next power after rage

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by IdontDps, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. IdontDps Committed Player

    saint walker is a legend and his super chrge is a full heal so i think were getting blue
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  2. thenewkidd New Player

    No new powers for a while.

    Not that I love learning new powers. Celestial is actually my favorite power next to Sorcery...

    But A new power isn't really scheduled for another year at the soonest. (Purely speculating of course)
  3. Alpha vermelho Committed Player

    War of light 2 blue.
    WL 3 Black,only to evil caracters, i belive can bring a new power, different of white that if only a buff of others light power. going to philosophic side, i dont see death like a bad way, but DC see and we need respect DC mythos, Marvel comics see in other way see the life impossible without the death, no need say that marvel much more inteligent than DC but DC have a better game.
    Amazon fury i belive in wind power, water etc.
    Hall off power atomic and other that i dont know.
  4. jedimaster91 Active Player

    I'm holding out for Atomic. I'd also love to see Wind and Water.
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  5. danielqpk New Player

    LOL ps3 can't even load into lair battles you think it can last more powers?

    I was in a legends lair battle yesterday and he did not start hitting me till' round 3, then sends me a tell saying he just loaded lol

    thats every time too!
  6. HealbotDeluxe New Player

    We have Earth. Why not Water and then Air? Enough of the Lanterns for a while or there is the risk of alienating people who aren't interested in them.
  7. ChefWilliam31 New Player

    Yes the Red LANTERN IS For Tank and DPS
  8. shaun10656 New Player

    hes asking what the next power is stop ranting about light powers
  9. CCTrinket Well-Known Player

    I think they are going to work on customization and characters looks at the most.
  10. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    first off it`s a game that at best does the source material little justice, and thats the only ring based powers that would be even remotely interesting (cant be orange, theres only one).

    ofcourse the best power they could put in the game is obviously akryptonian/daxamite power set. please
  11. winter13 New Player

    No more lanterns please...thanks
  12. shaun10656 New Player

    bane dosent have powers he has steroids if you call steroids powers then the super weight lifters have powers without his venom hes nothing powers are being able to shoot beams out of your eyes unassisted by technology or calling storms from the sky those are powers venom is not a power
  13. ACW37162 Loyal Player

  14. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I think you'll see one more round of powers at least.
    Will depend on what/how much memory they free up for the user interface.
    I'm betting spord in already well into the blue lantern power set

    Edit. Most lantern powers are a Ruskin of existing animations you could squeeze on more lantern power in. I think he mentioned something in the podcast about saving memory using existing architecture
  15. Sore Steadfast Player

    I wouldn't rule them out reclaiming more RAM but I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a lot longer than we're expecting.

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  16. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    Shadow controller vs quantum would be epic
  17. IdontDps Committed Player

    thats his internet then.....
  18. psi-knight New Player

    Strangely, I think we are good on powers.
  19. Zuse Loyal Player

    that ps3 makes me cry sometimes

    it's holding the u even know what kind of a monster game they could have made it ? do u ? do u ?

    its only a day only the ps4 will stay and they will make it....epic again
  20. MugenM422 New Player

    dHow could you play as a black lantern? You'd be dead and as such virtually invincible... (No current content where 2 lantern powers would be used against you, and didn't have any powers of their own, only controlled the dead.

    How would you play as a white lantern? By my reckoning they didn't have any really powers short of reviving black hand the anti monitor...