No drop in Oolong Island alert

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Deathsaurus, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Just ran this again tonight. The level 20 Oolong Island alert bosses still only drop loot for Tier 2 players and level 20-29 players are unable to roll on the boss drops.
  2. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Mepps, I submitted a ticket for this a while back and I re-ran the instance(at their request) and found out that only the person who is tops in damage out gets the loot. I found this out because I was tops in damage and I got the drops with no loot roll. Anyhoo, in their response they said they were going to further investigate this. Apparently they didn't.
  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    It is not damage based. I run this with another player who is also CR 43+, and we get to roll on boss loot. The only people who do not get to roll on it are those who are not level 30. I am not 100% sure if it is because they are less than CR 43 or not, but my hypothesis is that it is checking for players who can run the Tier 2 CR 43 + instance and not the level 20 instance.
  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    You can only run the T2 alert at level 30 and I'm specifically talking about that alert, not the level 20. Whatever is going on, it's bugged and needs to be fixed.
  5. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Wow, I thought this would be addressed in GU31. Just found out players below 30 still do not get loot in the Level 20 alert.

    This has been known about for nearly 10 months. Any timeline on when it might get fixed?
  7. GeoShock New Player

    CR doesn't matter, was doing the normal Oolong with my lvl +25 healer, no loot for anyone.
  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    It used to matter. Players who were over level 30 or over Tier 2 (not sure which) seemed to receive the option to roll on loot in the need/greed/pass system for the level 20 alert. I have not yet run the level 20 alert with my Tier 2+ player, so I cannot say whether the new loot system suffers from that particular flaw.

    Anyone over Tier 2 run the level 20 alert recently to confirm whether Tier 2+ (CR 43+) players receive loot or not?
  9. GeoShock New Player

    I tried it with my T5 troller, no loot as well. Generally no loot no matter if it's normal or hard Oolong.
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Haven't had a problem with hard Oolong, neither before nor after GU31. Are you playing as a hero or villain; server?

    USPC - Hero here.
  11. GeoShock New Player

    Villain/Hero, EUPC
  12. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I've just been running the General Oolong low-level Alert.
    I've run it multiple times recently. next to no loot drops in general and no boss loot drops at all.
  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Ran the level 20 mission last night with my T5 tank. I received boss loot without a problem.

    What level was/were the character/characters you ran on?
  14. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I alt jump so much that I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing level 22-28 somewhere. I think I had one that was low, but not as soon as they could get it and one that was much higher. Neither had any indication that I was loot locked and I'm sure that I had not run the mission with either of those characters during that week. I have 18 characters and rotate them around.
  15. Ragnarok Well-Known Player

    I can't believe that this bug is still in the game. 1st report was basically a year ago. Yes, its STILL happening (lvl 19 hero). Just to be clear none of the bosses drop any loot, at all. As others have stated only the mobs will - occasionally - drop things that are rolled on by everyone. Quite randomly, I received a helm off the first boss this toon's first run in there, and then nothing at all for the rest of the run in terms of individually distributed loot.
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  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Waited until I was level 20 to run it to see if I got any drops from bosses (level 20 is the recommended level for entering). I did not receive any loot from bosses. I will run it again as soon as I hit 30 to see if it requires level 30 or CR 43 to get loot. I'll post back in a week or so.
  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Ran it at level 29 to do a true test to see if below 30 is indeed the cutoff, and I did not get any boss loot. Two level 19s in the instance also said they did not receive boss loot. 10 months since Mepps responded...

    I'm a bit concerned that new players are being welcomed to this game by getting no loot in an alert, teaching them that group content may not be worth running in an MMO game...
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    At fresh 30, I also did not get any drops. This seems to be CR based. I know that my 99 tank gets drops from the level 20 alert, and I imagine the cutoff is 43 since that is the T2 alert requirement.
  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    On my CR 50 fire dps, I was able to receive loot from bosses. It appears that the level 20 instance is indeed CR locked for players below 43 as I originally hypothesized. I've put in a bit of time debugging this for the developers, and I would love to get a response, so I don't feel my time was wasted.
  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    CR 41 and still no drops from Level 19/20 Oolong. At 50 I received drops. I'll test again when I reach Tier 2 content with CR 43 and see if I get drops right at the cusp.