Ninja invited to Oolong Island Tier 2 alert : Guess why?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Giga Vamm, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    You obviously have no clue about programming so i won't keep trying to explain something you don't understand and let me guess the "devs" can't fix this because.... a million dollar gaming corporation got these "devs" from the the streets of San Diego instead of hiring experts, or you could ask them yourself how they got a job they can't do, or maybe you could look at how long they took their time to fix bugs in the past, but my best guess is they don't receive enough complaints to actually care about fixing it since it's not affecting their money or a lot of players.
  2. Gimpy Loyal Player

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  3. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    You're welcome. I just logged back into this. I usually just come to check on the biggest complaints. :) Hope everyone that's still playing it is enjoying it. :)
  4. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    every body wipes 2 people walk away from a duel both fact if you remember there is a duo you fight in the gotham sewers at T2...they scream they never lose...guess beat them..thus they enough "git gud" nonsense...fix the opening...devs have had years...fix it...thank you...
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  5. Dazz-252 Committed Player