as it pissing off people who can't compete. Good. The last thing they should do is reward people who don't want to put in "work" on a video game. I can't think of any other game that would cater to that especially at the expense of those who are willing to do the work. Do you think that the dent in the population is because new players are overwhelmed? Or because old players cannot go "pew pew", "Steamroll", or learn mechanics? LOL. Not quite. It was because of this type of attitude. That it would be literal punishment for those who actually want to advance in the game simply because other people are, for lack of a better term, LAZY on a VIDEO GAME. That is the only excuse for people without SP. Proof? Sure why not....

    The #1 argument is what? "I refuse to do feats because I have a life". I am married. I have kids. I work anywhere from 40-60 hours a week. Needless to say. Time is not on my side. On a good week I will get my dailies done the 4 days a week that I work. Sometimes I don't even get those. I get 3 days a week to play for 5 hours or so, and sometimes I may luck into some extra time but it definitely isn't often. I also sometimes oversleep the whole day away, have other real life stuff to handle, and a million other things that reduces the amount of time I can get stuff done on an off-day. Plus those days where they take the servers down for an update. All of that. So in under 6 months I've reached 206 CR in both roles with 248 SP (249 as soon as I am off work today), and I also have a list of alts that I've wasted time on as well.

    To put it frankly. Anyone who doesn't have SP should be the ones that are punished. Not the other way around. Literally they would have to try to not get them because it is that easy. Sure there are some hard feats out there, but the majority are a cakewalk that require nothing more than focus/effort.
  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Currently you can only max out dps with superpowered. All other playstyles and support roles cannot be maxed out with the current skill point cap so I dont see the problem
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    This attitude is incredibly toxic and does nothing to promote a healthy game population. The fact of the matter is that despite your low opinion of your fellow players in this game, DBG as a company cannot adopt the same attitude. They don't have the luxury of pissing off and turning away a large portion of players who pay, and those who will at some point become paying players. Creating a seemingly insurmountable gap between the minority hardcore players with a lot of skillpoints and those players who don't care as much about min/maxing is never a good idea for a game that's already suffering from a declining population.

    Anyone advocating for raising the cap significantly beyond current levels is asking for the game to become seriously unbalanced. They're being completely selfish to the point of not caring what kind of damage that would cause to this already fragile game.
    Besides, as Derio pointed out, this cap is only an "issue" for Play From The Tray DPSes. If you refuse to use your weapon, that's your choice...but it's an option for damage dealers.
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  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    When was the last time you've leveled an alt from scratch? There's plenty of new players coming to the game, that's problem, you and everyone else pushing for this crap are looking at it from an end game veteran perspective, it's like you forget there's a whole other side to the population. I mean ****, just last night someone was putting groups together in shout chat for t5 raids and actually getting people to join, so don't sit there and tell me the lower cr population is non existent when all you can see is from the end tier perspective. I've seen more new people post Revamp then I have prevamp.
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  16. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Not worth your time to argue with him. He's so arrogant and stubborn. "so what if it breaks the game! Give me unlimited might so I can feel good about myself"
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  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Had to stop at the second paragraph an reply, because that's the exact reason that people disliked pre-revamp state of the game, there was little difference in performance between people that worked their butts off and people that were lazy, a player with 77 sp could keep up with someone that had more then 240+ sp due to the fact that the stat gain from sp was nowhere near effective as it is now in regards to how well you perform. All the 77 sp player had to do was pop a buff cola ans their stats were right up there. So what was even the point in grinding sp? Pre-revamp punished those that put work into their toon and catered to those that were laid back and lazy. Now there's a noticeable difference in performance between someone with high sp and someone with low sp and people want that gap to be even bigger? Alienating a huge chunk of the population? All because people don't want to pick up a damn weapon and just pew pew pew like they did with AMs? Currently to max out hybrid dps you need at least 418 sp, and yet there's people asking for an even higher stat cap :confused:

    Also don't get me started on the progression thing, players are still progressing and cr still makes a noticeable difference when you're rolling older content. Just because you can't steam roll and one shot things to your hearts desire doesn't mean you aren't progressing. A 200 cr in lower tier raids will be able to solo a boss with relative ease, someone at tier could only dream of pulling that off. That's progression, no matter how you look at it or try to slice it up. All this complaining about not being able to steamroll anymore is mostly people complaining because their once shiny toy is no longer as shiny as before. Ran wave last night to help people, me and the other two high cr's were surviving things that would be considered a one shot to players at 100 cr, hell the 197 tank just stood there at one point while everything in the room jumped him and said he couldn't die, that's PROGRESSION, a noticeable difference in CR and that same progression is with sp, as a PFtT celestial player, there is quite a difference in power management if i threw only 100 sp into might/power vs the full 175, that's progression. Being able to use higher costing powers because you got the power bar to do so, again that's progression. This false sense players are getting that their not progressing is merely resentment and anger towards the fact they have to put up some effort in content they grossly overgeared as opposed to before.

    To the people with very high sp, I'm sorry you feel your sp aren't worth it and want more, but currently PFtT dps is the only role and playstyle that can maximize their sp, healers certainly can't, tanks cant, trolls can't, hybrd dps can't, weapon dps can't, go build an armory for another playstyle and start working on that if you grossly out grew PfTT amd stop asking to give everyone else even more work.

    This isn't all aimed at you either MastaMind, I'm just doing a general rant.
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  18. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    You realize the solution here isn't to raise the stat cap but to split the Might and Power stats from each other right?

    Every other playstyle has something to chase. You don't because of a poor design choice to which was requested for all roles.
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  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah if power was a separate stat again, PFtT would require 418 sp to maximize just like everything else.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    I remember smedleys comments about only 3% of dcuo players ever spend a dime. We never see population #s but everyone assumes they are low, myself included. We also always hear how this game needs the money the casual players spend. Well if only 3% spend money it all doesnt seem to add up imo. Im not saying casual players dont spend/sub. Of course they do. But i think it may be exaggerated a bit when it comes to how much they spend. Or that 3% comment was way off.

    I also feel its way cheaper to keep existing players around then chase new ones. This is true of almost any company/customers. Now of course this game needs new players. But lately it feels like a lot of the focus is on getting new players and not keeping the old ones. But thats just my opinion. I also think about if i was a new player and all those pay walls im gonna hit when i get near end game? I probably wouldnt be sticking around if i was new now. If u were new right now, lets say started in the last 3-6 months would u stick around?