New powers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tros, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Tros Well-Known Player

    I've heard that the reason why devs don't create new powers is because most players always play with the same powers (the most op/best powers).

    So because the game isn't balanced, would you rather not create new powers than fix imbalances?

    That to me is shortsighted.
    It seems like a lack of love for the game.
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Big part of it wasn't that players just play with the same powers, but that there wasn't enough engagement by players on new powers to justify spending dev time and money on making new power sets.

    It'd be fair to argue that it's just as shortsighted (if not more so) to put time, effort and money into new powers that AREN'T going to be used or help drive income.
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    I'd love to see a new power, Mepps said recently they don't have plans for a new powerset as of now. I do understand their reasoning, same reasoning though applies to why we never got another movement mode. I think It's time to revisit some things, to enhance and encourage players to play. New powerset can for sure bring people back and might not be the most used power, but people will appreciate it and often switch to try it out. :)
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  4. Tros Well-Known Player

    I believe players have been waiting for more than 10 years for a blue lantern. As well as other ideas. We have water, fire, earth. I've seen several players talking about wanting an air power.

    It just doesn't justify it.

    In several other games (which are very lucrative games that have shown promise) as much as top powers exist, devs continue to invest in new options for powers and characters for players to choose from.

    You just say we won't have new powers just because "it won't bring money to the game".

    Old players come back and see and don't see a new power, they don't see a balanced pvp, the dlcs don't bring anything new.

    Not to mention that artifacts and allies are at the heart of the pay-to-win game. Obsidian has already proven that artifacts are much stronger than skill points, an artifact by opening your wallet you can put it on 200 without difficulty, allied to the same thing.

    But a player who has been playing for years and who runs after sp can be easily beaten by a player who spent money and put artifacts and allies at maximum.

    The missions and dlc used to always bring news, new ideas, legend characters, powers... Today it's always the usual A+B. Go there and kill 30x enemies, do the same duo, alert and alert 300x times. Even the feats became repetitive and uncreative, make the same feat in normal, elite and plus mode.

    All of this added makes a player who has a minimum of conscience and reasoning realize that everything revolves around money in this game. In the past, devs had love, today they only see players as a source of money.

    Not to mention the time capsules that do bring unique styles to the game, but this loot box system is yet another form of online casino. There is a video on youtube of a player buying 1000 keys and even so opening 1000 qwadian tc did not win 1 void essence.

    I still don't understand how there are players who defend being exploited.
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  5. Tros Well-Known Player

    Exacly. Its all about open your mind.
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  6. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lololol.... What? People running an old game, built on an expensive license in order to make money - they're not doing it for the love of the game? Say it isn't so.... :rolleyes:

    They can spend months designing a new powerset so that 5-10% of players make an alt, or switch for a bit, or they can make artifacts and allies, which most players are going to be able to use, regardless of powerset. Gee, I wonder - what is the smart thing to do?

    This is why gamers cosplaying as Batman don't get to design games...
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  7. Tros Well-Known Player

    Yea its all about money right?

    It doesn't matter if players just feel used, they feel like the game just gets worse every day.


    After all, where does the money come from?

    Players want news, make a league just of lanterns, they want a more creative game, a game where you can customize powers instead of always playing with the same thing.

    The whole game is unbalanced where players always have to play with the same powers because the other powers are deficient (TANK rage and fire for example, which are the best currently and the best by far)

    It's just an example of how this mentality of: ahh it makes more money for them to ignore the players and subscribers to just look at the company's point of view.

    I thought it was about making a good game that people wanted to play and that was good for everybody, both parties not just the company.

    The game has fewer and fewer players and more and more dissatisfied people.

    People sometimes come back from years without playing and see that the game is no better.
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  8. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Make the new power as powerful as gadgets. Precision, or any of the OP cookie cutter builds and you'll get tons of people buying it. Dev team just doesnt have the skill to do a new power. It's a lot easier to pump out time capsules that just have styles on them.

    Electricity was a purchase power. Don't tell me that no one bought that power because I see tons of electricity. It's about making the power on par with the top tier ones. No one bought water because it was weak when it launched.
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  9. Tros Well-Known Player

    Exacly. Eletricity is the top 1 healer power that is played by now.
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I would rather the powers we now have to be on par with each other before anything new is introduced.

