New way of travel!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by shotgunPR, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Vashta Well-Known Player

    As if running around looking for exos isn't enough of a chore...
  2. Karmapolice Well-Known Player

    Haha, eww! I knew I should have thought of a different word
  3. Baltizare New Player

    PVP or any phase would look like a Demolition Derby
  4. Kaotic New Player

    i would love to teleport, and there are more ways of traveling using the same 3 chatogories. We all dont need to extend the arm and fly like superman all the time i want to fly like iron man or with my hands to my side.. acro needs a wall run ability even tho there are some players that will say (if you want to wall run go SS) but if you look at it from a spiderman point of view he's pro acro, batman beyond can stand on walls and walk up them to swing,a hulk jump.. something..
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  5. ThatGuySon New Player

    How about changing the movements to go with powers. Or even movements to match the powers/ weapons combo. Like for Ice speedsters can create an Iceman like sled or skate like Freezone. Ice acrobats would be that water puddle. Ice flyers turn into mist or something.
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  6. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    Short range teleporting.... 'jumping' something like entire city block lengths.
    Aquajet torpedoing under the water surface and surfing on a wave on land.
    Super jumping Hulk style.
    Bouncing Gummi Bear / Plasticman ball style. Maybe even rolling curled up like a wheel.
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  7. Kaotic New Player

    like I posted above A Hulk jump for Acro would be awsome they need it, suits acro players right to have it.
  8. Octantis New Player

    I would like to see Acrobatics fixed to be like this:

    - Combine the two Grapple Abilities and add Grapple Swing as the Num Lock; replacing Rocket Glide entirely. So all movement speed increases for Acro are in one skill, making it similar to the other two (since as it is you have to spend three SP on it than just one).

    - Super Jump could be a cool Hold ability for the Jump Button (unusable while weapon is drawn and movement speed is slowed).

    NOTE: I play Acro and I think these would be awesome.

    I don't play Super Speed but I figure it could use a teleport ability in Combat to warp you behind your opponent or something.

    I don't see a need to change anything in Flying.

    I also don't see a need for any NEW movement modes, just updates or additions (even cosmetic options) to the current ones. Like instead of Flying with a fist forward, can I fly around the city in a hover board or an ice sled? I'll spend SP on them. We need Iconic stuff that we can spend SP on anyway.
  9. krullock New Player

    yes we do run and collect those we also collect trash to sell to venders why can't we use those to build with. batman dose not just fight all the time he upgrades his stuff . point is this is a way we could build are mount if we had would also give use something new to do with the R&D. just a thalt
  10. krullock New Player

    speed needs to stop and strat standing strait up . like the teleport idea . that is a flash move any way so that need to add that.
  11. ThatGuySon New Player

    I've seen 2 types of nonzoning teleporting. In City of Heroes they had line of sight, point and click, teleporting. In Champions they have a sort of vanish into a sub world where you just turn invisible and fly until a timer is up. The CoX 1 took too long in figuring out the destination unless you willy nilly porting.
  12. M-theory New Player

    These are all great ideas but they require an expansion of the playable world which would require modification of the current movement modes. Which are both great things but take far too long to put into action.
  13. Shadowhawk2468 New Player

    I personally like the idea of vehicles being implemented into the game like Jets,motorcycles,Cars,and boats and stuff like that would be terrific!So I'm in!
  14. Kaotic New Player

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  15. krullock New Player

    a little at a time they could change thangs slowly. one can hope lol.
  16. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    It has probably been said before at some point, but Acro and Speed need an innate like Flight has Divebomb.
  17. Kaotic New Player

    acro could have some way that their zipline movement ability could extend pass its normal range and speedzip them to their destination fast
  18. mechanic1978 New Player

    alright vehicles or mounts are something that i would gladly pay to have in this game a motorcycle or car to run the streets of Gotham sounds fun.
  19. Octantis New Player

    Can't really do a point and click teleport in DCUO since everything has to work with PS3 controllers as well.

    I will support Teleporting if someone can give me a good example of how to do it on a PS3 remote without making it just "invisible flying".
    I will also support vehicles if someone can give me an example of how you would use it in PvP or to get collections on the tops/sides of buildings.

    I would say Vehicles are more suited to Lair Trinkets than a new movement mode, for a few reasons:
    - I think most will agree that they should be outdoor-only because of their possible size. I can't see Wonder Woman flying her invisible jet through the Gotham Sewers or Cape Carmine.
    - Will they appear and disappear out of thin air every time the movement mode is toggled?
    - I'm sure everyone will want them customizable, making it the only Movement Mode to have multiple forms and styles.
    - How do you decide if your vehicle is a Cycle, a Car, a Truck, a Jet, or a Helicopter? Or even the color?
    - In order for a Car to "climb" a building, will it transform into a Jet?

    If Vehicles are Lair Trinkets, they can be implemented as a combination of the Sidekick and Minions:
    - Appearance based on Lair Style (Deco, Gothic, etc.)
    - Type varied depending on trinket ("Vehicle: Car", "Vehicle: Jet", etc).
    - Color (optional?) based on Lair color scheme

    Movement Modes need to follow basic game rules currently established:
    - They need to be easily toggled on and off without a transformation
    - They need to be usable in any environment
    - They need to be able to flawlessly travel along the ground and over rooftops
    - They need to be slowed, but still usable during combat

    I suggest when asking for new types of Movement, please please please the above list in your suggestions and give examples of how they would work in-game, and don't forget PS3 users (and some of us PC guys) don't use a mouse!

    Booya :D
  20. Kroye Loyal Player

    The Batmobile is sooo DLC 5. Since DLC 6, I just teleport between bases now.