    I am atomic, I like atomic. But I have read that atomic is one of the weaker dps powers. No power should be greater than or weaker than another. All powers should be equal. Why even create a program where one power set is inferior to another power set? This is illogical to me.
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  11. NameOrNot New Player

    In the end, what's the point of having a power if, in DCUO, the strongest players are the ones who play with the weapon?

    There's no point in having a new power for the time being, as long as power and precision aren't equitable. Daybreak has created a gap between the 2 and doesn't seem intent on correcting it any time soon, so adding a new power at the moment won't even be profitable for players...

    Look at the number of paid powers that have fallen even lower than a free power...
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  12. Tros Well-Known Player

    That is a fair point too.

    And they say because all powers are unbalanced we cant create more because players will just play with the strongest ones.
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  13. Tros Well-Known Player

    When they say that wont create more powers because ppl only use the same ones (because unbalanced), they are just blaming us for their fault.
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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yep, blame the customer
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Yes, it's a game. But it's also a business. Never forget that, because money will be a factor in decision making.

    Players have asked for quite a few power sets and put forth many threads and ideas for those powers. Some have even gone into great detail, describing how the powers work and what sorts of interactions they might have with existing aspects of the game, and it's been impressive work on their part.

    But the devs have all the info. They can see what sort of use those powers are getting AND they know how much time, effort and money it takes to make those powers. If it's not cost effective and they can put that time/money/effort into something else they think/feel will add to the game (and possibly make money off of it) then you can bet on which decision they're going to make.

    Now, this part? Well, I'll admit I'm kind of tired and cranky at the moment (having sleep disrupted by severe weather will do that to you), but spare me the "pay to win" nonsense. Win what? Do you get some sort of special prize or extra loot if you top the scoreboard? The most you can "win" is bragging rights, and that really doesn't amount to much, even in the greater scheme of the game. The vast vast VAST majority of the game is cooperative, not competitive. If people would get over their impulses, desires and tendencies of forcing a competitive aspect on inherently cooperative gameplay, they might not be so miserable when not seeing their name at the top of an easily ignored part of the game (scoreboard).
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  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Many people from this game seem to fail to realize the meaning of this frequently used term in MMO/Online games:

    "'Pay-to-win' or 'P2W', is a pejorative term for a game that offers any advantage that can be obtained faster or exclusively via commercial transactions over gameplay rewards or the impact of the player's own performance."

    Basically pay to progress, but that is not how it is referred.
  17. Tros Well-Known Player

    In the past, they used to launch a power in almost every episode and today how is it?

    I believe that all the dissatisfaction of most players is for a valid reason.

    Here you are ignoring a lot of human behavior, there will always be competition, there will always be a person who performs their role better than someone else and there will always be someone who will not perform their role well. Ego is something that counts a lot especially in a game like DCUO. And the way the game is being developed I do believe that the greatest desire is to make a game that is profitable and not a game that is good for the players.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player


    This makes me angry. I don’t know why it makes me angry but it just does, and that frustrates me because I want to know what it is I’m angry about! I hate it when I get like this! Lol

    You are right, the Company is a for profit business, their primary product that we consume is DCUO, with lesser in-game products to sell which will enhance the overall gaming experience. Power sets already exist. Customers request additional variety. Creating additional variety costs time / payroll / diverting of development personnel away from other projects. Customers have every right to ask the Company, any company actually, for an additional product or product modification. It give the Company, and any other company, insight into what is on their customer’s mind. If it is feasible, that is for the Company to decide, but at least it gives them insight they might not have otherwise been aware of.

    I work for a large well known marketing firm, and I have to try my best to give our customers whatever they as for, and sometimes they are so hard to please like today and I’m just AAAAAAAAAH! But we have to keep them happy because they pay the bills and keep us in business and me in a job.
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  19. Tros Well-Known Player

    Exacly. I just dont understand why others players come here to just defend that are no powers coming because will not give "money" to Daybreak.

    As costumers we want a better game for we to play. Duh
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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    Just like any business:

    Ttime + amount of work put in to something + money output needs to be worth it and make them more money.. we, as custiomers, have proven to them over and over that the time + amount of work put in to something + money output, when it comes to new powers, is just not worth it